on the house

183 7 7

saturday, ‎3 december ‎2027

07:30 am

third person pov


The magenta haired boy groaned as he flipped over and turned off the alarm. He sat up, just sitting there as a million thoughts bounced around in his head.

What day is it?

He took his phone on the nightstand and turned it on.

Oh, it's a Saturday. The café is open today.

He let out a heavy sigh and got out of bed, stumbling to the bathroom and washing his face to remove his temptation to throw himself back to his bed and continue sleeping.

After showering and changing to his casual clothes, he exited his bedroom and headed for the kitchen, where he turned on the TV and played a relaxing song to help him adjust.

Soon after he finished making his scrambled eggs, he removed the slices of bread he added in the toaster. He got out a plate and a glass, put his scrambled eggs and toast, and went to the fridge to grab a bottle of orange juice he bought last Saturday.

It's almost finished, I need to keep that in mind.

And he sat down at the living room couch and turned off the music to watch some random videos on YouTube as he ate.

Bzzt! Bzzt!

He glanced at his phone and turned it on to read the message.


Mr. Grapes 🍇

3 December at 07:53 AM


you at the cafe now?

The cafe opens at nine chill


are you saying you're at the cafe now?


wtf dude

don't 'wtf' me I'm taking my job seriously

by coming two hours early?

nah fam you're taking it way too seriously

don't make me regret working here

okay okay lol

i'm coming just gotta finish my breakfast 

that you had the utter audacity to interrupt


ok i'll be there in a while, see ya

ok later


The magenta haired man chuckled at the messages and finished the rest of his breakfast.

He went back to the kitchen, washed his utensils, a turned off the TV. He put on his coat and scarf that were hanging on the doorframe, put on his boots and got out of his house, locking the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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