I'm not a kid anymore!

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!Quick Announcement in China, which is where LMK takes place, the driving age is 18. Which means the MK is at least 18! Also this takes place after the Revenge of Spider Queen before season 2. 

MK (he/they)
Pigsy (he/him)
Tang (he/him)
Mei (she/they)
Sandy (he/him)
Monkey King (he/him)

TW: mild cussing and arguing 

The day started out like any other, Mk got dressed and headed down to Pigsy's Noodles for work. Once arriving he almost immediately got swamped with deliveries. 

"Order up!" He heard his boss, Pigsy, yell from behind the counter placing the take out on the counter. Mk was quick to act and scooped it up.

"On it, boss!" He yelled, smile plastered to his face. With no more words said he ran out to his, well Pigsy's, Tuk Tuk. He drove to the address and knocked on the door. 

"Pigsy's Noodles!" He announced. The door was opened, the person handed him the money and he gave them the noodles then left to get more orders. This was the same routine everyday from when he got up until Pigsy closed up shop, but today it was different. 

His phone buzzed and he looked down to see what it was. 

"Announcement from the Weather Station: We are having some difficulty right now. Beware of dangerous weather. We'll be working extra hard to get everything up and running again, stay safe!

He let out an audible groan. 

"Why today?" He asked the sky, but no one answered. Dark clouds rolled in. Suddenly a gust of harsh wind nearly knocked him off his feet. Panicked, he looked around for a certain someone but was glad to find he was alone. Mk got back into his Tuk Tuk just before another gust of wind swiped across the city.

Once again there was a buzz. The delivery boy looked at his phone. 

"Message from Dadsy: Kid, get back to the shop, weather is getting nasty"

He shot back a quick reply and drove off, hoping traffic wasn't too bad. He definitely didn't want to be stuck in a storm in a vehicle with no windows or doors. As they drove the wind felt like a hard slap in the face, it made them want to hunker down and hide like a kid hiding from their angry parents. He groaned a little, hating to compare himself to a kid but they weren't wrong. 

Right then the strongest wind yet swept through. It overturned his Tuk Tuk, leaving his arm trapped under the side of it. They laid there for a moment, dazed by the sudden impact with the ground. Reality came back to them when a drop of rain hit their face. 

'Fuck' He thought, dreading this day now. He tried to pull his arm out from under it only to feel pain. It wasn't overbearing pain but it still hurt. He inhaled sharply and shut his eyes to not cry out in frustration. 

"Bud?" Their eyes snapped open at the voice. They were met with a very familiar face. Monkey King. 

"Monkey King! Hey!" Somehow seeing his mentor lightened his mood. Wukong looked at him and gave him a rather weird smile, one of sympathy and concern.

"Need a little help there, bud?" Wukong asked. This worried him, he's known the kid long enough to know when he needs a little helping hand. Mk gave him a smile.

"That would be awesome," With that the Monkey King grabbed the Tuk Tuk and lifted it off of him. Mk squeezed his eyes shut again, it hurt. His arm was throbbing. No mind to his pain he sat up to see his mentor placing the Tuk Tuk down a little bit away from him. 

There was another drop of rain. Then another. Then another. Mk groaned again and used his good arm to force themself off the ground. Suddenly another gust of wind knocked him off his balance. He stumbled forward and fell. Monkey King grabbed the back of his shirt and lifted him back to his feet. 

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