chapter 1..

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"You never do anything right! You're a straight up mess! Everything you do you mess up! One day you'll look back on this day and thank me for telling you the truth! The truth that you need help! "My mom shouted with anger.

"Did I ask you what my truth was!? No, I didn't! You say thats my truth ,well guess what im done with your stupid shit! Everything I did was for you and dad! Still you didn't care what I thought! Did you! "Im beyond mad. She never understands and telling me I cant go live with my dad after years of holding her crap. That just took me overboard.

"I did care what you though! I always thought about you and your brother! Everyday you two would be the first thing that crossed my mind! I only want the best for you! "She's crying, but thats why I'm still here with her.

"No you didnt care! If you wanted what was best for me you would let me go! Mom it's fucking high-school not a club! You never trust me and I'm done with you being fake!"I just can't take it anymore.

"High-school my ass! I dont care where you go but your dad...! Yeah your dad is a son of a bit- "Before I realized what I am doing my mom already had a red mark on her check.

"Don't you dare talk about dad that way! You left him! He even called to fix things but you didn't care! You didn't care! I was the one who woke up to shouts that day! "She seems surprised

"You remember? "Her anger seems to fade away.

"Yes, I remember! I woke up that day to find Johny crying! I hear shouts and screams!I walk down the hall to find dad with a knife in his hand! And you still screamed at him! Still you ran to me and Johny, and dragged us out! You told everyone he kicked us out! "I cryed.

"Bella I'm really sorry. I didn't think you remembered. You were only nine, it was such long ago. I'm sorry honey. "She tries to give me a hug but I push her away.

"I'm moving to California tomorrow. Okay? "I smile

She sighs but agrees.

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