Chapter 2

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Carl galloped through the forest as I held onto Carl's reins. I kept my body close to Carls. "It's getting dark." I pointed out as I looked at the nightly sky. I looked down at Carl. I pulled on the reins before Carl slowed down. I slowly got off Carl before looking around. We should find somewhere safe to settle. Suddenly my eyes set on something from afar. "Monster?" I questioned as I pulled out my bow. I draw the bow as I slowly started approach.

My eyes set on a man laying against a tee. He had fluffy brown hair and was wearing glasses. His clothes were a mess. I felt the cold breeze blow in as I looked to see him shivering. He's gonna freeze to death. I turned around. Not my problem. I walked over to Carl. "Let's go." I said as I jumped on Carls back. My eyes set back on the shacking boy. I let out a sigh before I jumped down. I pulled off my cape before laying it on the boy. His eyes shot open before looking down at the cape. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I chirped in as he looked up at me. His eyes shrank with fear.

I mean, I know I'm scary but I'm not that scary. "What the hell are you?" He seemed scared. What? Oh, boar mask. I took a step close as he got scared. I guess I have no chose. "Calm down." I lifted my hand before pulling off my mask. "Just a mask." I waved it around. This brought a little comfort to him, but he was obviously scared. Unless he's an Orphan he has no reason to be. "I didn't mean to wake you up. You looked cold and your clothes don't look like they could keep you warm through the night." I said as he looked down at my cape. He didn't seem to be scared anymore. "Thank you." He spoke with a little smile. What's this feeling? I need to change the subject. "So, where'd you come from?" I questioned as I slowly sat down next to man. He didn't seem scared of me sitting close. "I'm from California." He answered. "California?" What the hell is California. I slowly started talking with him. I could tell he was really tired

He slowly fell asleep. I smiled as I looked at the sleeping face. I don't know why but I feel very protective of him. Suddenly I heard the footsteps of Carl as I watched him approach up. I looked back at the sleeping man. I'll take him back to the Dream SMP. I gently picked him up before getting on Carl. I gently had Carl start to walk as we headed towards the Dream SMP.

Alex's POV

I slowly woke up to my body moving. I opened my eyes a little to see trees passing by. "What?" I mumbled as I felt warmth against my back. "You're awake." I heard the man from last night. I saw I was sitting on a horse before I looked to see I was laying against the man. "Where are you taking me." I shouted as I looked at the man to see him wearing the boar skull mask. Scary. I looked forward. "You don't have to worry. I only plan on taking you home." He spoke. "What if I'm a lunatic or a mass murder." I shouted as he smirked. "What's so funny?" I questioned. "Sorry, you don't seem to be the type to be a mass murder." His smile looked nice. "Who uses horses now of days?" I questioned. I have to admit, riding a horse is kind of cool. "What do you prefer?" The man questioned. "Cars." I answered. "Well, I use Carl." He replied. "You named your horse Carl?" I questioned as he smiled. "Got a problem with the name?" He questioned as I looked away. "No." I simply replied.

Techno blade's POV

I held on to the boy as he stayed quiet. I guess he's just scared to speak up. I grabbed onto Carls reins before hitting them down. Suddenly Carl started galloping. "Stop." The boy shouted as he clings onto me. "Are you scared." I chuckled as I made Carl go faster. "Stop, it hurts." He shouted before I pulled on Carls reins, stopping up. "What hurts?" I questioned. I looked to see he was holding his right arm close. I Moved his sleeve as he flinched. I saw a big gash with string keeping the skin together.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" I questioned as the boy pulled his arm away. "I barley know you." He shouted before he slid off the horse. "Where are you going?" I questioned. "Home." He answered. I grabbed Carl's reins before running in front of the man. "Move." He glared as I jumped down. "Don't tell me what to do. You are too weak." I growled as fear filled his eyes.

I let out a little sigh. I reached in my pocket as I pulled out a potion. "What is that?" He questioned as he backed up. "You're scared. I see why you would be skeptical of me, but I really don't want to hurt you. This here will help." I said as I approached him. He backed up before he hit a tree. "It's fine." I said before I grabbed his arm. "No, stop." He shouted. I popped the bottle open before I poured the liquid on his arm. I let go as he covered his wound. "What was that?" He looked worried. "You don't have to be scared. It's a healing potion." I explained as he looked back at his arm. "It doesn't seem to be doing anything." He mumbled before I approached him. Why isn't it working? "Let me take you home. I have a friend who can help with your arm." I stated as he looked away. "I've had many doctors work on it. What makes you think he would be any better?" He questioned. "Oh, trust me. He's seen a lot of things in his days." I smiled.

"Come." I reached towards him. "No, I'm not going with you." He shouted before I grabbed his arm and pulled him close. "Calm down." I held him. "You'll die in the wilderness alone. You are far from any city. I'm your best chance at survival." I said as he tried pulling is arm away. "You doubt my capability." He glared at me. Where did he get his confidence? Does he know I won't hurt him? I grabbed the boy before throwing him over my shoulder. "Stop." He shouted as I climbed onto Carl. "I would suggest sitting still and stay quiet." I said as I sat him down. I grabbed Carl's Reins before Carl started galloping. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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