Ep.11 - The Ghost

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Taka turned on his bed but he cannot sleep. His body is tired, but his brain isn't. He got up, took his camera, and went out.

"I guess I'll just hang out with Shiro."

Taka walked around the lobby when he spotted Kei and Mira who looks like they are about to leave. He casually approached them, and while seeing and confirming all's good, he greeted them "Hi!".

Mira was in a good mood despite crying, she greeted back with a friendly "Hello!". Taka smiled and looked at Kei, but the latter just gave him a side eye.

Sweat formed on Taka's temples. For some reason, it seems like Kei doesn't like him, probably the same way Mira hates Shiro. But since he already approached them, why not ask anyway?

"Have you guys seen Shiro? She's the girl we were with back in the engine room."

It feels like he brought back a bad and awkward memory. Mira's face twitched.

"I've seen some girls went out a while ago," said Mira. "What was she wearing? Maybe I can recall whether she was with those girls."

"Orange..." Kei said out of nowhere. Taka and Mira looked at him confused. Kei cleared his throat as he shifted on his seat once more to look at Taka. "I saw her at the shore," he said as he pointed the direction.



Mira recalled when she came in the lobby. Kei was definitely dazed, looking at something so far at the same direction he just pointed to Taka.

"Do you know her personally before this trip?" Mira asked Kei.

"Not in person, but yeah I know her." Kei replied.

"But it doesn't seem like she knows you."

"We never met."

"How did you know her then?"

Kei sighed and looked at Mira. "You really wanna know?"

"No..." Mira trailed off.

The silence between Kei and Mira was deafening. They were OK a while ago, but the mention of Shiro's name made things ugly again. Kei was thinking whether his choice of getting back together with her was the better choice, or was he just pitying her? Mira however, was thinking how to separate the two. She loves Kei, even if she cheated, she still loves him. And she has an unexplained animosity towards Shiro.

"Mira, don't you think we should --"

"No!" Mira cut him off. "I won't break up with you, not even a cool off. You said awhile ago 'let's try', right? Why change your mind now?"

Kei wants to be angry but Mira is right, he's the one who proposed getting back together, too much for being a good boy. But then again, she cheated on him, he wants to tell her to know her place, that she can't make demands. Kei thought how it sucks to be a man, you just can't hurt a woman's feelings just because you want to.

"Do you like her?" Mira asked.

"We made it clear the first time we chatted that we're just friends."

"You didn't answer my question."

Kei sighed. He doesn't know the answer yet. It is just seeing her made him want to talk to her even more.


The sea is calm, and the cold water feels good on the skin in this hot weather. Shiro swam towards a line of buoy. She regretted not bringing her diving gear on this trip. She could see fishes and colorful corals under water. A blue starfish's beauty stood out on a round yellow coral. Her eyes hurts but she could see a slightly open big clam underwater. There is a lot to see and explore. It's a pretty good diving spot in her opinion

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