Experiment 1 : 105 106 107

62 4 0

Sam's Record File - Record 001

"Sam! Experiment 107 is yelling again! Make the fucking monster stop! Isn't he your experiment!?" George yelled at me as he was running around stressful around the lab, I sighed deeply, and just nodded. I went to 'Experiment 107' 's cell and made the windows transparent. "I WANT TO LEAVE!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!! HELP ME!!" Experiment 107 yelled banging the window as I stepped back and looked at it, "107 stop!" I lightly yelled at 107 as it started crying, "..?" I looked at it as it never cried before, "Make me stop..!! Make it stop!! The..the water fluid running from my..eyes!! Make it stop!!" It yelled as I smiled lightly at it. "It's normal to cry!" I said as I started talking to it, "107, crying, it's called crying" I told 107.

"..what..make me stop crying!! I want to get out of here!! Why am I here!?" 107 said and started making questions that can not be answered. I sighed as I made the windows lack the transparency as 107 looked at me, "..at least give me a name.." It told me looking really sad, it wants a name. It doesn't want to get called 107, he needs a name. "..please?" It asked nicely, looking at me and lightly banging the window, really tiredly. I sighed and went in front of the window as I stare at him, "Your name. Your name is Tommy, you will obey the Scientists and from now on you will act normal and nicely or else you will get electrocuted" I said as 107—er—Tommy listens to what I said, it seems to be afraid of electricity going trough it's veins.

Tommy looks at me and gives me a light smile, "..thank you" it said going back to the corner where it always stays and sit's. It sat on the floor and hugged it's legs all together and stuffed it's face on it's knees as it's face can not be seen. Hours passed as I wrote down notes about Tommy, 1 hour. 2 hours. 3 hours. 4 hours. 5 hours. 6 hours. 7 hours. 8 hours, Tommy didn't move or left the corner that it was currently in. Hours passed by, 9 hours, 10 hours, 11 hours, 12 hours, 13 hours. ... I started getting worried if it was still alive or not. I went inside his cell, it was really dark and there was a stuffed spider near it's mattress that was never used. I approached the mattress and grabbed the stuffed spider as I looked at Tommy. I walked to it and gave it the stuffed spider.

It lightly put it's head up as it looks at me and looks at the stuffed spider. He slowly grabbed it and hugged it as I saw it smile firmly. "Sam!" Quackity yelled, standing just in front of the cell's door. I turned around and looked at him, "I found new documents for Experiment 105, it's been acting up lately when it hear's the word "bee" or just the letter "b". Can you help me?" Quackity approached me as he asks and shows me the documents. I looked at it as I look back him, "Sure then, let's go talk to 105 shall we?" I agreed as he nodded and lent me to 105. His cell was more darker than Tommy's. The walls has drawings of bee's and goats. Jschlatt was watching him draw trough the window, writing on his clipboard. I asked "Not drinking?" jokingly to Jschlatt.

He chuckled, "No no, 105's been catching my attention..I don't know why but it's getting inside my head.." He said after the chuckled as he looked back at 105. "...what do you think his thinking?" I asked the two Scientists in the room as I also look at 105, he was drawing on the wall. It was a drawing of a bee flying around. A box of crayons laying on the floor as the crayons was scattered all around. "I don't know honestly..it's been drawing for 19 hours now..it won't stop" Quackity answered my questions as it glares at 105. What have caused this? I didn't know, I didn't have an answer. "This is Jschlatt's experiment, right?" I asked. "No, it's Dream's. Though, Dream never looks at 105 ever since he created it..so, me and Quackity has been running tests on it" Jschlatt answered as he looks at me. Oh, it was Dream's

"Have you considered talking to it?" I asked, asking questions may lead to something. It's how I got Tommy to..walk.. "It doesn't know how to talk, all he knows is well, drawing bee's and goats!" Quackity answered as he sighed and sat on his chair, "It's hopeless!". I looked at 105 as I called it, "105!" I yelled as it looks at me and stops drawing, it tilted it's head confusingly, "Do you know how to talk?" I asked, it shook it's head as clear answer, it's a no. "Would you wish to talk?" I asked, it nodded as it points at the wall. It started writing. I wrote; "I knOw hoW lettERs woRkS _ mY vOice Is bROKeN fEEls eAry"

"Have you given it water?!" I yelled and asked, "N-no! We didn't knew it needed water" Jschlatt answered me as I sighed and face palmed. I grabbed a cup and put water in it and gave it to 105. 105 smiled and took it and drank it. It talked, "Oh my god! Thank you!" It thanked me as I smiled lightly, I nodded at it as it continued to draw, "It knows how to talk Quackity, just give it water and talk to it" I told them, especially and mainly to Quackity. "Okay then.." He replied as I left. "EMERGENCY EMERGENCY. CODE RED. CODE RED. EXPERIMENT 106 HAS ESCAPED IT'S CELL. PLEASE BE AWARE" The sirens went on and gave a Code Red as 106 escaped. 106's cell is just right here!

I started running and went inside the cell as I saw Wilbur on the ground, "Wil!" I yelled and ran to him. "106 escaped! As soon as I said "Ranboo" it went bazerk and broke the glass and ran!" Wilbur said as I pulled him up. "I think it's name is Ranboo, we did found it in the End.." I said as I looked at the distance. Wilbur took out a speaker and said; "Ranboo! Stay where you are at and I will come to you. Do not bother to run or hide. You can not leave this building in any certain way or point". We started finding "Ranboo" as we saw it near the bathroom's. We slowly approach it as it yelled at us.

"C'mon Ranboo, let's take you back to your cell where it's all safe" I said as I went it as it started calming down, eventually. I was near it as I kneel down to it's level since it was sat at he floor, afraid and, hurt. "Come now" Wilbur said as he started walking back. As I helped Ranboo up and lent it back to it's cell, "I'm sorry" he whispered as I heard and nodded and locked the door. "Keep watch of him.." I told Wilbur as he nodded and I went back to my Lab.

A lot of thing's happened today in the Lab. 105, 106 and 107 were all feeling not well. The fact he these three's cell are next to each other are..odd.. 107 now has name that I have given, it's name is now "Tommy". 106 has a name in some sort of way, it's name is "Ranboo". It gets triggered when it hears the name or so word "Ranboo". While 105 draws bee's and goats on the walls of it's cell and now can talk in a way..what woul happened next..? I don't know..better question is; Why did Dream left 105?

End of Record 1. Sam here speaking. Sam here, leaving the record. Goodbye to whom found this.

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