Guardian of the Compass

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He stood above all of them.

The man who guards the compass, the gang leader who freed Japan single-handedly, Gintoki An'itsu. But who was he? How did he get where he got? What made him so special? 


Humans evolve at an incredible rate, their curiosity and drive for being better caused their whole race to escape extinction millions of times, once they were the weakest of all mammals, the bite of a spider, or of a bug could kill them; their skin? Soft, their fangs? Small. Humans had everything to go extinct millions of years ago -- so how was it that weaklings such as them managed to survive for so long? 

The answer lies in their limits.

Humans, unlike other species had limitations placed on them from birth, biological limits which they placed on themselves. 

By unlocking these limitations they were capable of unbelievable feats.

Feet which ran faster than the speed of sound; Arms that could lift Elephants off the ground; A brain so incredibly developed it was millennia ahead of what should be possible. 

Every human had a limitation that was placed on them at birth, a limitation which if broken would unleash their fullest potential and allow them to surpass any challenge. 

Thus, millennia after, when humans were already at the top of the food chain -- when the scientific era began, scientists began studying these limits -- how to break them, how they worked, the age of faculty began. 

Faculty can be described as an inherent mental or physical power. Every person on earth had a faculty, it was just whether one could unlock it or not -- that is, until the discovery of the impossible. 

The only man in the world without a faculty, Gintoki An'itsu. 


"Gintoki, get up already!" It was noisy, Gintoki opened his eyes and looked toward the window of his apartment, he grabbed his blanket and covered himself completely. He heard stomping coming toward his room and snuggled to the pillow, hugging it under the blanket. There was a loud thud and then a crash, "AH! Look at the door! How the hell did you fuck this up so bad?! The hinges are off!" 

Gintoki ignored it and kept his eyes closed, hoping the old man would let him sleep -- a foolish dream. 

"Do you plan on skipping school again?!" yelled the old man. Gintoki sighed and let go of the pillow, staring at the old man who worked at the shop he sighed. "Don't give me that face! You already spent all of yesterday sleeping! Are you going to laze around today today?!"

"Yeah." Gintoki's answer was quick. He turned around and closed his eyes, it was nice and warm inside his bed -- he didn't feel like facing the real world today, he'd just live in dream-land for now. 

"You lazy little--" Gintoki felt himself get lifted off the ground, he was pulled into the air effortlessly, "I'll throw you to school if you don't walk there boy." Gintoki yawned and let his head fall to the side, sleeping in his father's arm. Suji, his father, was a tall, muscular man without a hair on his head. Without any hair on his head it made it more visible when he was mad -- he turned into a giant tomato. "Fine, that's it -- you think I was bluffing?" asked his father, opening the window. 

Gintoki felt the warm breeze coming from it -- then, suddenly the breeze turned into a storm as the force of a truck hit his face. deforming his face as he travelled forwards. He barely opened his eyes before seeing himself thousands of meters above the sky, flying with the clouds. 

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