Starting & Finishing

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I haven't published anything after December.

Oh damn.
Finishing a project could be hard or easy depending on the type of person and the time they've spent on a website.

Or if it's just real life.

People could just be nervous to throw something new out to the world, their anxious that it's not going to get the approval that they think it's going to get.

Or maybe your just the type of person that just throws content out there without any second thought.

I'm kinda in the middle.

The first side of people are the type of people who can complete a project pretty fast, but are slow to publishing it, they need to build up the confidence to even press a send button.

They are, like I said, nervous that everyone is going to not like it, or even give massive hate for it.

Now, the second type of people, they don't fucking care if it gets hate.

They just do it for the fun of it.

Or maybe your just a sub-genre of the main types of people. Probably just, nervous but gets into it after a little bit, confident but still a little shaky.

With new people start to use technology and it influencing human life, there is more types of sub-genres of these main ones.

Now, Starting projects.

Starting projects is the main thing to get a good part in life, kinda like starting to love yourself more, or starting to do something that you've never done.

The types of people vary with the outside information that they get from other people or something else, like ads or billboard.

People could either be confused on what to do, determined to do something new, or just normal, kinda like they've done this before.

Now, I'ma stop this here only because I'm too tired and I only did this chapter to start uploading again.

I'm baaaaack.

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