A Normal Human Life

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Piper woke up early happy to be a normal human. For the first time since Phoebe read the incantation in the Book of Shadows they weren't witches and they could lead normal lives like they used to.

All thanks to an Angel of Destiny arriving one day. He told them they fulfilled their destiny of defeating the source of all evil and they would be rewarded with the option to have the slate wiped clean and lead normal lives again.

"Will we remember? Being witches?" Paige asked sadly from her spot away from her two sisters who were willing to give it all up.

"Of course, it will have no effect on your past. Only your future."

Phoebe decided that she wanted to tell Cole before they went through with it so he could move on, then when she returned from the demonic wasteland Piper and Paige decided that they wanted to wait because giving Selena over to Agent Jackson didn't feel right.

After the Angel of Destiny left again they found out Selena was the witch and Agent Jackson was the witch hunter. They nearly gave up their powers and allowed a fellow witch to be burned at the stake because of them. Luckily, they saved her, but that only served as a reminder of how dangerous their lives have been lately. If they weren't fighting the source they were trying not to be exposed as witches which is exactly what Jackson would do.

Piper and Phoebe decided once and for all to give up their powers and Paige was once again the odd one out. Now, they lived human lives with no magic, other than Leo, no witchy powers, and no demons bursting in their house.

"Piper!" Phoebe yelled as she entered the house. "Where are you? In the kitchen?!" She called.

"Yes!" Piper yelled back.

Phoebe walked into the kitchen and smiled at her sister. "Hello."

"Shouldn't you be at work?"

Phoebe chuckled. "I'm already finished for today." She grinned. "Without demonic interruptions I actually manage to get my column done early." Phoebe proudly said.

Piper sighed. "You know I thought a normal life would allow me to spend more time with Leo."

Phoebe gave her a sympathetic smile. "Oh honey, he has his charges to deal with. Now that we're not Charmed anymore he can't be rushing home all the time and you have to try to understand that." Phoebe advised her sister.

Piper glared at her. "Don't Ask Phoebe me. Save it for your paper." Piper snapped.

Phoebe chuckled. "Speaking of my paper. I got a letter today that hit a little close to home." She sighed.

"Oh? Dear Ask Phoebe, I was recently offered a chance to give up my powers and lead a normal life again. What should I do?"

Phoebe chuckled and lightly slapped her older sister. "Piper!"

"What?" Piper chuckled. "Okay." She sighed. "I'll be serious. What did this letter of yours say?"

"My reader is upset with her two sisters for choosing where their family vacation would be, she asked for advice on how to handle a situation that you have to deal with because it was decided for you." Phoebe explained sadly.

Piper folded her arms over her chest. "You sure Paige didn't write it and use the vacation thing as a cover?" Piper joked, but when Phoebe frowned she turned serious again. "Phoebe, we apologized and explained our decision to Paige already. There isn't much more we can do."

"What if she stays mad at us forever? I'm worried, Piper."

Piper scoffed. "She can't stay upset forever. She may be stubborn, but she's not that stubborn."

Phoebe snorted.

Piper grimaced. "Point taken. Well we'll just have to keep trying until she understands why we chose to give up our shared destiny. It's not like we're done being sisters, just witches, Paige will come around."

They heard the sound of the front door slamming and the youngest sister cursing. Piper and Phoebe shared a look then they got up to see what was going on with Paige.

"Paige?" Piper asked as she walked out to where Paige was.

"Did something happen honey?" Phoebe asked in concern.

Paige scoffed and glared at her older sisters. "Nothing. My car got a flat and I tried to orb home, but I don't have my powers anymore so I couldn't!" She snapped at them. "I didn't know giving up my witch powers meant I would be giving up my white-lighter powers too!" She yelled angrily. "Thanks again for deciding my future for me!" She snapped at them then she stormed up the stairs.

"Oh." Piper flinched when she heard another door slam. "She might need a little more time."

"Piper, I'm really worried. What if Paige moves out?" Phoebe asked.

Piper frowned. "I don't think she would leave, Phoebe. Are you thinking about moving out?"

Phoebe frowned and shook her head. "Not for a long while. You?"

Piper placed her hand on her stomach and smiled. "Never. I want to raise my baby right here."

Phoebe smiled. "And Aunt Phoebe will stay right here with you."

Piper smiled and leaned closer to Phoebe, then she frowned and looked up the stairs. "But I hope Aunty Paige will stay here too."

"I thought you'd like to know, neither decision would have effected your's, and Leo's, personal destiny." The Angel foreshadowed.

Piper made a face. "What?"

Phoebe gasped. "Oh my god."


"Don't you get it?!" Phoebe yelled.

Piper shrugged.

Phoebe turned to Paige. "Don't you get it?!" Paige didn't answer. She just stared at Phoebe confused. "She's pregnant!" Phoebe cheered.

"Who's pregnant?!" Piper snapped.

"She's pregnant!"

"I'm pregnant?!" Piper yelled out feeling confused and excited.

"Hi Baby!" Phoebe said happily towards Piper's stomach.

The sisters celebrated while the Angel just smiled, then he left taking their powers and destiny as The Charmed Ones with him.

After the excitement of finding out Piper was going to have a baby and telling Leo when he unfroze died down the shock of not having powers anymore took over the atmosphere of the house until Paige finally snapped. The sisters got into an argument, one Leo couldn't help them settle, and then three sisters bonded together became split as two against one.

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