The allyway

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The gloomy light of the moon in the shady dark ally shined down on the silhouette's of Dabi and Twice. The two walked down the pathway chatting about what their jobs were that day. Dabi stopped walked half way down the street looking straight down at a box with a shape of a dog inside of it. He kneeled down looking at the dog like creature wondering if what he saw was just a street dog.  The dog's  eyes opened they were a bight emerald green shining with a glint of rage. The dog stared to change growing human features, standing up looking straight into Dabi's eyes. She was wearing a light grey t-shirt with black pants and black boots.
"Hey do you need something, burn brains?," her voice cold and sarcastic
"Wtf how- why- wha?" He stammered
"It's  my quirk you idiot," she looked over at Twice then back to Dabi "can I leave now., I can, good." She started walking briskly down the ally back into the city. She felt a rough hand on her wrist pulling her back into the ally way.
"What are you doing livening in a ally?," he asked but it sounded more like a demand.
" I..I'm- Im a wanted murder ok.," she ripped her wrist free starting to walk away. Thinking to herself why she would ever tell him that why did she.
"You coming with us no questions asked," Twice looked at Dabi " She wasn't supposed to hear us, Shikarki will kill us if he knows someone heard us.," his voice worried. The two pulled her out of the ally taking her to the rest of the LOV. Toga sitting on chair chatting with Mr.Compress and Spinner. The door opened with a sudden thud and the girl thrown inside the bar. She stood up and tried to walk to the door, trying to leave. Dabi wrapped his hand around her wrist again pushing her back into the room and Spinner trapped her once she was back inside.
"Your not leaving just yet, tie her up," a raspy voice said from behind "who is she and why is she here,". Dabi and Spinner tried her up her arms behind her back.
" I don't know her name, she heard our conversation about our job.," Twice quickly responded. Shigiraki walked slowly in front of the girl his hand now around her neck. His hands were rough, dry, and cracked.
"What's your name?," his voice raspier now.
" It's-my name is Aoko Okamoto, thats it ok.," her voice snarky. He removed his hand from her neck.
"Show me your quirk," his tone showing no empathy "now!" He dusted the rope from her arms for her to proceed. Her body started to change growing fur a tail and ears. After a few seconds she was a huge dog or wolf even. She changed back a few minutes later.
"What do you want from me now.," she asked him
"I wish to know how useful you are," his eyes staring straight at her like hawk "have you committed a crime, ever?,"
"I killed my mother and my boyfriend." She commented quietly.
" And how did you do that miss Okamoto.," he asked her.
"I shredded them to prices by using my quirk, I left only my mothers lower arms and left only the lower admin of my boyfriend.," her voice a bit shaky.
"She can go now, give her a room if it's possible , she's going to be a great addition to us.," Shikaraki's voice sly and filled with mischief. With a devilish smile on his face. Her knees felt weak, falling down shaking from the shock from not being killed. Dabi helped her up from the ground walking her down the hall to the one extra they had. He opened the door for her and left her there off to go talk to the others. She thought to herself what had just happened.
"I never thought we'd have new people for awhile, not after Compress and Spinner got here.," Toga explained to Kurogiri
"I say that's it's bull sh*t, the boss is just trying keep her calm and then is just gonna get rid of her like the rest.," Spinner snapped. Aoko sat in her room listening to their conversation wondering why she was there. Did Shigarkik just want get rid of her or did he really think she'd be useful. She walked over to her bed that was in the middle of the room the sheets a moon light gray. Aoko layer down and curled up under the covers and fell asleep to the sound of the fresh rain falling right outside the walls of her room. Dabi walked to his room instead of talking to the others after hearing Spinner get snappy and didn't want to get involved. He took off his coat and belt laying down on his bed. He looked up to the ceiling wondering of why he decided to talk to a dog in the streets. The thoughts of that night left his mind like he did his family. He drifted off into a bad sleep full of pain from the burns not being taken care of.

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