Chapter 3

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(Y/n)-your name
(F/p)-favorite pastry
(F/d)-favorite drink
(F/s)-favorite subject

*Miyuu's pov*

It's been three weeks since I've become friends with the so called 'ghost girl' in the library and honestly she's really nice!

At first she was a bit timid around me but overtime she started opening up and I must say she's really (quiet/loud) but in a good way of course!

We mostly hang out in the library the place where we met.

Momo is a bit unsure but I'm sure the two will get along just fine!Chiyo on the other really like (Y/n)!

I'm really glad honestly since I was a bit unsure how those two will react towards her.

Right now I'm heading towards the library since class just ended,Im gonna ask (Y/n) if she wants to hang out in the new cafe just across the street.

Apparently it's called 'Mochi's Palace' the owner named the cafe after her cat.

I'm gonna ask her to help me in (F/s) since I'm a bit confused about it.

As soon as I neared the library I saw her,she was wearing the school uniform since our school is extremely strict about dress code.

"(Y/n)!" I called for her,she then looked at me with a (large/small) smile on her face,she then wave her hands as a greeting.

"Hi Miyuu" she said "Do you want to go to this new cafe? My treat!" I asked her,she looks to the ground in thought before she nodded her head towards me "sure" she said.

I let out a wide grin sparkles in my eyes,she let out a small chuckle at my childish act.

As we started to walk to the cafe we're having a conversation (I/she) was rambling about random things while (I/she) just nod along.

When we reached the cafe we noticed that there wasn't much people in there.We sat at the table near the windows,the cafe has a lot of cats and rabbits on the walls and counter.There was also a picture of a cat chef on the menu.

"This place is really cute and cozy" I said looking at the cafe in awe.

She nodded at my words,we soon talked about the food in here,which mostly consisted of sweets and coffee.

A waitress soon came up to us "Hi! Welcome to Mochi's Palace,what would you like to order?" She asked us politely.

"I'll have a fruit Tarte and a latte" I said
"I'll have the (F/p) and a (f/d) please" (Y/n) said.

The waitress nodded while she writes down our orders.
"So while we wait can you help me with this" I said as I pull out my homework Mrs.Snow gave us in (F/s).

I then gave her the paper,she begins to analyze it,a small glimmer in her eyes.

She then took out her paper and pen and started teaching me.After about 20 minutes I started to understand most of it,the waitress came to our table holding a tray with our food and drink.

"Enjoy your food!" The waitress said after taking the tray away.

We soon dig into our food "This is really good!" I said,(Y/n) nodded along a glint of amazement in her eyes 'she looks so cute!' I giggled.

After finishing our food and drinks she started helping me on my homework,after 30 minutes I finally finished.While I pay she told me she'll wait outside.

After I payed for our food and drinks,I started to walk her home.On the way we started talking about how bee's aren't supposed to fly,once we reached her (apartment/house) we say to each other.

'She's honestly so cute,a bit awkward but cute!' I let out a smile at the thought.

*.·:·.☽✧    🍰☕    ✧☾.·:·.*

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