Meeting The Parents

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The couple was meeting Lily's parents. And James is freaking out.

"James! Calm down they are nice people!" Lily scolds. James pictures a large man with a shot gun threatening him. That's what girlfriend's father's are supposed to look like, right?

"Nice.... people.... sure," He muttered. He shook in his rented tuxedo. Lily and James are standing in a small village.

The house is a warm brown with vines climbing the sides. The house leans to the side. The front door opens and a women with black hair curly waves to Lily. The women has a red bandana that is tied at the top.

Lily takes James' arm and drags him to the front stoop. She hugs her mother and stands back next to him.

A ginger man that is an older male version of Lily stands next to the woman. "Mum, Dad, this is James, my boyfriend."

James adjusts his glasses and offers out his hand to the man. "Hello, Mr. Evans it is," the man takes James hand and pulls him into a hug, "Nice to meet you."

Lily's father takes James' arm and walks in the hallway with him. He says, "Relax."

Lily's mother whispers to Lily, "Nice catch." She swings her arm around Lily's shoulders and they both laugh.

The dining room is a dark maroon with orange accent lighting. A chandelier hangs over a dark wood grain table. The table is full with all types of food. It seems like a feast.

They all sit in their respective places. Me. Evans surves some type of pasta salad. "This looks brilliant, I mean it looks delicious Mrs. Evans," James stutters.

She smiles with her lips pressed together, "Thank you James! But you can call me Irene."

A pregnant pause falls upon the table. James his shaking so much he can barely keep any food on his fork. Lily notices and automatically says, "James and I have already found work for after Hogwarts."

Lily's father says, not even looking up, "And what is that Mr. Potter?"

"Oh," a sweat breaks out on his forehead, "It is sort of like strategy against the death- I mean bad guys."

Her father gives a stern look to Lily as he pops some food in his mouth. He grumbles, "And you will be safe won't you?"

"Gregory! I am sure these two are safe! They are head girl and head boy at Hogwarts!" Irene says with pride.

Lily gives James a look and he quickly remembers, "Mr. Evans I hear that you are a football fan?"

He eyes flip towards James happily. Every time James looks at the father his mind automatically says, 'I think your daughter is hot.' And it is not helping his nerves one bit.

James has eaten all of his dinner because of the nerves. "Yes I do indeed fancy the sport. Do you play?"

James answers, "Yeah, actually may I use the rest room?" Irene nods and James stumbles towards a hallway. The hall is covered with pictures of Lily and Petunia who, according to Lily, didn't want to meet any more "freaks".

Lily says to her parents, "He is probably lost I will be right back."

But he is not he is infact pacing in the green bathroom.

James and Lily meet in the bathroom. James throws his arms around Lily.

Lily whispers, "They love you."

He touches his forehead to hers. He whispers, "I love you."

"I love you, more," She says back. Their lips combine. James wraps his arms around her waist. He pulls her up close to him. The kiss gets deeper.

Lily takes her hands and put them under the hem of his shirt. She rubs her hands around his warm sweaty back.

Glass shatters in the kitchen. Tables break. They separate.

He says heavily, "It's the death eaters."

Lily goes to the door but he pulls her back. He says, "It's too late."

She shakes with tears and sobs. James hugs her as they disaparate. They land in a field of daisies. Lily collapses and can't say a word. James is clutching her. He doesn't want to let go. Because what if he does and never will be able to again?

Now they are just a pair of orphans lying in a sea of flowers, hoping their day won't be as worst as the last.

"James, don't ever leave me."

Tears spill down his own face. "Never."

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