You're Not Leaving This House

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Phoebe and Prue walked out of the kitchen after Prue calmed Phoebe down enough to talk to Paige. But they didn't expect to see Paige standing in the middle of the living room with Piper across from her.

It looked like the two sisters were in a stalemate. Piper was standing with her arms crossed blocking the way to the front door and Paige was standing with her arms crossed and a stubborn look on her pale face. Neither sister budged.

"What's going on?" Prue asked.

"Paige thinks she's leaving."

"I am as soon as you move."

"You're not leaving this house."

"You don't control me."

"Paige, you just threw up. You are in no condition to leave here."

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"Where are you gonna go?! We're you're family, Paige! Whether you like it or not!" Piper snapped.

Paige scoffed. "I don't need a family like the two of you." She glared over at Prue. "And I definitely don't need your St. Prue around either."

Piper's hand flew out before she could stop herself and slapped Paige across the face. "Don't you dare disrespect Prue."

"Piper!" Phoebe and Prue gasped.

Paige brought her hand up to her cheek. "I knew it. I knew it from the day I moved in." She muttered.

"Knew what?!" Piper snapped.

"You don't even like me."

Piper scoffed. "Paige, that's ridiculous! You're my sister! I am trying to keep you safe! I want to help you so you don't throw your life away!" She yelled.

"Throw my life away?! What do you care about my life?! You gave my life away! You and your sister decided what I'm supposed to do with life so I'm doing it! I'm going back to when I wasn't a witch! When I didn't know magic was real or that you two existed!"

"Paige, we are still your sisters!"

"Piper, calm down." Phoebe tried.

Paige huffed. "You only needed me to help you be Charmed and now that we're not the Charmed Ones anymore, that's over! I'm moving out!" Paige yelled and stomped to the stairs, then she stomped up the stairs and they heard a door slam.

Piper groaned in frustration. "Ooh, it is so hard to talk to her!"

"That doesn't mean you can hit her, Piper." Prue lectured.

Piper sighed. "I know. I was in the wrong and I need to apologize, but how can I when she doesn't even listen!" Piper shouted.

"Piper, please try to calm down. I don't want you to get too stressed out." Phoebe said worriedly.

Piper huffed. "Phoebe, I'm fine. I'm just frustrated!" She threw her hands out as if to blow something up, but she didn't have her powers anymore. "What are we gonna do?"

Phoebe sighed. She walked over and rubbed Piper's arm. "Prue showed me what the Angel of Destiny showed her and it's bad, Piper. It's horrible. We have to get through to Paige before she moves out or it'll be weeks, maybe even months, before we see her again."

Piper frowned. "What are you talking about? What did you see?"

Phoebe frowned too. "Too much. Drinking, drugs, living on the streets, rehab centers, and-" Phoebe swallowed the lump forming in her throat. "And Paige.. joining Prue."

Piper gasped. "What? You mean-"

Phoebe solemnly nodded.

Piper glanced at Prue and she also nodded. "Over my dead body." She said then she stormed up the stairs.

Phoebe sighed and followed her.

"Maybe I should give them some time." Prue whispered to herself. Her eyes closed when she felt a vision of Destiny coming on. "Or not." She followed behind them.

Prue was the last one up the stairs and she tried very hard to not get distracted by the little changes made to the place or the fact that Paige's room used to be hers.

"Paige, you're not moving out."

"You're not telling me what I can and can't do!" Paige snapped.

"I'm not trying to, but if you would just listen! You're not leaving this house! I won't let you leave!"

"Uh, Piper, that's still telling her what to do." Phoebe whispered.

"Phoebe! Shush!" Piper huffed. "What I'm trying to say is we're not gonna let you walk out of here angry and refusing to come home! This is your home Paige!"

Paige stopped shoving her clothes into a duffle bag. "No. It's not. It was never my home. It's just a place where I use to live." She argued.

"Paige, you sound ridiculous again! We are your family and this is your home! Wherever you go we will still be your sisters and this will always be your home!"

Paige glared at Piper with tears in her eyes. "You can say that all you want, but it won't make it true!"

"It is true, Paige! This is your home and we are your sisters!"

"Piper, calm down." Phoebe placed her hand on Piper's shoulder, but Piper shrugged her off. "Piper-"

Piper held up her hand to cut Phoebe off. "Paige, the only way you are leaving this house is if you're sober and going back to work. You are in no condition or position to leave here!"

"Piper. Stop." Prue spoke up knowing what was about to happen next. "Take a moment to calm down, breathe, and then talk this-"

Piper held up her hand to cut Prue off as well. "If you want to leave here so badly, Paige. You'll have to get by me." She said stubbornly.

Paige scoffed. "You know without the ability to blow things up you're not that threatening, Piper."

"I'm not trying to be. I'm telling you that I will get in your way every step of the way and not let you leave this house tonight."

Paige stepped closer. "Get out of my way, Piper. I'm done with this."

"I'm not moving, Paige, so sleep it off and we can talk about this in the morning."  Piper said sternly.

Paige wasn't going to back down and neither one of them would listen to Phoebe or Prue's input.

The two glared at each other, neither one backing down, as time the ticked by. Prue knew it was going to happen soon, but she didn't know how to stop it or if she was even allowed to. Yes, she came to help them prevent the outcome, but she wasn't sure if she could directly interfere with Destiny. She was given some of the Angel's powers which meant she was taking on his role, but Angels of Destiny never get directly involved.

They're supposed to be a neutral party, an innocent bystander, but when Prue saw Paige's hands go up she couldn't control her sisterly instinct and hers hands went forward. Instead of Paige shoving Piper out of her way like the vision showed, Prue had shoved Piper into Paige making Paige stumble backwards and flip over her bed.

Phoebe gasped and rushed over to help her sisters. She helped Piper off the bed first since she was pregnant then rushed over to Paige.

Prue grimaced. "Eeeh, I'm probably gonna get a lecture later."

"Is Paige okay?" Piper asked as she walked around the bed. Falling against Paige's bed must have shaken some of the anger away because Piper didn't sound tense anymore. She just sounded worry.

"Well, the good news is Paige won't be leaving the house tonight."

"And the bad news?"

Phoebe waved her hand above Paige's face. "She's out cold."

Prue looked over the bed. "Oh yeah. I'm definitely gonna get a lecture later."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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