Chapter 11

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third point of view
The girls were upstairs playing princess while Colin and Scarlett were in the kitchen with a glass of wine.
-Scarlett, love, what are you thinking says Colin
-I feel complete, it's as if Sofia is my girl, you know It's feels good knowing that I have both up there and they get along well, I just wish all this was real.
-I'm going to tell you something but promise me you won't tell anyone.
-Yes, tell me calm
-Sofía does not have an easylife or as beautiful as it seems, let's say her family is not the best, I know them they are good people but they fight a lot in front of her, her mother got her into acting when she was little to be able to have money, she has panic attacks, depression, anxiety, she has PDST, and she also had Ed. But that girl going through all that always has a smile on her face and she never fails to make us laugh.
But let's see what they do because it's past Rose's bedtime.

Scarlett POV::
We went upstairs and I told Colin not to go all the way in and we saw Sofia telling a bedtime story to an almost asleep Rose. Sofia saw that she fell asleep, she kissed her on the forehead and left the room

-I'm sorry, I didn't know you were there.
-Don't worry, we just got here, that's why we came to tell Rose that it was about time, but you beat us
-Yes, she already looked tired

There was an awkward silence until Sofía asked me if Ubers arrived here.
This girl really believes that I am going to let her go with a stranger and more so at this hour, oh my.
-No, little one, come on, I'm going to show you where you are going to stay.
-No really, I have to go tomorrow I have to fill up in the morning.
-What time?
-I have to be there at 8
-Well, perfect, I wake you up at 7 and drive you.

Sofia POV:
I was going to say something but Colin beat me
Sof, if I were you don't waste your breath because Scarlett is stubborn and even I wouldn't let you go out at this hour with someone that neither of us knows, so to bed

-Well, what, good night
-Sofia, no good night take a bath, you are not going to bed dirty. Scarlett tells me
-But I don't have clothes
-I'll bring you now, move on

I went to bathe and indeed Scarlett left my clothes, I went to bed and after a while I heard two voices.

-What a day hey, you could say that it was one of the best I've ever had.
-Yup I'm going to bed
Colin approaches me: Good night little one, sleep well and forgive me really I hear him go and she approaches me Scarlett wraps me up to my head and leaves a long kiss on my forehead: Sleep well baby.

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