Chapter 51: The Beat Goes On

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In life there were probably a million and one things that I hated with a passion and hoped I never had to do and the list of which included hang-gliding and holding a tarantula but were both topped off by having to be in close quarters with Seth. Fortunately however the first two things I was still safe on because nobody had sprung either one of those things on me backstage, but on the latter my luck seemed to run out pretty rapidly as I realized the next night as his entrance music blared out.

I groaned into the microphone in front of me,

"What does he want?"

Because honestly I figured it was a reasonable enough request since the main event for the evening had not in any way included him and so therefore he had no reason to be out there, lording it up or parading his stupid his briefcase and he had certainly had no right to be –

Heading our way.


My head lowered promptly to thump on the announce desk as an extra chair suddenly materialized by my side and looking up again towards my smirking former brother confirmed my worst fears that he was joining us for the final fight. I grumbled and then swatted JBL hurriedly in a way that made him blink at me in total bewilderment,



He couldn't have been any less understanding than if I had said the word in a peal of whistles and clicks and so instead of waiting for the idiot to comprehend it, I merely continued to flap a mildly testy hand his way as I clambered from my chair and then gestured for him to copy me in a hiss of true frustration,

"I refuse to sit next to him."

He grabbed up his hat and then shuffled out uncomfortably like I was some crazy pregnant lady who had taken this seat on the train before carefully lowering himself into my old chair and then proceeding to scrape the thing a few inches further away. Seth was almost on top of us by that point but having traded our places made me feel much better about that fact and so I simply went back to scowling at him huffily and mentally making fun of his horrible black suit.

Because god it was awful.

He rounded the ring towards us and then smiled over the top of the monitors like a snake,

"How are we tonight folks?"

I knew what he was doing and I hated it because the whole thing was simply a crappy plan to get at Dean and pay him back for the trouble he had been causing since he had gate crashed his grand briefcase cash-in twenty four hours before and again when my fiancé had interrupted the one man monologue that his backstabbing teammate had used to kick the show off. In total it had only been forty eight hours since the stupid gold case had been undeservingly unhooked but already Dean had made it pretty clear to everyone that he would never allow his former brother to use it to win the belt or possibly even make it through another sentence.

Seth took his seat and slipped a pair of headphones on.


Michael Cole kicked off the unwarranted introductions by leaning in across me as the camera focussed in and then tried his level best not to glare at me distastefully since sitting side by side was by no means either of our favorite thing. In my world however, it beat sitting next to the turncoat that had gleefully creamed me over the back of head and so instead I frowned and all but dared him to say anything which he thankfully chose to gloss over instead,

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