Chapter 2, When There Are No Veggies Left

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Filip's POV.
I sat down on my bed as I pondered what that notebook would be for. I decided to wait to write in it until I know what to do with it.

I sighed. I didn't want to get murdered. I hope that Zala and I can survive together. We can see the rest of the band again. Žiga, Gašper and Mark must be worried sick for us. I feel bad. I just hope that they'll be alright.

It was about 2:45. I decided to try to sleep. Maybe if I fall asleep, and the murderer targets me, I won't feel anything.

Shockingly, I fell asleep instantly.


I woke up, and the lights were on. I didn't know if it was past 4:00, or if I fell asleep and woke up instantly. There were no windows, so I couldn't tell what time it was until I looked at the clock on my nightstand. The time said 5:13 a.m. I had survived the first night. All I have to do is hope Zala survived the first night, and that we catch the murderer right away..

I decided that it was safe to leave now. I decided to leave my room. Maybe the rec room would be open, and maybe people would be in there.

I opened the door to my room. The atmosphere felt chilly. Was it because of the murderer's target? I didn't know.

I couldn't get into Zala's room because the doors were locked, and the only person who could get into them was the murderer.

I walked down the hall to get to the rec room. There were only a few people there. Rosa Linn was there, along with Nadir Rustamli. Mahmood and Blanco were there playing chess.

"Checkmate." Blanco said.

"Dammit, Riccardo. That's the fifth time! How'd you get so good at this?" Mahmood asked his lover.

"I'm just a natural." Blanco smiled.

I took a step back. I didn't know that Blanco knew English. I guess Mahmood might have taught him before the competition so that he could understand everyone else.

"Hello..." I stuttered.

"Oh hey, Filip." Rosa greeted me with a smile. We've been kinda close since I duetted her in her song, Snap.

"Hey man," Nadir said and gave me a short little wave. I waved back.

"Have any of you seen Zala yet? I want to know if she survived the night or not." I sighed.

"I saw her leave her room to go to the bathroom about a half hour ago." Nadir said.

I sighed in relief. She had survived.

"Do you know who got murdered?" Rosa asked me.

"I know about as much as you do." I shrugged. Mahmood and Blanco looked up from their chess game. Mahmood gave me a little smile and wave. I waved back.

"Wanna play a game with me and Nadir?" Rosa asked me.

"Sure." I shrugged and walked over to the two. We decided we'd play Uno...

Ronela's POV.
I woke up. I forgot for a second where I was, but then I remembered that we all have been kidnapped and forced into a murder game. I just hope Andrei is alright. As well as Chanel.

Andrei is my boyfriend, and Chanel is my best friend. We're like sisters. Andrei, aka wrs, is the best boyfriend I could ask for. I just hope he's going to be alright. If he got murdered, I don't know what I'd do.

It was about 8:00. I decided to leave my room and see what was going on outside my room. As soon as I left my room, I felt a shiver. I could tell that the murderer struck last night.

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