Scarlett POV:
That girl doesn't change, we invite her to eat and she wants to pay, she's a kid, I know she works and if she wants to buy things for herself that's fine, but having to pay other people's bills is not good. Colin knows her very well and when he came back she just dropped in knowing we weren't going to let her pay. Rose was playing with her tablet in her world and Sofia already looked tired so we ordered dessert because Rose wanted ice cream but Sofia was already sleeping on my shoulder, I just accommodated her letting her head fall on my chest so she would be more comfortable. She was like that for a long time until it was time to go, I wake her up giving her small kisses on her head and she asked me where she was but she answered herself looking at the place. We got up and went to the car, I thank God there were no paparazzi, we left quietly, but we didn't move and I asked Colin why he wasn't driving, and he just pointed at me with his eyes.-Sofía, where do we leave you in the apartment or do you stay at home with us? I just wished it would say with us
-Ah, in the apartment it's fine, you know where Colin is, right? Sofía answers with a little doubt. -Yes honey, where always right? Colin asks Sofía answers with a small mjm, it was obvious that she was tired. We got to the apartment, but it could only be seen from the outside but it seemed more like a place for one person than for a whole family. I ask her with who she lives with and she tells me that with a friend,
-Sofia, baby is this place safe
-Scar I have live here for a long time, I'm safe, calm down.Sofia Pov:
-Scar I have live here for a long time, I'm safe.
I told her though she doesn't look very relaxed -Okay, but write me when you come in and close the door, ok?
-Yessss I say goodbye to everyone, although Rose was already asleep, I kiss her on the forehead, Colin gives me a hug and a kiss on my head, and finally, Scarlett, who hugs me, gives me a kiss on my forehead and another on the head.
-You write me when you enter and close, and call me if you need something, if you don't feel safe write me and I'll pick you up, tomorrow you eat okay? do you understand me, baby?
-Yes mommmm
I didn't think about it, it just came out of me, but it was more like to shut her up She remained paralyzed looking at me until I saw a tear come out of her and I was surprised because it was a joke but she gave me another kiss and went to the car. They waited for me to enter and then they leave. I don't know whether to write to her because she saw me come in but I don't want to get in trouble with her so I better write to herScar💕
-I already entered but I think you know because you saw me but I preferred not to get in trouble so that's why I wrote to you
delivered 10:40
Read 10:40 - -Very good baby, you're already learning 😂 did you close the door?
- Noo, I'll do it now I forgot thank you
delivered: 10:41
Read: 10:41
-What am i going to do with you?
-I don't know about that, but I do know that I'm sorry for calling you mom it was something of the moment but I didn't know you were going to react like that
delivered: 10:43
Read 10:43 She didn't answer me, I know I did wrong, now one of the only people who care about me will no longer , screw it up I preferred to leave my cell phone there and look for my computer because I had homework i did every single one of them when I check the time and it was already 12:16 and there were several messages from Scarlett,
—Don't worry, love, I know it came out and I got a little sentimental, that's all, although I didn't mind at all, so I don't bother.-Everything's fine baby, I swear I don't mind, on the contrary I liked it, today seeing you with us made me feel good, you'll see I have a life that few people know about my past at some point I'll tell you, but now is not the time and that made me feel a little relieved
-Sofi did you fall asleep? are you OK? answer me when you can
*3 missed calls from Scarlett*
-I guess you went to bed, sleep well love, sweet dreams baby-Scar, I'm sorry I arrived and left the cell phone on the table and I started doing homework
-I'm sorry, yes I'm fine, I haven't gone to bed yet but I'm about to
-Thank you for today, I also had a good time After 5 minutes she answeredScarlett POV:
She call me mom, I know she said it as a joke, but my she call me mom, it was like seeing my little girl that right now she wouldn't be so little with me, if I hadn't been so selfish, she was still with me. When she wrote me that she was sorry I felt my chest tighten, surprisingly we live about 15 minutes from her so when I got out of the car and put Rose up I had forgotten to answer her, I quickly went to my cell phone and I answered her but she didn't text me back answer and I worry "Scarlett you are thinking a lot she just fell asleep" that does not calm me down
Colin tell me "Scar you're tossing and turning, it's Sofia surely fell asleep love, come let's go downstairs to watch a movie ok? " We went down and it was almost 12:30 when my cell phone vibrated and I quickly thought of Evans, the only one who would text me at this time but to my surprise it was SofíaSofi💕
-Scar, I'm sorry I arrived and left the cell phone on the table and I started doing homework
-I'm sorry, yes I'm fine, I haven't gone to bed yet but I'm about to
-Thank you for today, I also had a good time-Love, it's almost 1 o'clock, you better take a bath and go to sleep, you'll finish your homework tomorrow.
-I already finished it wasn't that much either way -Very well, go to bed, missy, it's already late and tomorrow you have classes
-I don't have classes tomorrow, I didn't go this week and it's not worth it to go only Friday, I'm going out with Noah in the afternoon, that's the only thing I have pending for tomorrow
-Yeah, you could you, it never hurts to go one day at least, noah from the stranger thing? where are you going?
-Yes, that one, I don't know where we're going, but I know he's coming for me at around 6 in the afternoon, why?
-No reason I'm just asking, is Noah more than a friend?
-Hahaha no, he's just a friend why?
-I don't think so sweetheart , whenever I see you two together you look each other with different eyes, I'm not saying it for anything specific, but... you're too young to have a boyfriend so as a friend it's more than fine but that's all
-Scar, only friends and I'm 15, I'm old enough to have a boyfriend, girls my age already have children
-Sofía, that's as far as I go, you're a baby, you still have a lot to experience, so no boyfriends -Anyway, when I have I'll let you know :) I know it will be soon, good night !
-Sofía Isabelle, don't make me talk to Noah and tell him that you're still a little kid
-Good night baby, sleep well and you know no boyfriends until you are at least 21 years old. 🤪
This girl is going to give me a heart attack right now, Noah seems like a good boy and he respects her but seeing Sofia just makes me think of my little girl and mom's instincts hit me and just make me want to protect her and keep her in a bubble so nothing happens to her. Who would have thought that I would bump into a girl and that girl would make my life change right now.

Are you my mom?
AléatoireSofía Gómez, a 15-year-old teenager who is recognized worldwide since she was a girl of just 6 years old. Throughout her career she has starred in many roles but the one she is about to take from her now will change her life. Mom is not the one who...