1: The Nine-Tailed Fox I - Chester Hill Lookout

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September 8 - Melanie

I wished I had someone to talk to. There was no one else here with me at Chester Hill Lookout save for a fat calico cat lazing on one of the short stone columns lining the railing. I rested my elbows beside the cat and gazed at the cityscape beyond.

The harvest moon was nearly here. It shone alone in the sky, like a coin reflecting sunlight at the bottom of a wishing fountain. The midnight breeze brushed past my hair, and I tucked my hands into my armpits for warmth. It was like the last breath of summer; the long summer that was my childhood. In only a few minutes, I would enter a new stage of my life. 

The CN Tower, lit in the colours of the rainbow, stretched half a kilometre up the sky like a beacon in the darkness. Skyscraper after skyscraper spread out from the tower, and the lights from their windows coldly glowed like the stars at night.

Crossing over the Don River was the Prince Edward Viaduct, its Luminous Veil lit purple. More than two decades ago, before I was born, it was a suicide bridge where people jumped off to fall to their deaths. This prompted the city to build a barrier, the Luminous Veil itself, to prevent people from falling.

All of my friends had moved elsewhere. Oren moved to study at the University of Waterloo. George was in Kingston studying at Queen's University. My closest friend whom I had known since kindergarten, Eva, was in Vancouver to study at the University of British Columbia. Here I was, the only one left in Toronto.

I hoped to find new friends at U of T, but I knew it was unlikely. All of my new friends in secondary school were actually Eva's friends first. I merely tagged along.

September 9

My phone's clock passed midnight. It was time for me to head back to the Pocket. I strode toward my bicycle, which I had placed in the middle of the giant astrology circle drawn at the end of the cul-de-sac, when I heard a voice.

Happy birthday Melanie, your wish has come true.

I looked around for the source of the voice. Behind me, the calico cat was staring. "H–Hello?" I asked the cat.

I'm not the cat. I'm inside your head.

"What the fuck? I'm going crazy..."

You aren't crazy. Yet.

"Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head."

Sorry darling, but you cannot dispose of me that easily.

"What the fuck are you?"

It's very simple. I'm your super-powered alter ego.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

Sweetie, it means you have magical superpowers when you let me take over your body. Deal with it honey.

"Oh my god... I've been possessed by a demon."

I wouldn't call it possession. More like symbiosis. Come on, I'm taking you for a spin! Let's fool around a little bit.

"My parents were right... I should sleep more. When I go to sleep, you'll disappear." I grabbed the handlebars of my bike.

Listen to me, girl. I am your birthday gift, and refusing a birthday gift is rude to the greatest degree.

"Fine then. I'll listen to the crazy voice in my head. What do you want me to do?"

Grant me permission to control your body and I'll give you magic.

"Um, how exactly am I supposed to do that?"

You must use your will.

I drew a slow breath. I couldn't believe I was listening to the insane voice in my mind.

I grant you permission.

Thank you so much.

My clothes suddenly changed to some kind of ninja outfit. Night turned to day as my eyes became adapted for night vision. My body became bulkier, more muscular, and I felt my rear becoming heavy. When I looked behind me, I saw nine white-tipped black tails.

Hold up, are those fox tails?

My legs moved on their own. I jumped on top of a two-storey house and ran across the rooftops. When the line of houses ended, I leapt over a copse of trees before landing on another house.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I had just jumped over a sixty metre long gap. No human could have done that. The voice in my head had told the truth. She did have powers.

I hopped down and crossed the street, passing a sign that said 33 Eastmount Avenue, until I was at the base of a high-rise apartment building.

I springed over the canopy that covered the front entrance, and made my way to the top of the building by climbing over each balcony.

The view over Playter Estates from up here was gorgeous. I could see Lake Ontario to the south, and Greektown along Danforth Avenue. If I looked hard enough to the east, I could even see my own neighbourhood within Riverdale. My little Pocket in this vast city.

Beautiful view isn't it? Chester Hill Lookout is great, but this is truly wonderful. I believe we're about sixty five metres above the ground.

I walked backwards to the eastern edge of the building.

Um, what are you doing?

Jumping off this building, obviously.

Oh my god, I'm going to die!

I charged forth and leapt into the air. The stars, hidden before under the light-polluted sky, twinkled in the night. Cars drove through the Don Valley Parkway. In front of me, I could see the full breadth of Toronto's skyline, where skyscrapers stretched for kilometres until they reached the lake. 

At the apex of my jump, my right hand somehow conjured an oil-paper umbrella that slowed down my descent like a parachute.

Holy shit. You could have told me about that before jumping off.

It's more fun when it's a surprise!

Behind me, there was a middle-aged man on a balcony staring with his mouth agape.

Damn, someone saw us!

Relax, I have everything under control.

With my free hand, I formed a fox hand gesture and fired a violet magical projectile at the astonished onlooker. When the projectile hit the man, he fell on his back.

What the hell did you just do? Did you kill him?!

Don't worry darling. I just tucked him in. He's having sweet dreams right now.

This vixen would surely be the death of me.


Author's Note 2022-06-05

Summary: Melanie looks wistfully at Toronto's skyline, thinking of how all of her friends have moved away to study at different universities. When the clock reaches midnight, Melanie meets her new superpowered alter ego who has the powers of a nine-tailed fox.

I had so much fun writing this chapter. Why did I not do this sooner? Using a real world setting makes my life so much easier. The story comes easily when the setting is already there.

By the way, I suggest using Google Earth or Google Maps if you want to track Melanie's location throughout this chapter. I think the story feels more interesting when you know exactly where the characters are. Putting Melanie in a real Canadian city really makes the story come alive in my opinion. 

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