Chapter 8, The Truth Unfolds

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Filip's POV.
I couldn't believe it! Stein was telling the truth! It is Ronnie! I collapsed to the ground, crying. I couldn't believe it! My ally, my very own ally was the one behind this whole thing! He killed Andrei, Ronela's love... He killed Sheldon trying to kill Ochman... He killed Jérémie and tried to frame Marius.... He was probably planning on betraying me this whole time! I yelled at Zala for telling me what I thought was a lie.... It's not.

I slammed my knuckles into the wall until they bled. I didn't want to play this stupid game anymore! I couldn't bear to imagine Zala getting hurt in any way! I don't know what Ronnie is capable of, and I don't think I want to know.

I looked at my bleeding hands and I winced. It hurts, but it doesn't hurt as bad as my heart. I let Zala go for some stupid lie that I kept on telling myself! I decided to go and wash my hands. I wanted to find something to wrap them in so that I wasn't going to bleed out. I left my room and turned to go to the bathroom when I noticed Lauri creeping up to a door. I got curious, so I walked up to him. He had a knife in his left hand, and he was walking towards Ronnie's room!!!

"What do you have there, Lauri?" I asked. That must've startled him..

"N-nothing! I don't have anything!" He cried.

"I see the knife in your hand, Lauri. Don't play dumb with me!" I retorted. Lauri walked up to me.

"I'll have you know that your ally is not to be trusted! I'm going to take him out before he can do any more damage!!" Lauri demanded. I don't know what was going through my head, but whatever it was, it made me storm up to Lauri.

"You don't know that! I won't let you kill Ronnie when you don't know he's the murderer!" I cried. I tried to reach for the knife, but Lauri swung his hand. He managed to cut me in the stomach. The cut was deep. I collapsed to the ground, shaking. I shrieked.

"Maybe next time, you'll mind your own business. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm on a mission." Lauri said before walking off.

"RONNIE!!! RONNIE, DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!!! LAURI'S GOING TO KILL YOU!!" I shrieked. I didn't know if Ronnie heard me, but my voice couldn't take it. I began to feel dizzy. I began to lose consciousness. That's when I heard Zala.....

Zala's POV.
I sat in my room, crying. I heard pounds on my wall next to me. I knew it was Filip trying to get his anger out. Did I mess up that bad?

I sighed. It can't be that bad. Maybe he was just... Just .... Okay, I can't think of anything else it could be! He's pissed off.... Pissed off at me.

Suddenly, the pounds stopped. His door opened, and I began to hear muffled voices. Soon, those muffled voices turned into yells until I heard Filip shriek, then it was near silence...

"Oh no!" I cried as I bolted out of my room. I had to figure out why Filip was shrieking like that. I turned the corner to see my worst nightmare.

"FIČO!!!" I cried. He was on the ground, there were bloodstains on the carpet, and I knew that the blood was Filip's!

"Zala... Lauri.... Lauri came up to me and..." Filip croaked. I began to bawl. Lauri did this?!?!?!

"It's gonna be okay! I'm going to find the medic! You'll be fine!" I assured him while stroking his back. "Just stay with me, Fičo!"

It was at this moment when I began to recall it all. All of the times he was there for me, comforting me until I felt better. All the times that I did the same for him. I couldn't lose him now, I just couldn't!!!

By this time, Ronnie had stormed out of the room to see the commotion. His eyes, filled with terror.

"OH GOD NO, FILIP!!!" He cried.

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