Detective work

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"I intercepted a secret Russian communication!"

Woah, okay.

Hearing that first thing as soon as you arrived in Scoops Ahoy once again wasn't something you expected, and judging by the confused glances of other customers, they weren't expecting that too.

Looking around the parlor, you noticed Steve Harrington sitting by in a booth a little far back, accompanied by a kid who looked at least 13 with a cap settled on top of his curly-haired head. Steve was warily muttering something to him, and he caught sight of your confused figure by the entrance. He perked up and gave you a bright smile and a little wave, and the kid with him followed his sight. The kid gave you a wave, as well as a toothless grin, and you moved to wave back, but Steve had pulled down his hand and returned to speaking with him under his breath.

Blinking, you shrugged the interaction away as you moved to the counter, currently being manned (or womanned?) by Robin.

"Hi, Robin," you greeted, shooting said girl a smile.

Robin looks up from her crouched position behind the counter, eyes brightening happily as she shot back up to stand. "Hey, (Y/N)!" She greets back, dragging out your name. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought that you both were close friends who've just been reunited after years of not seeing each other.

You share a few words before your eyes drift back to Steve talking to the curly-haired boy beside him.

"So, who's the kid Steve's with?" You question.

Robin momentarily eyes the two before moving back to do whatever she was doing earlier. "Dustin Henderson, another kid Steve's friends with."

Quirking up a brow, you retort, "Steve surprisingly knows a lot of teenagers. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought he's their underpaid babysitter."

Robin snorts loudly, prompting you to let out a snicker of your own.

"You buying something today?" She asks you after a moment.

You shake your head. "Nah, just came by to keep you company. I know how much you hate when Steve's chatting away with the female customers and you're just left glaring at the back of his head in disgust."

Robin hums, shooting you an amused look. "Didn't think it was so obvious."

It was your turn to snort. "Trust me, it is obvious."

"You can hang around in the back, if you want. The manager doesn't care anyways, as long as none of the stuff there's damaged," Robin offers, gesturing towards the doors off to the side with a lazy wave of her hand.

"Oh, really?" You ask, slightly surprised.

Robin nods. "Yup! Come on, I'll give you a little tour," she says, giving you a playful wink.

"I'd be glad," you reply, stepping around the counter and following her.

"(Y/N)!" You hear from behind and you look over your shoulder to see Steve approaching you and Robin, the kid, Dustin, right on his heels, a book on his hand.

You turn around fully and face Steve. "Steve!" You call back with the same tone he used, prompting a smile on the man's lips. He throws an arm around your shoulders once he's close enough and moves to stand beside you, making you face Dustin.

"This is Dustin Henderson, friend of mine," Steve introduces, motioning towards him.

"Hi," Dustin says, giving you a two-fingered salute.

You bow your head towards him, following his actions and giving him a salute as well. "Hey there, Dustin Henderson. I'm (Y/N) May." You give him a smile, and grins back in return.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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