Episode 1: Ends to Oasis

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It was a mostly clear morning within the cavern, sunlight beaming onto the Shane Hideout. The Shane Gang were lounging around the inside. Nothing has happened since they defeated Tad Blakk, Boss Ember and the Scrap Force. Eli was lazily laying on the couch watching daytime television. Pronto was humming to himself, cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Trixie was scrolling through the slugnet on the computer while Kord sat at his workbench, tinkering with his blaster. Eli let out a small yawn before the television screen flickered and glitched to static.

"Huh?" Eli sat up in surprise.

Shadows swirled behind the electronic, the tv static mirroring its dance. Before Eli's eyes, a tall, dark figure stood, its arms out stretched. A green and gray set of eyes pierced through to Eli's own. Within the sudden appearance, the Shane Gang jumped on the defensive with their blasters drawn on the creature.

The being let out a small, confused growl.

With that sound, Eli was able to focus his eyes onto the figure before him.

"Woah, hey easy gang!" he alerted them, lowing his blaster.

The boy pulled from his backpack the Shadow Talker device, placing it on his crown. "We really need to stop meeting like this... uh, do you have a name we can call you?" Eli addressed the Shadow Clan Member.

Trixie, Kord and Pronto all lowered their blasters, still on guard is case anything was to go wrong.

The Shadow Clan member raised its scarred eyebrow, "A name? I have no name. I am only know as a Chieftain of the Shadow Clan."

"So, can we call you Chief for short?" Eli asked

The scarred Shadow Clan Member thought on the suggestion before answering, "If it fits with your formal naming, I see no harm within the name."

"Awesome, so why are you here Chief?"

Chief adjusted himself before speaking, "Son of Shane, I have found a means to rebuild the trust with the Shadow Clan."

"That's great news!" Eli exclaimed. "And that would be to...?"

"The Shadow Clan has been not only been the protectors of the slugs but also of another being. The being known as the Slug Healer."

Eli put his hands to his hips, his head tilted, "Slug Healer?"

"Doesn't surprise me you haven't heard the legend of the Slug Healer," started Kord, his eyes widened.

"It's the creature you don't wanna mess with. People say if you try to seek it out, you're already dead." Trixie finished, with concern in her eyes.

"You guys say that about a lot of things, like Stalker, and we're not dead," Eli mentioned.

Pronto put his arm around Eli's neck, pulling him to his level. "It's an even more devious monster than Stalker, it's said to have swallowed a Boon Doc slug and devour all those who disturb it," Pronto described in dark detail.

The slug allies all shivered in fear.

Chief's head shook. "The Slug Healer has only one mission within mind; to help the slugs. They have no intent to hurt those who do not harm the slugs."

Eli looked at Chief once more, "So, what do you want us to do with the Healer?"

"Seek the Slug Healer and earn its trust. Then perhaps, my kind can learn to trust humans once again."

"And where would we find the Slug Healer?" Eli inquired.

Chief silently pointed to the computer, the gang's eyes following. As if on command, a news broadcast had popped up on the screen.

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