Men always keep promises.Part one.

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Men always keep promises.
Drabble 1.
Part one.

the sun is shining, colorful flags are flying in the wind, children's laughter and excited hubbub can be heard everywhere. Grace!

Today is a holiday in honor of which the king, for free and completely free of charge, so, at least, they say, distributes food to ordinary citizens, which adds fire to the cauldron of general unrestrained fun. Yes, and what! From the royal kitchen.

Only now the scouts are not laughing and having fun again. Today, at dawn, a breathless Nifa flew into the secret intelligence headquarters with a letter from Erwin, in which he ordered Levi and his squad to immediately flee to the forest. And Smith's chuyka did not let him down, literally half an hour later, the military police descended on the already empty headquarters, then the scouts would definitely rush away not on their own two feet, but on the wagons of the military police, tied hand and foot and declared traitors to the motherland. The king has started a war against intelligence. of course, there were rumors that this unit was even threatened with disbandment.

And the hunt for Eren and Historia began at the right time. I had to voluntarily hand over Armin and Jean to the thugs, disguised as Reiss and Yeager. Now the two of them were sitting under the supervision of the kidnappers, and Captain Levi sent the rest of his modest squad to rescue them: Mikasa, Connie and Sasha.

- How are the doppelgangers?  Jean finally spoke up, looking furtively at the captain. Levi demanded Hanji's men at his disposal for surveillance of the wagon with Eren and Historia. Jin is one of the privates from Hanji's fourth squad. Despite the fact that she formally obeyed Zoya, Levi was too fond of keeping her by his side. Jean could not find an explanation for this phenomenon: she is an ordinary soldier, not the worst, but not the best of her kind. But the ability to think and analyze could not be taken away from her, this plus of hers played into her hands when she was assigned to the Hanji squad. Such people are very much needed there.

"Everything's going according to plan," Levi muttered. Ackerman was sitting on the roof next to Jean, looking down at the huge crowd that seemed to purposely prevent the covered wagon with Ehren and Historia from passing. There were not enough people, there were gaps between the checkpoints, but Levi again ordered Jean to stay close to him, even though a good part of the positions were empty.

- But you, Captain, nevertheless are not happy, - Jean peered into Captain Levy's face as best she could. He pulled the hood tighter over his head, almost completely hiding behind it. Almost everyone who had worked with Levi swore that his face expressed absolutely nothing. But Jean had learned to read Levi like a book over the years of working together.

The girl managed to somehow magically notice changes in his mood by nonverbal signs, which gave her the opportunity to dig into Ackerman's thoughts as soon as she wanted. More than anything, Levi didn't like it when people got into his head, but he didn't resist Jean's "invasion", on the contrary, he believed that their connection on a mental level made them excellent partners. And again oddities. Levi preferred to work alone, but Jean was the only exception for him.

Levi sighed heavily, as if wondering how Jean managed to read his emotions, he was so careful to hide his anxiety. Ackerman sat in silence for a minute, and then began:

"Do you know about Kenny the butcher?"  Levi looked straight into Jean's green, rasstery eyes.

- Are you sure that the discussion of ancient tales about maniacs - thugs is now in place?  Jean raised one eyebrow in surprise. She knew that Levi never talks just to talk. Therefore, the speeches about maniacs worried her very much, even frightened her.

- The tales about him are true. I grew up with him," Levi said, which threw Jean into utter shock. She froze with her mouth slightly open, staring at the captain, who hurried back to looking at the crowd. He kept craning his neck, squinting.

- I didn't think that we had become so close that you were already introducing me to your relatives, - Jean giggled hysterically. Stupid jokes are the only thing that kept her from going crazy during the years of service filled with pain, fear and terror. As soon as the adrenaline hit Jean's head, she would start joking. Bad and unfunny. In the squadron in which she served, even a local joke was born that if Jean grabs a titan in the last seconds of her life, she will give out jokes for a whole collection.

- If my intuition does not fail me, then he is here today, - Levi put his hand on the UPM hidden under the fabric of his dark green cloak, - here to kill us.

- What a pity!  Jean said with mock sadness, slapping her thigh even too loudly to go unnoticed, "I don't want to die. I didn't even have time to get married.

- If we survive, I promise, I will personally marry you, - Levi blurted out, leaving Jean, who was taken aback, to think out his words herself. The girl was clearly not ready for such a turn of events, Levi did not joke often. But there is some truth in every joke.

• Bang Bang - KNAAN

- Bang!  a man's voice rang out loudly, hoarse, followed by a pistol shot. Jean turned around at the sound with lightning speed. Behind her, her comrade was flying from the roof, a puddle of blood spread on his chest. As soon as he collapsed on the paved road, a child's screech cut through the air. Some poor little girl witnessed the murder of an innocent soldier.

- Well, Levi, have you grown up? - on the next roof, a tall man walked with a confident step, hung with drive belts and the latest guns. A wide-brimmed hat was pulled over his eyes, but even through it it was clear that this man was no longer young. But he still jumps like a young man, a nimble bastard! UPM cables whistled, cutting through the air, a second later dozens of soldiers soared into the sky. But none of them served in intelligence. These are others... And they don't even have emblems on them.

A synchronized shot rang out, and the still-warm corpses of Jean and Levi's comrades fell from the roofs.

- Yes, you're still the same shorty!  the man laughed hoarsely, rising into the air on the ropes. He described a somersault in the air, hanging upside down for a while. His hat flew off, and for the first time Jean was able to see his face. There was stubble on his chin, long hair, among which gray hairs were already visible, was combed back, and his face was dotted with wrinkles. But despite all his senile appearance, the man was filled with life and perceived everything as a stupid game. And, it seems, he seriously intended to do away with Levi, whom he raised himself. I begot you, and I will kill you.

- Kenny!  Levi screamed in a shrill voice that Jean had never heard before. The captain's gaze was instantly filled with hatred and determination. Both Levi's blades flew straight at Kenny, but they only knocked helplessly against the pistol, which they put up a shield in front of them very timely.

- Did you really find yourself a girlfriend, eh, Levi?  Kenny shouted, now aiming at Jean, who was paralyzed with fear.

- Run!  Levi cried out. A shot rang out, Jean squeezed her eyes shut, saying goodbye to life. But a pair of strong arms wrapped around the girl's waist, hugging her. When she finally decided to open her eyes, she realized that the captain, having grabbed her in an armful, was now, putting one foot forward, sliding down the roof, breaking the tiles into splinters.

When Jean finally came to her senses, she pulled the triggers on her drive without delay. Two pairs of cables cut through the air: hers and Levi's. Both soldiers flew in the same direction, trying their best to save their ass.

The girl looked up and realized that all the checkpoints were empty. What does it mean, they are the only ones who managed to survive? It's not the first time fate has played such a cruel joke with Jean. She's not the best fighter, but Fortune just smiles at her. She gets away with it, while the worthy die on the battlefield. And so again. She could not even move from fear and would have died in the ranks of the first, if not for the captain. How many times is he saving her life? The hundredth? Thousandth?

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