Chapter nine

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"I met Scaramouche, you know the sixth fatui harbinger"

"Kazuha don't tell me you were putting yourself in danger" Beidou said worriedly

"I was fine, I can look after myself you know" he answered back

"But I wouldn't want to loose a friend, especially you" she replied "anyways what happened?"

"Well I stayed at his house for awhile" he explained "then we had a disagreement"

"You stayed in his house.." the brunette answered absolutely shocked "how does that even happen"

"Well I didn't find out till the end that he did it so he could put me off my task of finding out information" Kazuha responded "but he messed with me a bit and we are definitely on bad terms now."

"Messed with you..?" Beidou questioned but then she gasped "Do you.. like him?" She asked lowering her voice a bit

"I did" Kazuha responded blandly

"How about now? Do you still?" She asked

Kazuha thought, to be honest he didn't know. Why did he even like him in the first place? Maybe it's just because of the fact that they were always in close proximity to each other, not to mention the moments they had shared that felt like tender love but then again now that he knew they were fake.

now he can't tell if his feelings had changed. Was there anything that Scaramouche had actually done out of pure kindness other than keeping him alive by giving shelter and hiding him away from the shogunate? Though to Kazuha being kept alive wasn't exactly a favour.

"No" Kazuha responded but his attempt to hide the fact that he was unsure failed and Beidou could tell that he wasn't certain, All she could do was shake her head.

"Look just be careful.. alright?" She said, she smiled and then proceeded to yell to the rest of the crew



The sound of rain softly hitting the ground could be heard as Kazuha got off the boat, he was slightly irritated that it was raining just because he was in a bad mood. Normally he would have appreciated it. He decided a trip to Liyue harbour would do him some good. He didn't particularly like the crowds of the city but the familiar area and atmosphere made him feel at peace with his surroundings.

"I'm going to the city for a bit" Kazuha tells Beidou

"Oh! I need to go there as well, how about we walk together eh?" She replied

"How come you need to come to Liyue on his very.. fine day" Kazuha asked looking into the cloudy sky

"Too see Nigguang, I need to talk to her about something"

Kazuha stayed silent, he didn't have to ask what about because he had a feeling he knew what they were going to 'Talk' about. They both walked in a comfortable silence for a while, all they could hear were each others soft footsteps on the ground.

"How come you're going to Liyue then?" Beidou asked suddenly

"Going to a Tavern, I haven't had anything to drink for a while" he chuckled softly and looked sadly into the distance

"I hope you're okay.. don't get too drunk" Beidou responded

"I won't" he sighed


Arriving in the city they were greeted with its typical business of a Friday night, the sky was decorated with pretty shining stars that lit up the dark night. Despite it raining earlier, it was now hot as it was warm all year round which Kazuha was thankful for since he wasn't exactly fond on cold weather though he found snow very pretty.

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