4 months

16 1 2

Aoko felt the cold breeze on her skin. The Way her home had always been like. She saw the bottles of alcohol and a small amount of used drvgs on the table right out side her and boyfriend's room. She quickly walked out of her room to clean up the kitchen so that he wouldn't be upset with her. Aoko's brain was filled with fear and pain trying to keep focused on cleaning and not him.
"Good morning love,"his voice hissed
"Good morning," she sounded uncomfortable and scared. He put his arms around her in a hug and kisses her neck.
"Daiki please I'm busy," she said still very shaky.
"Im your boyfriend, your fine.," he said cold and firm
"Please get off of me Daiki please.." she pleaded
"Uggh..,fine.," he hesitated. He lifted off of her and walked to there room, and slammed the door behind him. That had been one of her happier memories with him, at least he was gone now and he couldn't hurt her anymore.
"Aoko you ok" a now familiar voice asked, his burned hand in front of her face.
She shook her head a bit
"yeah I'm fine, I was day dreaming sorry.,"
"It's all good, just wanted to make sure you were ok.," Dabi said calmly. Aoko had now been part of the LOV for almost a 4 months now; she was shocked she made it this long without dying.
"Hey wanna go and get some new clothes Aoko.," Toga's high pitched voice caring and a bit crazy.
"Sure I guess.," Aoko sounded groggy and out of it.
"Yay!," Toga full excitement. The two grabbed some things and Aoko garbed her phone. After they were outside Toga started asking all kinds of questions, about her past relationship which made Aoko uncomfortable.
"Can you not ask those questions, I- just please don't.," she asked her
"Oh I'm sorry Aoko, I'll stop.," Toga stated. The two walked down to a small off clothes store. They bought some cute shirts, plants, and Toga bought a couple of skirts. When they got back everyone was gone except Kerogri.
"Afternoon, ladies," his voice as calm as always "how was your shopping."
"We had a good time.," Toga sounded as cherry as she normal did. Aoko walked fast down to her room slamming the door. Then she realized that Dabi was in her room.
"Umm what are you doing in here?," he asked
"Oh shit, sorry wrong room," she quickly answered and ran out to her room.
A quiet knock at her door a about a hour later.
"Hey, you still up?," Dabi asked
"Yeah, why?," Aoko was confused
"Get out of bed and follow me.," he opened the door
"I'm getting dressed, OUT!," she whisper yelled
"Ok, ok sorry I'll leave.," he said with a chuckle. Aoko walked out of her room in the outfit Dabi first saw her in. They walked out the back, crawling through a window. Dabi and Aoko hoped on a train and made it to the forest. They hopped off, and made their way closer to the wood, full of mystery and magic.
"Don't we have work?." She asked him
"Nope, boss and the rest are busy and taking a trip and they want me to watch you.,"he smiled
"I don't need to be watched." She said
"Really," he stood a bit closer "well you don't have choice, foxy."
"I...I uh-." Her cheeks were red "never mind." He stood a bit closer, Dabi was so much taller than her he towered over Aoko like a mountain . She looked up at him, she stepped back and tired to clam down a bit. Her ears and tail were fuzzier than normal and her face was redder now.
"Why, are you so red, foxy?," Dabi's voice was lower and more sensitive
"No-nothing I'm fine.," Aoko stuttered
"Really?," he held her face with his hand
"I-um...what are you doing?," she could barely get the words out
"We've been working together for about, 4 months now and I assume we're friends now.," his hands were soft and rough at the same time
"We're, friends and what do want?," her face was red, no other color
"Oh nothing just wanted to know.," he lowered his hand and walked into the forest
"Do you want me to tell you something,?" She followed after him "Your so mean you know that.,"
"I know, but teasing you is so much fun" he said laughing, but Aoko could see his face was also red, on the sides , but not as visible. The trees were dark and green, like shadows following them. Dabi was running and Aoko's tail kept getting fought on the branch's of trees. They stopped at a small cleaning with table in between a circle of trees, and lit with candles.
"Sit, please.," Dabi held her hand and guided Aoko down to the table.
"Thank you, did you make me food?," Aoko smiled and stopped using her quirk so she could sit.
"Yeah, but anyway want to talk about things?," his face was a bit more red now but was still easily hidden.
"Sure, we can talk.." she giggled
About 45 minutes passed and they were now laying down on the ground. Aoko's hair was messy.
"Hey Dabi, have you ever dated?," she asked
"Yeah, but not for very long," he turned on his side "it's was only 3 months, why do you ask.,?"
"No reason, I just wanted to know.," Aoko laid on her side and stared at the ground.
"What was his name?," his eyes on a blade of dark green grass.
"It's was, Daiki.," she looked up at Dabi "I don't really want to talk about him.,"
"Oh ok, sorry I was just wondering.," he moved his hand closer to Aoko "anyway, what do you want to talk about?"She kept quiet, she intertwined her fingers with his. She got up fast, and sat up she picked up and apple that she hadn't eaten yet and ran toward the train. Aoko had to get back to her room, to think about that day, she had to. Dabi trailed after her, and jumped on the train with her.
"Can't get rid of me that easy.," he snickered
"Fine, but leave me alone when we get back.," she told him. She ran to her room once the were home and slammed the door. Aoko's head was crazy the thoughts of Dabi getting closer to her and all that had happened she was mess. She brushed her hair and laid down thinking about all of the last few months she had been living there, how he'd been the closest with her.
"How could have I had mess this up, i can't be  falling for him, no No NO!" She started to cry quietly and then a knock of the door.
"Hey, can I come in?,"
"Yeah, you can come in Dabi.," she said hiding her face. He sat on the end of her bed, and lent back a bit with his arms.
"You ok? you know I can hear you crying.," he asked her
"Yeah I'm fine, just being stupid.," she said crackly. He pulled her up so they were both sitting; Dabi cupped Aoko's face in his hand whipping her tears.
"Your ok, alright.," he tired to reassure her
"O-ok.," she said slowly. He hugged her, he was warm and cozy.
"You can talk to me if need.," he said
"Thanks," she buried her head into Dabi's chest. He slowly let go from the hug, and he lifted her face up to him.
"Your going to do fine, ok.," he said softly
"Thanks,....a lot.," she said "I'm going to sleep, but can you stay in here with me.,"
" yeah I can do that.," Dabi laid down on the floor and faced Aoko on his side. Aoko laid down on her bed and faced Dabi.
"Good night foxy," he said with a sigh
"Good night," her voice was all groggy and tired
"Wait, don't sleep on the floor, y..you can sleep up here with me," her voice was even more sleepy now
"Your sure," he asked
"Yeah, I'm sure," Aoko scooted over and Dabi laid down next to her.
They fell asleep, and Aoko through her sleep moved next to him. Dabi was warm and soft. Aoko liked that, she liked him a lot.

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