22: ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛᴏʀ.

243 12 0

The traitor.

3rd Pov

"Why did sensei suddenly call us when some are just came back from a mission," Nobara complain as she glance at the people on the field.

They were called here so suddenly and out of blue. They didn't even tell them what this was about. The two first years were gone leaving only Nobara for the first year.

And for the second-year was left are Maki and Yuta. Maki just came back from her first solo mission as a first grade as well as Yuta who recently came back from overseas.

Nobara noticed Yashiro walking toward them, she had just come out of the dorm building and she even notice Yashiro lately changed attire. She gave them a small smile. She stood a bit behind them. She looked around,

"Oh... -Kyo isn't here...?" Yashiro voiced out her thoughts. "Yea... it seems to be," Maki said as she turned around, talking at Yashiro. Sooner,

They saw the Principal and their sensei coming toward them. They stood in front of them and soon will announce the sudden gathering.

"Why did you call us on short notice?" Maki asked, trying not to be so rude because of tiredness. Satoru, their sensei looked at everyone who we're present.

When his gaze landed on Yashiro, he gave her a reassuring small smile, despite that there was a bit of worried was placed on his face before averting his eyes. Yashiro returned the small smile but when Satoru avert his eyes,

Her smile flattened. She stares at her brother, who were busy looking at everyone. She crossed her arm before focusing in front of her.

"We receive some information," Satoru started as all the students were waiting for his complete statement except for one student, who seems to know the incoming statement.

"Someone informs us, that there was a traitor among the Tokyo students, helping the Curse user, the unregistered special grade, Kaito. Leaking some important information," Yaga said, continuing Satoru's statement as students tensed up and are surprised.

"The reasons are...?" Yuta asked as he gave them a questionable look. He was quite familiar with that guy, after all, he was formerly a student in jujutsu high.

Satoru was about to answer but he was interrupted by his student. Of course, being a kind sensei he let his students talk.

"That Kaito who recently arise in the jujutsu world?" Nobara stated, looking ahead. Satoru nodded as he glanced at his sister. Who was looking down,

Satoru let out a small sigh, "Why would they side with him?" Yashiro questioned as she raised her head, "Yea! why would they!?" Nobara shouted, Maki, glanced at Nobara.

Maki wanted to calm down her for being rushed and reckless. But she didn't move from her place. She side glanced at Hiro. She can tell she's the one who's hurt the most. After all,

Kaito is someone special to her..

"They had a goal..." He stated, "and their goal was the same as Geto's goal before,"

"Eliminate all non-sorcerer."

After finishing his statement, the students started to throw questions.

"Why would they want to eliminate all non-sorcerer... this time..?" Maki asked, Nobara was kinda worried, why would they side with the curse user.

"Maybe, if they eliminate them the curses will decrease...?" Someone answered with a questionable tone. They all looked toward the source of the voice.

They turned around, looking where the sources of voice come from.

Gojo Yashiro.


"The curses will decrease..?"

All of them had a puzzled look. They were silent for a moment until someone break through the silents.


Someone yelled as something passed them in a blink of an eye.

It was a black sword

It belonged to a certain person.

And that sword was going in the direction of Yashiro. It was so quick that they can't react so fast.


Two-person didn't move and watch the events that happened before their eyes.

When the sword was about to strike, the fog started to make. Surrounding Yashiro. They heard the sword already landed as they all looked toward the person who throw the sword.

"What's your problem, KYOUSUKE!?" Maki shouted, walking toward Kyo who was injured. Kyousuke only looked at them. Maki grabbed his collar bring closer to her.

"Don't you guys get it?" He said as they all stared at him while he glances at where the sword landed. "The traitor was..."

He stated. Maki let go of his collar as the name left his mouth.


Everyone has a surprised expression. It was unexpected for them except for Satoru and Yaga. It seems like their least suspected person was the traitor or is she, the most suspected person..?

The fog disappears as they glance at it. The sword was stuck on the ground after it was thrown. And Yashiro was not there. Is she really the traitor..?

"You guys got tricked..."

"嘘でしょ!? " Nobara shouted, the others tried to process, they can't believe what they just heard.

[It's a lie, right!?]

They were silent after Nobara's hollered, it was unexpected after all... or they expected it..?

The silents were interrupted as the familiar voice was heard.

"He was right all along..."

"You guys were tricked by yours truly,"

Followed by a laugh...

They looked where did come from as they see two figures. Both standing a bit far from them. Now, finally believing that Yashiro is helping the special grade, Kaito.

The way Kaito smirked at the sight of confused sorcerers. It amuses him. While Yashiro was now, giving an ominous aura.

"Yashiro..." Yuta muttered the name, Satoru looked at Yashiro with a worried expression, "Where did go all wrong?!"

"ah... she changes so much because of that boy...."





Sometimes betrayal doesn't come to the enemy but an ally, what hurts the most is, that betrayal comes from your trusted friend...

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