Chapter 7

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We didn't have any class today and Nezu and his siblings will be home pretty soon since we're almost done with our project. Unfortunately, Nezu had to go to his job so me and the kids were left in the house.

We played, cooked, studied, and went outside together. Nezu will be home in a couple of minutes, so we just waited for him. We just finished cooking when we suddenly heard thunder booming outside and the strong rain and wind. I guess the storm came early. 

The kids hid behind me and covered their ears since they were scared of the loud thunder that can be heard inside the house. We moved to the living room and I turned on the television to distract them from the sound of thunders. I set the volume high so the kids wouldn't need to heard the thunders. 

I was getting worried for Nezu since he just walks home. My place is kind of far from his work but his last text said that he was on the way home. I was about to grab my car keys and go find him when the doorbell rang. I hurriedly went to open the door and saw a really soaked Nezu. 

"Come in" I pulled him inside the house and told Ryu to get him a towel and he immediately ran upstairs. The others turned the television off and went to their brother who's soaking wet. I could tell that they were worried for him as they panicked and tried to help him with his stuff. 

"Are you okay?" I worriedly asked as I accepted the towel that Ryu gave and started drying his hair and arms. 

"Yea- achoo!" He sneeze and acted like he was fine and gestured me to give him the towel so I did. He'll be sick tomorrow, for sure. 

"Why don't you shower first?" I suggested but he shook his head and placed the towel on his shoulders when he was done drying himself. 

"Did you guys- achoo! eat already?" His nose was already turning red and his voice was becoming hoarse but he's still worried about his siblings more than his own health. 

"Not yet Onii-chan, we were waiting for you to get home" Said Daikichi who's staring worriedly at his brother. 

"Okay, let's eat then" He smiled and marched to the dining area first. I let out a sigh and told the kids to follow him. I really can't force him to take care of himself because his siblings will always be his number one priority. 


All of us already finished eating and now me and Nezu are in my room. I told Kyouko to sleep with her brothers for tonight just so I can keep my eyes on their brother. I already know that Nezu would be sick since he has been working overtime these past few days and now he got wet by the rain. 

By the time I was done showering and changing in the bathroom Nezu was already sleeping. He went to go shower first and I guess he must've got tired from his work so he slept easily. I laid beside him and admired his face. I'm really proud of this guy, despite his busy schedule he still manages to squeeze our project. He has been working overtime but he never fails to have time to help me with our project. 

I soon fell asleep just by looking at him. 

I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night because someone was grunting and turning beside me. I opened my eyes and realized that it was Nezu, I went to his side and touched his forehead. He's hot, he has a fever. 

I quickly ran downstairs to get a towel and dipped it into a bowl full of warm water. I also got a glass of water and medicine. I ran back upstairs and wiped his arms. He was sweating all over his body and I wiped them all. He opened his eyes and was confused to see me. 

"Ri? Why is it hot?" Ri? Is that his nickname for me? No, no, focus Akari, focus. 

"You have a fever, that's why" I placed the towel back to the bowl and helped him sit up. I got the glass of water and gave him the medicine, which he luckily took. 

"Sit for a bit" I instructed and he nodded and rested his head on the head board while panting. I rummage through my closet to find a hoodie that will fit him, luckily I found one. 

I made him wear my hoodie since he was only wearing his sweatpants . Then I helped him lay back down and covered him into three blankets. I grabbed the face towel again and placed it on his forehead. I laid down next to him and cuddled him so he wouldn't feel cold. I don't know if it's because he's sleepy or he really wanted it but he hugged me and snuggled closer to me.  

"Try to fall back asleep" I didn't know what I was doing but I kissed his forehead and played with his hair. He didn't stop me though, he just nodded and closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep. 


The next day, I woke up to me and Nezu still cuddling each other. I touched his forehead and it seemed like his fever had gone down but he still can't go to school today. I grabbed my phone and called someone. 

"Hello?" Said the other person on the line.

"Its me, Akari" 

"Ohhh hi, good morning. Why'd you call?" The other person said cheerfully. 

"Yagi, me and Nezu can't go to class today" I didn't have a choice but to call this weirdo since if I call Kamitani I'm sure he will ask why I'm not gonna be able to come and why Nezu can't too. 

"What? Why? Married couple stuff?" 

"No, he's sick and I'll take care of him" Luckily he couldn't see me over the phone. It would've been embarrassing if he sees me blushing. 

"SEE! It is married couple stuff!" He yelled over the line so I needed to move the phone away from my ear because his voice was way too loud. 

"Whatever Yagi, just please tell the teacher okay?" 

"Sure thing!" With that I ended the call and Ryu also came in my room.

"I'm guessing that you won't be coming to school?" He asked while looking at mine and Nezu's position. He was hugging me on my side and is laying down on my arm while my hand is on his hair.

"Yeah no, can you and the others safely go to school?" I asked, just to make sure. 

"Yeah. I'll just call our driver" I nodded and thought that he was gonna go out but he didn't, he just stood there, watching us. 

"What? You're gonna be late if you keep standing there-"

"You like him, don't you?" He asked with seriousness in his voice. His emotion was blank so I don't really know if he's glad or upset. 

"How can you say so?"

"It's obvious. You're happy when you're with him, you always smile. You don't cook for other people besides me yet you cooked for him and his siblings. You don't invite your friends over, only Kamitani-kun stepped foot here besides us and yet it's rare. And lastly, your studies matter and yet you're not going to school because he's sick. So, tell me sis, is my hunch right?" Sometimes having a smart brother can be scary, really scary.  

"Yes, yes your hunch is right" 


He was quiet, dead quiet.

"I'm happy for you then, he's a great guy. I like him for you" He smiled genuinely. I know my brother, and I know if his smile is fake or not. That's why I know that the smile that he has now is genuine. 

I smiled and gestured him to come. He ran and gave me a big hug. My brother has always been so protective of me, he cares about me so much that even when I get a slight cut he would start crying and would panic. I know that he knows about all the sacrifices I have made for me, I know that he's well aware of how much I love him.  

"You deserve all the happiness in this world, sis" 

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