No one.

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"Who are you?" His voice rang through my head. Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who am I? What is my name? Why was I standing in this room that was suddenly too bright? Who are you? Where was I? Who was this beautiful boy laying on the hospital bed? Why did he have bruises around his neck? Who are you? There were too many questions in my mind, it was like some sort of train wreck. Who are you? What was I doing with my life? Where was my mom? Where are you? I want my mom. How do I handle the person who I love not remembering me? Who are you? How was I supposed to deal with telling Tyler everything again?

"I-I uh- I'm sorry. I have to- go. I have to go," I quickly stuttered out.

"So soon? You just got here. Please, tell me what happened," Tyler begged, unbeknownst to the aching in my heart.

"Tyler, I can't. I can't stay."

"Why not?"

"I- this. It hurts."

"Hurts? How? How do I know you?"

"You- we- I lo- I have to go."

"Troye?" He whispered, a confused look on his face.

"Yes, yes that's me. That's my name!" I exclaimed, my heart racing. "You remember me?"

"I- sort of? I remember that I'm supposed to- to take care of you? Something like that?"

"You- yeah. You're kind of babysitting me."

"Babysit you?"

"Long story short- I'm a slut."

"Hey! Don't talk like that. Ever. You are a beautiful person. It doesn't matter what happened in your past, alright? I hate it when you're so negative on yourself. You deserve so much better- wow. I- I'm sorry. I don't really know where that came from," He gasped, looking down. "I- I feel like you mean a lot to me. Am I missing something?"

"I- I don't know, Tilly."


"Yeah. Tilly," I shrugged.

"It's cute. I like it. But please, what's going on?"

"Let me go get someone, okay?" I asked, waiting until he nodded his head before leaving. "Excuse me, miss?" I called out to a nurse who had just walked past me.

"Yes?" She asked, quickly turning around.

"Uh, my bo- uh, friend just woke up and he- he- he doesn't remember me? Is that..."

"Let me go get his doctor. He'll be with you in just a moment."

"Thank you," I whispered, walking back into Tylers room.

"Oh! You're back!" He exclaimed when I got to his side.

"Yeah, I'm back. I'll always come back," I whispered before I could stop myself.

"Who were you to me?" He asked. Were. Past tense. I can't be who I was to him anymore. Who would fall for a nobody like me again? Tyler deserved so much more, deserved so much better than me.


"I see my patient decided that he had enough beauty sleep!" The doctor exclaimed when he walked in. "I heard that you're not able to remember this young fellow over here?"

"Am I supposed to remember him?" Tyler asked, cocking his head to the right.

"Well, I don't really know," The doctor said before turning to me. "Who are you to him?"

"I- I uh, no one. I'm just- a friend? Sort of. I guess you could call me that," I whispered, looking down at my shoes.

"You don't seem too sure about that, my boy."

"Well, I mean, I don't really know what I am anymore."

"What were you doing with him before the incident?"

"I- he was- we were- I mean.. I don't know?"

"Were you doing something illegal?"

"What?! No! God no!"

"Then there should be no reason why you can't tell me what you two were doing right before the incident," He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Can I talk to you outside?" I asked, waiting until he nodded his head before leaving the room.

"What is it?"

"Look, that boy in there, he's my boyfriend."

"And? Why couldn't you-"

"Because there's no way in hell that I can make him fall in love with me again, so I'd like to just keep this to myself."

"You realize that telling him this could possibly help him remember?"

"But if it doesn't, he'll feel obligated to love me."

"I think you should tell him."

"I think I shouldn't and in the end, isn't that what it comes down to?" I questioned, causing the doctor to give in and walk back into the room without another word to me.

"Tyler, what's the last thing you remember?" He asked when he got to the foot of Tylers bed.

"Uh, I remember something about a kid named Marcus. And a grocery store?"

"Does that mean anything to you?" The doctor asked, looking back at me.

"Yeah, we went to the store a few days ago. Ran into Marcus-"

"He hurt you," Tyler blurted.

"What?" The doctor asked.

"Marcus. He hurt Troye. We got into an argument and Marcus hurt him. I remember this. I don't remember what he- what he did, but I remember you crying, and- and I remember.. Something about a box?"

"I- you remember that? Why?" I asked, astonished that he could remember something so small and insignificant, but he couldn't remember actually loving me.

"I don't know. Who are you to me? You can't be just a friend. You just can't be!" He yelled, frustration seeping from his voice. "Who are you, Troye?"

"I'm just a friend. Really," I said, gathering my things form the chair next to his bed. "I- I should go. I have to go."

"Troye, wait!" Tyler called after me, but I couldn't stay. I had to go. I just had to. I was a good ten miles away from my house and I didn't have a ride, nor did I have any money for a cab or the shuttle. I had no choice but to walk home.

"Well, this is just great," I sighed in frustration. I could always call someone, but who would I call? Not Marcus, no way. My mom was still at her meeting, my whole family was too far away. I had no one. Just like that, I had no one again.


Tyler's P.O.V.

"Doctor, who is he to me!" I yelled for the hundredth time since Troye left.

"If he says he's just a friend, he's just a friend. Now calm down, or I'll have to sedate you," He growled.

"No! No, get him back here! I need him! I need him near me!" I yelled, panic laced in my voice. I had no idea why I needed him so badly, or why I felt like he was lying and was somewhere out there, hurt. But I did know that every part of me ached for him, ached to get the frown off his face the the tears out of his eyes. I had to protect him. I felt a sharp pain on my arm and then my world started to fade black. I knew I'd been sedated, and it made me hate the doctor even more. "Troye," I whispered, or at least I think I whispered it.

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