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TONGUE TIED            3━━ american errands

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━━ american errands

       Amelia didn't have many friends. Wherever she went, was it California or Russia, she was on her own. It wasn't something she really cared about, but she often got jealous and upset by watching how every other kid her age surrounded themselves with a bunch of people; they kissed and loved and drank alcohol and smoked. While it was something she regularly got upset about, it boosted her attitude when the kid introduced himself as Dustin and the blonde as Robin.

       She wasn't one to hold very high hopes for such things, but she could only wish for a great friendship with the two.

       Dustin observed her as she paced around. Her arms were crossed, her hair was messy from all the times her fingers would run through it, and her stare bored into the ceiling. She appeared as if she was struggling, but she had already collected the first two words of the recording, and it excited the kid. He observed her features, her straight nose, and the strong detail on her cheekbones. Her face looked perfectly sculpted and he could tell why Steve found himself flirting with her before the current situation.

       Amelia sighed, "Wait, play that last part one more time," She asked. He rewound the tape and she returned to her previous stance. She took a seat. "That word —it's pronounced Dly-nna-ya." She said, "That's spelled..." She trailed off. She scratched her freckled nose and her mind traveled down memory lane to remember basic Russian. "D... and then..." She frowned. "Damn it."

       "You know, I thought you said you were fluent," Steve called out as he watched her struggle. He stared her down with a very annoying smirk, so annoying that Amelia only hoped to wipe it off his gorgeous douchebag face.

       Amelia beamed sarcastically at him, "Oh, you wouldn't do any better." She said and returned to the task at hand. He scoffed and focused back on the parlor.

       Robin scribbled down in a small notebook as Amelia dictated the words. Dustin helped by telling her how to draw each letter. It was challenging since Russians use a completely different alphabet. The chair-looking thingy, he'd say.

       "The week is long." She smiled lazily. "There's your secret code. Are you happy?" She joked as she looked at Dustin's furious frown. He groaned. He was more than desperate to become an American Hero, as Robin had commented earlier.

       Amelia rose from the chair and walked up to the window that connected the parlor and the lounge. "Captain," She teased, "We've got our first sentence." She proudly told. He approached him with two cones in hand, and Amelia wondered how nice enough of him to hear her out. "The week is long." She said in a thick accent, knowing it provoked him.

His smile dropped. "Well, that's thrilling." He deadpanned.

       "Hey, progress was made." She reminded. He pursed his lips and gaped at her with his honey gaze. "Don't drool, captain. My pretty damn hot Russian accent still lives." She joked as she winked at him. She closed the window and nearly laughed at the string of profanities Steve mumbled.

TONGUE TIED | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now