My boundaries

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1. I really didn't think I'd have to express this enough. I'm a guy! My pronouns are He/Him put I also accept he/they. I don't understand why I still have people addressing me with she/her pronouns... it makes me uncomfortable. I don't know if it's on accident or intentional, but just know your comments have been deleted and same gos for your messages.

2. Please ask permission before dm me... I know that some of you just want to be friends but I makes me nervous... so if you could just comment asking or ask on my profile that would be cool.

3. Please don't ask for any personal information, name, age, and other personal information at that. (Also u shouldn't give that kind of shit out unless you know you can trust that person.)

4. I don't care if you guys spam me in the comments, in fact, I love reading them! So please keep them coming!

If I feel the need to add to this I will, until then please just follow these.


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