The invitation

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Italics = Flashback

When you checked your post box this morning, the last thing you expected to see was a gold envelope sealed with wax. Excitedly you brought it back into your apartment before you cautiously opened it, not allowing your excitement to tear it open. Holding the paper, you carefully read through the words.

Dearest y/n,

Jane and I have decided to fulfil our dream of opening a country club—

"When on earth did they wanna do that?" You questioned aloud.

and we ask that as one of our closest friends, you come to our opening where you'll be able to sample all of our facilities free of charge.

We hope to see you there for our opening and a reunion.

Kindest regards, Thor and Jane.

Instantly your heart dropped at reading the words. If you were there, you only assumed Loki would be there too, well, if he wasn't dead. You hadn't seen or heard from him in almost two years after that morning and you were finally over him, he was the last person you wanted to see. Flipping the invite over, you saw specific details including the date and time as well as the address of the place you had to go to. As much as you didn't want to see Loki, you couldn't disappoint Jane or Thor plus it would be nice to see them again as well as run into a few old faces. You just hoped that Loki stayed out of sight.

Picking up your phone, you called Wanda to see if she had gotten an invite too and if she was going. Her answer was yes for both before you added Bucky to the call who said the same. At least they'd be there you thought feeling slightly more optimistic about the whole event. You later tried to make yourself some breakfast which was more of a brunch now as your mind drifted to the thought of Loki. How he intoxicated you, shrouded you with himself before he disappeared. You spent months, more months than you'd like to admit blaming yourself, wondering what you did wrong, wondering why Loki felt the need to leave you without so much as a goodbye. You hadn't cried for Loki in a while but the thought of seeing him again quickly had you welling up.

The week and a half leading up to you going to the country club passed impossibly quickly. The anxiety you felt about the whole situation was almost crippling but the thought of seeing everyone again, save Loki, was comforting. You had missed them. That's the problem with becoming an adult, friends are busier, you see them less. Since receiving the invitation, you had spoken to Jane on the phone and couldn't bring yourself to ask whether Loki would be in attendance. She spoke about how excited she was to see everyone and also told you to pack a bag for what you assumed was an overnight stay considering how vague she was being. You decided to pack a few extra things just incase.

When the day finally came for you to leave, you brushed your hair in the mirror as you remembered that night with Loki.

Unlike your usual moments of intimacy together, tonight was different, he was different. The dinner you prepared for you both was quickly pushed aside as Loki sat you on the table before falling to his knees as he opened your legs. Your hands nestled into his hair as his tongue delved between your warm folds. The room was quickly full of the noise of you mumbling praises to Loki as he ate you out.

After you came, he barely gave you time to recover before he was carrying you to the bedroom, legs wrapped around his waist. Entering, he pushed you against the wall as his lips found yours. You could taste yourself against him as you kissed him passionately. Clothes were discarded as he helped you lift your dress. Already dripping, Loki had no problem entering you causing you both to release a breath as he delved inside. Your back began to burn from the friction of being thrusted up against the wall but any pain in this moment of pleasure was bliss. You both continued to kiss, Loki occasionally breaking the kiss to move his lips to your neck. He drove you both to the precipice before stilling, kissing you one last time before bringing you both to the bed.

Spent, you absentmindedly ran your fingers through Lokis hair and you knew. You looked at him and you knew. You hadn't put any labels on anything yet, not officially but you knew you loved him. Always have.

"What?" He grinned suspiciously, looking up at you from where he was nuzzled into the crook of your neck.

"I love you." You confessed with your own smile, ignoring the feeling of Loki stiffening slightly and not in the desired way.

"Goodnight my darling." He replied after a moment, quickly kissing you on the lips before closing his eyes. You knew something was wrong, your intuition was never wrong but you ignored it, falling asleep next to Loki too only to find him gone in the morning.

Snapping out of the thought, you grabbed your small cabin sized bag before grabbing your car keys and leaving. Sighing once you were in the car, you prayed that this reunion would go quickly and hopefully Lokiless.

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