e i g h t e e n

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Dear Stranger,

Don't say that.

Love is such a beautiful word,

A powerful word,

A deadly word.

I loved once...

It feels like so long ago,

I gave him everything and he gave me nothing.

And Stranger, you are great.

But so was he.

My love was beautiful and kind,

And now he is still beautiful.

But he is unkind and evil.

Stranger, do you know what it's like for someone to hate you?

And I don't mean child's play hate like 'Sandra stole my doll. So I hate her!'

I mean when a person wants you dead.

My love wants me dead.

Dylan wants me dead.

Love is not kind,

It is brutal.

So don't say you're in love,

When you don't know what love is.

-Lost Girl

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