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Sofia POV:
I don't know what happened but I feel like someone carry me and put me on her lap saying conforming things to me.
-Scarlet I can't.... I can't breathe
- you can my love, breathe and throw it away, breathe and throw it away that's it. Keep it up baby, you're doing great.

It was like that for another 15 minutes until I completely calmed down and she put my head on her chest and I cried and cried until I had no more tears.

I was tired and without saying anything else She carried me  to the car and put me in the seat

I am so ashamed like I literally know her now? She already had me in her arms carrying me, and calming me down I don't know when I fell asleep.

Scarlett POV:
I put her between my legs and calmed her down as best I could. Saying nice things to her, stroking her hair, once in a while kissing on the head and it seemed to serve her because she calmed down.

Seeing that she start crying I put her on my chest so she could listen to my heartbeat and focus on that. After about 15 minutes I see that she is falling asleep I carry her to the car and sit her down. I put on some soft music because I knows she's going to fall asleep.

I don't know where she lives and I'm not going to leave her on set at this time so I went to my house and called Colin and told him to prepare another dish because I was bringing someone I didn't tell him who it was but he understood. I looked to the side and she was no longer awake

Seeing her reminds me a lot of my Sofia, my baby, what will she be doing now, she will be fine, she will have eaten, she will have someone to tuck her in at night, who will take care of her when she has nightmares, who will take care of her if she doesn't feel well. I see Sofía and it's like seeing her, I would like to go back in time and never give her up, we would be so good she would be 15 years old, a teenager, maybe someone likes her, I don't know, I just want to see her even if it's once.

We get to my house and I get off the car and pick Sofi up and I put her on the guest room.

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