6: Bloodletting

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We hear a single gunshot... I turn around and don't see anything "what the fuck." I mutter under my breath and put my hand instinctively put my hand on my knife Glenn comes to my side and grabs my hand I don't know if it was for my comfort or his to be honest I smile lightly and keep walking. I turn back to see Lori a little farther behind looking back "you still thinking about it?" Andrea asks her "that was a gunshot." Lori says "we all heard it." Daryl says back "why one? Why just one gunshot?" Lori asks panicked "maybe they took down a walker." Daryl tries to reason "please don't patronise me. You know Rick wouldn't risk a gunshot to put down one walker, or Shane. They'd do it quietly." Loris says matter-of-factly "shouldn't have they caught up with us by now?" Carol asks just feeding into loris worry "there's nothing we can do about it, anyway. Can't run around theses woods chasing echos." Daryl says "So what do we do?" Lori asks "same as we've been. Beat the bush for Sophia, Make our way back to the highway."Daryl says "I'm sure they'll hook up with us back at the RV." Andrea says trying to reassure Lori "Andreas right I'm sure there fine. Rick and Shane can handle themselves." I add trying to also help. We all keep walking but Carol stays back abit and Andrea walks up to her we all stop and look make making sure there okay "I'm sorry for what your going through. I know how you feel." Andrea says to Carol trying to be nice "I suppose you to. Thank you. The thought of her. Out here by herself. It's the not knowing that's killing me. I just keep hoping and praying she doesn't wind up like Amy." Carol says sobbing slightly at the mention of Amy Andrea's face drops and so does my jaw oh my Jesus Christ "oh,god. That's the worst thing I ever said." Carol apologies "we're all hoping and praying with you for what's it's worth." Andrea says not trying to make Carol more upset then Daryl walks closer to them "I'll tell you what it's worth. Not a damn thing. It's a waste of time all this hoping and praying. We're gonna locate that little girl. She's gonna be just fine. Am I the only one zen around here? Good lord." He says walking away "Daryl." I say "what?" He answers as I walk beside him "your zen?" I ask "yeah." He says "if this is you zen then I'm Christ." I say "oi!" He says back and I laugh "friends?" I ask "friends." He says back me and Daryl have a brother- sister-best-friend relationship. I walk back over to Glenn grab his hand again and start walking beside him I start humming 'why'd you only call me when your high- by the Arctic monkeys'.

After about 15-20 minutes we stop and Daryl says "we'll lose the light before too long. I think we should call it." I nod "let's head back." I say "we'll pick it up again tomorrow?" Carol asks "yeah, we'll find her tomorrow." Lori says then Daryl whistles and starts walking back we all turn and start walking back I place my hand on my knife ready for anything.

After about 5 minutes of walking Andrea asks "how much farther?" And I continue humming but a different song now 'as the world caves in' by Sarah Cothran  "Not much." Daryl answers "maybe a hundred yards as the crow flies." I say stopping my Humming for a second "to bad we're not crows." I hum in agreement and keep following Daryl I hear faintly "as the crow flies my ass." Then light growling followed by screaming I turn around and start trying to find Andrea "Andrea?" Lori calls "Andrea?" I call running to find her yeah we didn't get along to well but that doesn't mean I want her dead I mean we've known each other from day one we're all running toward her when we see a woman on a horse hit the walker with a bat then she starts calling out for Lori "Lori? Lori Grimes? Woah." She says "I'm lori." Lori confirms "Rick sent me. you gotta come now." The woman says "What?" Lori says "There's been a accident. Carls been shot. He's still alive but you gotta come now. Rick needs you. Just come." She explains lori starts rushing to her "woah woah woah. We don't know this girl. You can't get on that horse." Daryl says "Rick said you had others on the highway? That big traffic snarl?" The woman says "Uh-huh." Glenn answers while Lori gets on the horse " backtrack to Fairburn road. Two miles down is our farm. You'll see the mail box. The names Greene." After she finishes the sentence she rides off. The we hear faint grumbling and the walker sits up and Daryl shoots it in the head with his cross bow while Andrea's still on the floor. "Well then." I say walking on.

After we get back we see Dale and Glenn tells him Carls been shot "shot? What do you mean shot?" Dale asks "I don't know, Dale. Hey, listen. All I know if this chick rode out of nowhere like Zorro on a horse and took Lori." Glenn says explaining while climbing over the little fence thing "you let her?" Dale asks "climb out my asshole man, Rick sent her. She knew his name and carls." Daryl's says walking away "I heard screams. Was that you?" He asks Andrea "she got attacked by a walker. It was a close call." Glenn explains again "Andrea are you all right?" Dale asks when she reaches the RV door she turns around shakes her head and goes in side then slams the door. "Well that's that." I say walking away and unpacking and taking my gun and knife out of its holster and cleaning them both before repacking my bag. I decide I need to sit down before I drop and I put Glenn's red cap over my face and close my eyes not going to sleep but just closing them.

"Willow." I hear Glenn's voice say "yeah." I respond taking his hat off and putting it on my head "group meeting." He says stand beside me "okay." I say getting up stretching and walking out side. Dale is trying to convince Carol to leave the highway "I won't do it. We can't just leave. " Carol says "Carol, the group is split. Scattered and weak." Dale tries to reason "what if she comes back and we're not here? It could happen." Carol says trying to fight it "if Sophia found her way back and we were gone that would be awful." Andrea says " I agree but we're weak like Dale said we're scattered and if we want to find her we can't be weak." I say "ok. We got a plan for this. I say tomorrow morning is soon enough to pull up stakes. Give us a chance to rig a big sign. Leave her some supplies. I'll hold her tonight stay with the RV." Daryl says taking the lead along with Dale "if the RV is staying, I am too." Dale says "Thank you. Thank you both." Carol says Daryl nods "I'm in." Andrea says "well if your all staying, then me and will-" Glenn starts to say but gets cut off by Dale "not you two. You're going. Take—Take Carols Cherokee." "Us? Why is it always us?" Glenn says "you have to find this farm, reconnect with our people, and see what's going on but most importantly get T-dog there. This is not an option. That cut has gone from bad to worse. He had a very serious blood infection. Get him to that farm. See if they have any antibiotics, because if not T-dog will die. No joke" Dale says looking over at T-dog as Daryl goes to his brothers bike "and as for why willows going is because I know you wouldn't go without her and I trust she will get t-dog to the farm in one piece." Dale continues while Daryl takes a rag of his brothers bike he grabs something then comes back over He throws the rag at Dale and says "keep you oily rags of my brothers motorcycle. Why'd you wait till now to say anything? I got my brothers stash. Crystal. X—don't need that. Got some kick ass painkillers." He says throwing it at Glenn and Glenn caches it "Doxycycline. Not the generic stuff neither. It's first class. Merle got the clap on occasion." Daryl continues at the last bit I cringe "eww. Also Daryl I'm now convinced you were a drug dealer or something." I say "Nope that was Merle... sometimes." I laugh "depends on the day huh?" I say "And who's asking." He says and I laugh again I walk over to T "hey T." I say "Will." He nods "come on let's get you in the car." He nods and I help him to the and grab my bag and put in in the car I get in the front seat and wait for Glenn....

A/N: this wasn't too long ig compared to the last chapter.
Edited: yes
Edited word count: 1588
Dedicated: nope
Episodes used: episode: 2 season: 2: Bloodletting.
Word count:1523

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