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Just below Pairs, in a cemetery, Emerald and (Y/n) walked together in silence. (Y/n) held a small lamp with her lighting her way. When suddenly it goes out.

And lights glowed lighting their way. To see lots of skeleton.

"Well well well what do we have here. Emerald and a girl." A man in a jesters outfit spoke with a smile.

"And not just any girl, its the girl from the feast of fools!" The jester cheered.

"Clopin this is (Y/n) she'll be staying for a bit." Emerald said.

"Nice to meet you mademoiselle" Clopin said walking towards her and giving her a kiss at her hand.

"Uh bonjour" She smiled.

"Emerald brought a girl?" A voice asked.

"Why yes little Clopin" Clopin said taking out a little puppet of himself.

"Oh bonjour mademoiselle" the puppet spoke bowing to (Y/n) trying to grab her hand but failed.

"Oh you puppet just kiss her on the cheek" Clopin scoffed. The puppet frantically shook itself about going to (Y/n)'s cheek and peck it.

"The poor thing" Clopin sighed before placing a hand on the other side of his face.

"He does not have a brain" Clopin said rolling his eyes. (Y/n) chuckled nervously looking away.

Clopin grabbed her hand and guided her thought the catacombs all the way to a place full of color.

"Welcome to the Court of Miracles!"

From that point on she was able to be who she wanted to be.

Her relationship with Emerald in the next hour or so became somewhat stronger. But why so quickly?


"I swear if you repeat one more time!"


She change her clothing from a commoner to her old gypsy self. Music played out and people dance.

Later on throughout the night Emerald and (Y/n) told her story about when she was younger.

Some say that they knew her mother but as for her father that was still unknown but a man said that her father was a common villager.

Then once the night became to much Emerald, escorted to (Y/n) to a place were she could sleep peacefully while he went out. Back out of their safe haven.

Dare he may even say, when he tucked her in to bed he may have felt a small flutter in his chest.


And above their save haven chaos began, Frollo and his troops destroyed, parts of Paris searching for the two gypsies, Emerald and (Y/n). He invaded homes and got nowhere.

"Ten pieces of silver for the gypsy Emerald."

He sat on his horse and bribed with a smirk to a few gypsies in chains. When they looked down Frollo sneered.

"Lock them up"

Moments later Frollo's minions are throwing and taking away the gypsies belongs into sea. Pushing a carriage into sea some gypsies were able to escape a few unlucky.

The ones that survives were forced back onto the land. There Frollo bribed once more.

"Twenty pieces of silver for the Gypsy Emerald"

𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐘 || Male Esmeralda x readerWhere stories live. Discover now