11: pretty much dead already

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The sun was coming up as I sit next to Carol while she cooked some breakfast for us, Andrea was sitting not to far from us sharping a knife, Shane was standing next to a tree doing god knows what, Lori, Rick and Carl were eating some breakfast that Carol hadn't made to long ago. Glenn was sitting a little further away from us Tdog was tending to the fire while Carol handed some food to Daryl. Dale wasn't to far from us I could just see him nodding at someone I looked to see it was Glenn, Glenn nodded back at gave then gave me a look he was about to tell them I nod at him he walks over to where one of tents are and I get up to stand next to him. No one was saying anything the only thing you could hear was the fire crackling and Andrea sharping her knife "um, guys?" Glenn breaks the silence everyone stops and looks up "so..." he stops and looks at me I grab his hand and give him nod and squeeze his hand for comfort and for him to continue " the barn is full of walkers." He finishes reluctantly everyone stops and looks at him weirdly.

We all stand around the barn everyone wanted to make sure it was true and take a look Granted I knew they were in there but I never saw them I took Maggie's word for it and i didn't have to look I heard it the groaning and the growling were enough proof for me I decide to look in maybe there were only a couple I looking in to see a good ten plus walkers all groaning and walking around like you would on a Monday morning Me and Shane look when a walker must have spotted us it comes up to us growling scaring me I jump back a little reaching for my gun but I don't find it as Hershel didn't want guns on his property I turn to see that Shane didn't move guess he had faith in the old rotting wood he steps back and walks over to the group "you cannot tell me your alright with this." Shane says scoffing "no I'm not. But we're guests here. This isn't our land." Rick states "oh, god. This is our lives, man!" Shane's yells "lower your voice." Glenn says "we can't just sweep this under the rug." Lori says "it ain't alright. Not remote." Shane says "we either gotta go in there, we gotta make things right, or we just gotta go. Now, we have been talking about fort Benning for a long time." Shane says again "we can't go." Rick says hastily "why, Rick. Why?" Shane asks questioning Rick "because my daughters still out there." Carol says annoyed "okay—" Shane says stammering "I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility." Shane starts again "Shane,we're not leaving Sophia behind." Rick says now getting annoyed "I'm close to finding this girl. I just found her damn doll a few days ago. " Daryl says confidently "you found a doll, Daryl, that what you did, you found a doll." Shane says annoyed that no one's listening to him "you don't know what the hell you're talking about." Daryl shouts "hey look— I'm just saying what needs to be said now, if you get a looks lead, it's the first 48 hours, after that it don't matter." Shane shouts "Shane." Rick tries to get him to stop "let me tell you something else, man. If she was alive out there, saw you coming, all methed out with your buck knife and geek ears around your neck, she would run in the other direction, man." Shane shouts pointing and doing hand gestures "shut up." Daryl starts going to attack Shane and Rick gets in the middle of them "all right, wait. Stop!" Rick shouts and they around Rick and they try to get to each other while everyone try's to stop them "Come I'll beat you're ass. You don't come at me, man." Shane shouts over us screaming at them I run over to we're Daryl is "Daryl calm down he isn't fucking worth it. His a dickhead." I say while Shane's still shouting and shit "back off!" Rick shouts at Shane "don't put your hands on me." Shane says shoving Rick "just let me talk to Hershel. Let me figure it out." Rick says calmly "What are you gonna figure out!" Shane shouts "enough." Lori says to Shane "if we're gonna stay, if we're gonna clear this barn, I have to talk him into it. This is his land. " Rick says "ricks right. He thinks the walkers are just sick he think they can be cured that they're just sick." I say "willows right hershel sees those things in there as people, sick people. His wife- his- his- his stepson." Dale says backing me "you knew?" Rick asks Dale and me "yesterday. I talked to Hershel." Dale says "I found out same time as Glenn- and Glenn got it from Maggie about them being sick and told me I found out about the sickness thing yesterday too, when Glenn came back from his run." I say " and you waited the night?" Shane asks Dale annoyed "I thought we could survive one more night. We did. I was waiting till this morning to to say something. But Glenn wanted to be the one." Dale explains "and you?" Shane asks me "it was Glenn who first found out it was up to him. And yes I wanted to say something that's why I talked to Glenn about it and he said he would at some point today." I justify "the man is crazy Rick. If thinks those things are alive or not!" Shane shouts and the walkers start pounding on the old wooden door only held closed by an old rusty chain and price of wood I instinctively go to grab my gun but find it wasn't there since we couldn't carry on the farm and go to grab my knife instead when I feel and hand stop me I turn to see it was Glenn "it's okay they can't get out will." He whispers and I look at the door to see it still shut but its being pushed with all the dead's might.

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