Chapter 21

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Vincent's POV
Like I said, I had learning problems but as time passes I found myself getting more mature, doing things I never thought I would be able to do for myself.

I lived in a small neighborhood where everybody knew everybody, so one day I stepped out my house after dad and Victor left.

I was about to go to  Hannah's but when I reached there, the house was empty void of any body, I knocked repeatedly on the door, until I found a note just by the livingroom window

"Hello Vincent, I know you might be looking for me but I had to go home." The letter read. It didn't mention when she would come back. Nothing of that sort.

This wasn't the first time she had left like this, I knew she had a family somewhere and why she kept coming here was a mystery to me but I enjoyed her company nonetheless but that wasn't the reason why I was here.

That day I was going to tell Hanna everything, I was going to tell her that I needed help but alas she wasn't here so I dragged my feet back home.

A few years had passed and no signs of Hannah and then one day the old lady next door invited me over when Victor and Dad where away, I agreed and she took me to her home and she asked me what was wrong, she told me I could talk to her, with her eyes filled with concern.

So I decided to tell her...... everything and she looked at me weirdly and excused herself, she left for a while so I began looking for her but she was on the phone, it wasn't my intention to eavesdrop but that is what I ended up doing.

"The kid needs help, all the trauma from loosing his mom is too much and he has started making up stories. He's deranged" I heard her say and I knew instantly she was talking about me so I ran back home.

Not bothering about ever telling Hannah even when she came back a year later fearing she would say the same thing, call me deranged and shoo me off since my loving father could never do anything of such sorts.

So I stopped going to Hannah's, I stayed home and listened to everything, heard everything and did nothing.

Victor and I just grew apart and I felt myself going way further into the shell I didn't realize had grown on me and one day I sat in the living room watching TV and some words just caught on to me.

I had no idea who the person was or why the person said it.
"A slave who loves his chains will never be free" and it hit me like a brick.

I felt like a slave and my dad was my chains, I had to be free. I wanted out of this reality and I wanted out now.

So in that faithful evening were the rain decided to pour again I found my way to Hannah's house. I don't know if it was my tears or the rain which had me soaked but I knew they were both as heavy.

So I ran into her arms seeking that warmth again and I balled and sobbed and choked and I just felt like a river destroying it's dam.

I told her everything, and I wasn't scared about what she was going to call me or think of me, I just wanted to feel free again.

I laid in her arms that night and slept off. I woke up the next morning and the lights of the sun shone on me, the sun erasing the trace of the fact that the sky and I were crying endlessly the night before.

I stood up and noticed a figure beside me. It was Victor and I had no idea how he got there but he was staring at me. And then he just hugged me, no words said but everything shared.

And I wrapped my arms around him basking in the feeling. We looked up and we saw Hannah with a grin on her face and we let go.
"Your father has been arrested and I doubt you'd be seeing him again" she said and I was ecstatic.

I immediately ran out of the house while her and Victor called out to me but I just ran faster and I was in my house. I went into the house and took two keys. I locked the house and put the keys under the mat then I went to the garage to find the red car that my mom owned.

Hannah and Victor finally reached since they followed me, I gave Hannah the keys and she just shook her head as she took the keys and we hopped in.

We were now 13 year olds and the years of abuse sure didn't fade away......they never did.

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