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Author's POV*

Sid sighed heavily and looked at his  live who is currently sitting infront of him and looking at him with hope and curiosity in her eyes...

Sid: When I leaved from dada and dadi's house...I didn't knew what I have to do to come in this position...I was all alone I didn't had anything with me exept your love and dadi's blessing...I went to delhi and find a job there...The jib was good and due to my work experience and good results they assigned me as a Manager of a accounts department...I was happy that I can survive in delhi and can do my struggling...I work there for about 1 year and inbetween this 1 year I met Rahul father's friend who was a Business man...They offered me to start living with him because his wife was no more and he doesn't had any child...I refused at first but he insists me so much...I dtarted living with him...When he got to know that I'm a manager in a very reputed company he was very happy but I didn't knew that the company in which I was working was Rahul uncles rival comapny...when they got to know that I'm Rahul uncles relative they fire me because they thought I was sended in there company by Rahul uncle as a secret agent...when  Rahul uncle got to know this they offered me to work in his company...I accepted then I started working in his company and Rahul uncle used to teach me alot  about business athics and tricks...Eventually I started taking interest and my performance was very good seeing this Rahul uncle  promoted me and I became the MD of the company.

Avu smiled hearing he became the MD due to his hardwork...sid grinned seeing her smiling...his hold tighten on her hands...

Avu: after that what happened..?

Sid: When I became the MD I was very happy and I was thinking to meet you once...I booked the tickets of mumbai I was very happy because I was coming to meet you that too after 2 years...when my flight landed on mumbai...I got a call from the comapny saying they want me there immediately...I was so upset but I was helpless...I wanted to meet you but not in a hurry...I wanted to meet you spent time with you...I stay one night in mumbai and next day I went to delhi...I went to the company and saw Rahul uncle very tense...Some of our comapny employ revealed our comapny data and secrets to the rival company...And we loss our deal also...Rahul uncle was very stessed and tensed due to company because our employs were resigning and our company was drowning in loss...Rahul uncle started coming home late and he started to drink alot...I used to stop him but no use...he was drowning in a depression and wasn't coming out of it...but one day I got a notification that One company wants to make a deal with us...I went to Rahul uncle and tell him this good news...he was very happy and after 1 week clients came for the meeting...Rahul uncle gave me the responsiblity of the presentation and meeting...I was very happy because that was a good chance to prove myself...I spend many sleepless nights in that deal and finally we crack the deal...Our clients got impressed by my presentation and seeing this Rahul uncle gave me the whole responsibility of the deal...After that deal many deals came to us and our comapny again started rising...on my birthday Rahul uncle  promoted me and I became the CEO of the comapny...That moment was the best moment of my life...I called dadi and tell her about me being a CEO and she told me to come back and meet you and ypur parents...But that time I feel like I'm still not capable to meet your parents...I worked more harder and in 1 year Our company came on NO.1 position...that 1 year was very stressfull very depressing...I lost Rahul uncle in that year...Before going he assigned the company on my name...I was very depressed,sad,alone when he left me...He was my only family there. Then my friend cum brother adviced me to shift in california and start open our company branch there also... All this took 4 years SWEET HEART... and see now I'm here infront of you in a very good a position which your to be husband has to be...You deserve a very good and wealthy man...not a middle cla_

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