Re:Due-Part 2

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I wander around the large house aimlessly until I find a room that must be mine. Finally I can relax this whole day has been stressful. I lay down on the bed and eventually fall asleep. I wake up to the sound of the front door slamming. I shoot up instantly my body groggy. What time is it? I look at the clock ok the wall 8:30 PM. It must be mother and father. I stand up but feel different again I feel heavy and solid. I pat myself to find out that I'm in my original body! Has this curse finally broke? I feel ecstatic thinking about going back home. Wait. Why would I want to go back there?

I sit back on the bed. Strange. I feel groggy again I fall back on my bed. When I wake up again it's morning and I'm back in Ryuma's form. Was that a dream? It couldn't be it felt too real to be one. I stand up my hair messed up and my body stiff. After stretching I leave to get ready. I rush down the stairs once that's done and see my parents and brother sitting at the dining table eating. "Good morning Ryuma" my parents say. "Good morning."  I wonder if this girl goes to school? Almost as if she read my mind mother asks if I'm ready to go to school yet. I sit down. Reiko looks smug when he responds "she might not want to go? You know since people will start to assume why she was at an intersection and walked when the lights turnt green?" Suicide. Wow he's a real shit head. I shoot him a glare and look back to my mother. She's shocked by hearing that. "Mother I'm really okay with going back it seems fun. And I heard that I'm an all A student from father."

     "Are you sure you won't be stressed going back dear?" She asks. "I'm sure mother you don't need to worry if something happens I'll ask Reiko to help. Isn't that right big brother?" I put the emphasis on big brother as a warning. He gives a shocked look towards mother and me until he finally agrees. "I'll watch her mother and father" he finally agrees.

   "Great! Then you could go back to school today if you want?" "That's an amazing idea mother I'll do that" I say with a smile. I rush in my breakfast and head back upstairs to put my uniform on.

   I've never worn a skirt before. It's cold I whine with a tear drop slowly rolling down my face. I'll make do with it though. I fasten the tie on my shirt and rush down stairs. Mother and father have already left and I spot Reiko waiting at the door for me while on his phone. I walk up to him and slap him on the back of his head. "Ow! What was that for?" "Being a dick" I respond. "Do you not remember yesterday? And don't wait for me from now on I don't like seeing your face" I frown.

At the school:
   Wow schools are intimidating I've only ever been from k-5th so a Highschool isn't in my expertise. I know adding, subtracting, division, and multiplication. That should be good enough right? "You're on your own from here" Reiko says before leaving me to meet up with his friends I assume. I'm standing in front of the gate when I feel someone wrap their arm around my waist. I struggle before hearing the voice. "Ryumaaaaa did you miss me last night?" Him. "Why're you always bothering me" I ask trying to release myself from his grip. "You're cute Ryuma I don't need a reason" he says doing a cutesy face. Ugh I hate this guy. Finally he lets go of me and grabs my hand. I glare at him. "What's going on inside that small head of yours?" I grumble.

     "Don't worry I'm just going to show you where our classroom is since you don't have your memories remember?" Our? As in the same one? I have the worst luck. "Let go of my hand I won't run away." "But I don't want to" he whines like a child. "Fine." I ignore him until we reach a bustling classroom. When we enter it goes almost creepy quiet. "We're here now let go" I whisper. "Alright Ryuma whatever you say." He walks to the back where his seat is. The classroom has five rows, two desks then a space on each one. He sits on the last row where there's an empty seat next to the window. I scout the room for another empty seat. Ahah there's one in the last row but on the complete opposite side of his desk. Perfect. As I'm walking towards it I feel something hard hit my foot.

Was that a leg? I look down and see a long slender leg sticking in front of me. They're trying to trip me. I balance myself and look at the owner of the leg. A girl short black hair, brown eyes, very pretty looks at me. "I'm so sorry Ryuma are you okay! I didn't realize my leg was in your way how can I apologize to you?" She seems weird. "I'm fine just move your leg and I'll go" I say. "Alright" she says. She moves her leg and lets me pass. I got a weird vibe from her that's for sure. I hear low laughs from behind me as I sit in the empty seat. Just then the teacher walks in. The president stands first and tells us to follow we say good morning, bow, and sit down. As soon as the teacher opens his mouth a large bang comes from the door next to him. The students gasp some giggle. It's all very weird. A boy walks in tall and lean he looks like a boxer.

I look over to the pervert and see he's rolling his eyes. The boy is very pretty and the girls are basically dying from his looks. "Haru! Why're you late again"the teacher shouts.

"I'm sorry teacher but my bike broke and I live far" he says putting on a pity act. Wow why is everyone in this girls life a fake? "Yeah sensei don't be mean to Haru!"a bunch of the girls shout. "Whatever go sit down Haru class is about to begin." He looks over to where I'm sitting and gives and indescribable expression excitement, confusion, and wonder on his face. Ew I think I'm going to barf why is he looking at me like that.

"I'm sorry teacher but it seems like someone's in my seat" he replies looking straight at me. Everyone turns to look at me except for pervert boy. "Ryuma is that you?" The teacher asks. "Why aren't you sitting in your seat?" "Hold up sir" I say as I walk up to him. I stand in front on Haru as I whisper why I don't know where my seat is into the teachers ear. "Oh I see then you can pick where you want to sit. Next to Aki he points to Mr pervert, or Haru. Wherever it is do it fast class is being delayed by a lot." Haru sits in his spot and looks at me almost as if he expects me to sit with him. I turn and look at Mr. Pervert. "I'll sit with him" I say pointing at Aki. I walk over and sit in the seat next to the window.

Haru gives a confused expression the rest of the class sounds confused also but with some fear in their voices too. "Settle down! The teacher yells. Everyone wants to be a disturbance today so you'll get extra homework for a week." Everyone shuts up at that. I turn to look at the perv and see he's watching me smiling. His lip curling upwards. "What does that expression mean?"I say giving a frown. "Nothing Ryuma" he says while looking away.

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