I miss Shane.

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"Troye, come meet your babysitter!" My mother called. Everyone was leaving for the week and no one trusted me to stay home alone, and I had no friends so the obvious, but oh so embarrassing, choice was to hire my mothers best friends son, Tyler Oakley, to babysit someone who was two years younger than him. I was 16, and needed a babysitter. Which really sucked, considering I actually had plans for this weekend. I was the schools slut, not that anyone in my family knew of it though. I liked to be passed around like I was a piece of meat. It gave me satisfaction to know that people needed me like that. And by people, I mean the schools football and soccer team. "Troye, don't keep me waiting! I've got a plane to catch!" I sighed, stomping down the stairs. I'd never even met Tyler, only hearing about him from Sh- no.

Don't think about it.

Tyler went to some fancy boarding school because people bullied him over his apparently obvious gayness. I turned the corner, hearing my mom in the kitchen, no doubt laying down the ground rules. "There's money on the table, order pizza or takeout. Whatever you want. We have lots of food, but Troye doesn't like to make anything."

Wrong. loved baking, she just never let anyone in her kitchen.

"And he's not allowed to leave, unless its with you. There's lots of movies and games, so make yourself at home," she continued.

"Do you have wifi?" I heard a loud voice ask. Oh god, he was probably a tumblr addict.

"Oh yes, of course. Give me a minute to find it here," she whispered as I heard her rummage through her purse, probably finding the password she'd written down on a piece of paper. She handed it to him and gave a weak hurried smile. "I've got to go, my plane won't wait for me," He nodded as she headed towards door. "Troye, baby, behave yourself. Okay?" She patted my head, quickly running out of the house. A few seconds later, her car could be heard speeding out of the driveway.

"So, remind me again why you need a baby sitter?" Tyler asked, quirking his eyebrows. His eyes scanned over my body, obviously loving the way my shirt was a bit too small and showed every curve of my body, and the way my skinny jeans hung low on my hips. I smirked, refusing to look over him just yet.

"Because no one trusts me," I shrugged, ignoring the purple haired boy as I watched his eyes scan over my body again, watching the way his pupils dilated when they rested on my crotch for a moment too long. "I did have plans. I don't know what you've heard but I'm not as anti-social as everyone believes I am," I stretched my arms up, knowing that my shirt would rise up and show my happy trail. I smiled when I heard Tyler let out a low groan when I finished stretching.

"What were your plans?" He asked, darting his eyes around the room.

"Sex," I smirked.

"You're joking," I shook my head. "With who? Girlfriend?" I laughed, throwing my head back to exaggerate my point at how ridiculous that was.

"That's funny," I said between giggles. "I'm gay."

"So, boyfriend then?"

"I'm gay and a slut. I don't date unless they're either really good in bed or someone important to me," I chuckled. God, I must have sounded like I was the definition of a player.

I was.

"It'll happen one day. Trust me. It'll happen and you'll want to change your whole life for him," Tyler whispered, causing me to squirm under his intense gaze.

"Nah, not for me," I shrugged. "Want some pizza?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'll order-"

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