Chapter 13, Don't You Dare Let Her Go

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Filip's POV.
Zala and I gasped as we heard that. I sprung up off my knees and I bolted over to the other room to get to Ronnie. Sure enough, I saw him. He was laying on the ground. He wasn't dead, but he was pretty close.

"RONNIE!!!" I cried as I ran over to him. I knelt down next to him. He looked at me with his dark brown eyes as they were filled with relief... I knew he did this on purpose.

"Ronnie, no!" I trembled.

"Filip... You're okay!" He smiled slightly.

"Why? Why did you do this??" I trembled.

"Because you deserve to live more than I do... Do you realize all the distress I've caused throughout this game...." Ronnie trembled.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. Tears began to form in my eyes as I felt Ronnie's shaking body. I knew that he didn't want to kill any of the people that have died.

"But it wasn't your choice to become the murderer!" I trembled. Romnie sighed.

"I know... I know... But I still had the control to not kill anyone... I could've given up from the beginning and... and everything would be f-fine."

"But you couldn't! This stupid game made you do it!" I cried.

"I still had... Some control... " Ronnie trembled. "Besides... I've had a good run.... It's best you just leave me here..."

"But I can't do that to you!" I wept. Zala walked into the room as Ronnie began to breathe heavily.

"Filip... Please listen to me... You need to let me go...... Just promise me that you'll never let Zala go.... She's a real gem... You need to promise me that you'll keep her safe from here on out.... Forget about me... Look after her.... Take care of her...." Ronnie trembled. . He began to cough slightly. I could feel his presence leave soon. He saved me countless times, and I couldn't save him...

"Filip... P-promise me..." Ronnie trembled as he grabbed onto my hands. I couldn't look at him without feeling the urge to bawl.

"Oh, Ronnie.... I promise! I'll never let her go!!" I cried. That was when I felt his breathing begin to slow down. His head began to slowly lower to the ground. I could feel his grip loosen as he began to drift away.

"See ya on the other side.... Fičo..." Ronnie smiled one last time before he lost consciousness for the last time. He was gone...

I tried to hold back my tears. I knew he did this to protect me, Zala, and everyone else. He gave himself to save all of us.... I felt horrible. I felt like I could've done something. I could've done something to save Ronnie, but I didn't! He saved me... And I couldn't save him.

"Fičo?" Zala asked. "Are you alright?"

"Ronnie gave his own life to save me... I could've saved him, but I didn't!" I sobbed, looking down at Ronnie's cold, lifeless body.

"Fičo, I know it must be hard, but it's not your fault. Ronnie did this to save you, he did this to save both of us." Zala replied softly, trying to make me feel better. She pulled me into a hug...

Zala's POV.
I felt horrible for Filip. I knew he was good friends with Ronnie, and now he's gone...

I trembled as I hugged Fičo. His salty tears flowed down my neck as he sobbed. I didn't care that my clothes were getting soaked in tears. I just wanted to be there for Filip.

That was when I heard noises coming from the room I was in! I looked to my left, and I realized that I could see everyone!!! I could see Roman Iagupov trying to break out of the room! I could see Blanco as he wept for Mahmood! I could see Sheldon looking at me with his beaming eyes like he believed in me. I could see everyone else looking at me with tears in their eyes. They saw what Ronnie did! Suddenly, I saw some kind of handprint on the front! I gasped as I said:

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