chapter 28

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I wish I could have killed that guy. How dare he ever get close to her, when she's drunk!

''unicorns!'' Bella yells when we get into the car.

''where do we go?'' Drake asks from the drivers seat, I look over to Jazmen. She shrugs her shoulders. I do the same, he rolls his eyes.

''Let's just get a hotel .'' Drake starts the car and starts to drive.

''Let's not drive all the way back home.'' Drake nods and keeps his head on the rode.

''dad!!''she yells at the top of her lungs, I look over to her and she's almost asleep. She snores softly, and takes deep breathes.

''is this good?''i look around and we are probably like 30 minutes away from home.

''yeah, go sigh in, ill wake her up.'' They nod and get down from the car.

''PANCAKES!!'' I yell, she jumps and hits her head. you can tell she's still a bit lost ,she groans and falls back down.

''''she says slowly, struggling to talk. I laugh and get down.she gets down too, falls on the floor. i help her up and take her inside.

''we got the last room.'' drake tells me.

''wait?, as in only one for all of us?'' he nods his head.Really?!.

"It has 2 beds. "Jazmen smiles.

"Okay,so boy and boy, and girl with girl. "She nods. We walk to the room ,not the best room.

"Good night "jazmen jumps on the bed, and falls asleep. I lay Bella next to her,I go to the other bed and fall asleep.


"Dude. Get up. "I look over and jazmen is standing.

"She keep moaning and kicking. Can we switch. "She begs.

"Ask Drake. "She rolls her eyes.

"I did he say 'go away I'm tired. '...."She makes fun of his voice.

"Fine. "I mumble and get up.I walk to the other bed. BELLA has a frown on her face, and keeps moving around. I slid next to her.

"Good night."I whisper. She stops moving, a small smile grown. It returns to frown.

"It's okay. "I whisper, something about seeing her like this hurts me.

"You.... sure. "She snores. What?.

"Umm, yeah. "I turn around and close my eyes. I feel her hand hug me ,tight.As if She was scared to let go.


I wake up and my head pounds in pain.

"Shit. "I groan. I get up and fall down.

"I got you. "Jazmen walks to me and helps me up.

"Take a shower. "She orders. I walk to the shower. Wait..... we are at hotel? I take a quick shower. Wait! What clothes will I wear. The door opens and a clean underwear is dropped in. I get dressed and walk out of the restroom.

"Hey. "Danny smiles, I smile back.

"My head hurts like fucking hell. "I mumble. He gives me a sonic banana smoothie.

"They say it helps for a hangover. "I take a sip. It tastes good.

"Where are we? "I ask and take another drink.

"Just like 30 ish minutes away from home. "He clears his throat.

"Oh, you know just 30 minutes, just 30"I laugh,he rolls his eyes.

"I'm hungry .Let's go get foo. -SCHOOL! "I slap my forehead.

"Dont worry,its only one day. "I nod.

"My dad! "He rolls his eye's.

"Look don't worry I made sure everything was okay. "He assures me.

"You know you were really drunk.right. You can't keep doing tha. -"

"I wasn't drunk. "I declare. His eyes grow wide .

"What? "He looks confused.

"I only took like two shots..... Oh and like a beer. I think. "I smile.

"But you... what? "He gets up and walks to me.

"I took a few drinks but I was still self consius .I knew everything that happened. I was only a bit wobbly. "He glares at me.

"So you were about to sleep with that..that Mike guy, and did nothing! "He yells at me.

"I wasn't going to sleep with him ,I was just....okay maybe. I only wanted revenge. "I whine. He gets closer to me.

"What!? Revenge?! Really? "He stares at me.

"I was hurt okay! It wasn't my fault! " I take a deep breath. "It doesn't matter anymore, we are okay. "

"Wait, you are still going out with him! "I nod, he turns bright red.

"It's just that. -"

"No, I don't care. It was your choice. "He walks past me.

"Let's go, Drake and jazmen left already. We get a cab. " He gets The hotel keys and walks out ,I follow behind him.

"Get a cab. "He orders me, school would be over in like 10minutes.I Hale a cab.

"Let's go! "I yell to him from outside. He gets in and I get in as well. He gives my house direction .

"You know you shouldn't trust Jay. I mean.... nevermind. "He pulls his phone out Why can't I trust him,he's trustworthy.

"And I can trust you. "I shake My head.

"Duh, you stupid as hell "he smirks.

"Okay, belive what you want. "The cab stops. We get down and Danny pays the guy. We walk into my house,and go to my room

"Thanks for paying I was brok. -"the door bursts open.

"ISABELLA!! GET OVER HERE!! NOW!! "A shiver goes down my spine. I run to the living room.

"Yeah. "I hide my fear. Danny comes out of my room

"You skipped school!! "He screams at me.

"Ser, she.... I..."Danny tries to think of something.

"Don't even talk!! I trusted you, and you go to sleep with her ."Danny turns bright red, in embarrassment. My dad walk up to him and chokes him. I can tell Danny wants to kill him,but he holds it back.

"Dad stop! "I try to get him off Danny.
"Get out!! Get out of my house! "He Lets Danny go but attacks him again.

"I got drunk!! "I yells, my dad turns turns to me

"Bella, you don't. -"Danny says

"It's okay. Leave. "He doesn't move.

"You are grounded! And No car, or phone. "I sigh and give him my phone. He stomps out ,my baby. He took my baby. I walk up to Danny and give him a hug.

"Thank you. "He hugs me.back.

"Sure. "I somehow know he's smiling.

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