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I was slowly laying in misery as my arm burned with agony. Maybe cutting it off would have been a better idea. I slowly sat up before looking at the computer I slowly crawled off the bed before walking over to the desk I set up. I sat down in the stiff chair. I wish I was home. It's hard sleeping somewhere else. "Alex, are you asleep?" I heard my mother say as the door slowly creaked open. I looked to see my mother peeking in. "Alex, you need your rest." My mom walked into the room. "I can't fall asleep. I might as well get some work done." I replied. "Yes, but you've been saying that for the past 3 days. Have you even had a wink of sleep?" She questioned with worry as I looked away. "I've gotten plenty of sleep." I lied as she put her hand on his check.

She rubbed her finger over the dark circles. "Please don't lie to me." She looked worried as he grabbed her arm. "I would feel better if you let me go home." I mumbled. "Absolutely not. You can't use your right arm until it recovers from the surgery. I don't want you to get yourself hurt." She explained as he smiled. "Thank you for your concern but I'll be fine." I said as I looked at the computer. "I should get to work." I said as I turned. "Absolutely not. It's in the middle of the night. Take your pain medication and get back into bed." She instructed. "Fine." I mumbled.

Mom helped me get settled into the bed. "Good night." Mother said as she turns off the lights. I slowly closed my eyes. I really enjoy being a youtuber. I really like hanging out with my friends but of all, I like my character. I designed my character after a pig but that doesn't change that he is badass. Technoblade is fearless, charges strait into battle and never things twice. Sometimes I wish I could be like my character. "Sweet child." I heard a women's voice echo through the room. My eyes shot open as I saw I lay on soft grass in a meadow. "Where the hell am I?" I questioned as I pushed myself up. "Ahh." I winced in pain as I grabbed my right arm. I forgot about that. I looked at my arm that I held. "Where the hell is my sling?" I questioned as I looked down at my clothes.

"What the hell am I wearing?" I questioned. I was wearing a slim dirty brown shirt with little tears in it. The pants didn't look any different. I heard the wind blowing through the leaves as my body started to shiver. "Damn it, it's cold." I looked up at the stars lighting the night sky. "Wow, you can't see this in California." I mumbled as I stood up. "Where am I?" I questioned as I looked around. I probably shouldn't move around too much. If you get lost in the forest, the best thing to do in that situation is to hug a tree. I slowly stumbled over to a tree before sitting down, laying my back against it. My body shivered as the wind surrounded me. I clenched on the thin layer of clothing as I pulled my legs to my chest. I don't think I can make it here. I felt my eyes get heavy.

Sleeping might not be the best option. There might be wild animals around here, but it wouldn't matter. It's not like I could get away from them. I slowly closed my eyes as I shivered. So cold. Suddenly I felt something heavy lay on me. My eyes shot open as I looked to see a fluffy red cape on me. Where the hell did this come from? I started moving. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I heard a familiar voice. I looked up to see a man wearing a boar skull. "What the hell are you?" I started freaking out. "Calm down." He said as he removed the skull. "Just a mask." He explained as I calmed down. My eyes laid on a man with soft pink hair with the same color in his eyes.

"I didn't mean to wake you up. You looked cold and your clothes don't look like they could keep you warm through the night." The stranger said as I looked at the giant red cape covering my body. "Thank you." I said as I held the cape closer. It was very fluffy. Nice and warm. "So, where'd you come from?" The miseries man questioned as he sat down next to me. "I'm from California." I answered. "California?" He pondered. "Never heard it." He responded as his gaze set on mine. "Wow you must haven't been getting enough sleep. Your eyes are turning black." He said as he reached over towards me. I touched my face as I covered my dark circles. "Yeah, it's a little hard for me to sleep." I answered as he touched my face.

"Would a proper bed help?" He questioned as I looked away. "No." I mumbled as I leaned my head back on the tree. "Are you going to sleep?" He questioned as I looked at him. "No, I don't think it's a wise decision. There's wild animals and I don't know you." I mumbled. "Unless you're an orphan, there's nothing to worry about." He smiled at me. Strange. My character Technoblade makes orphan jokes like that all the time. Maybe he's like him. I felt my eyes get heavy. "It's alright to sleep." The man reassured me. Damn, my body is going to collapse. My eyes slowly fell as my body got weak. "Sleep." I heard the man say

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