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Chapter One


THE BED HAIRED MIDDLE BLOCKER WAS MOVING HIS LIPS. He has been for a while now, but Sakusa couldn't be bothered to actually pay attention.

He kept a steady grip on his water bottle that he brought from home, hell-bent on the fact that he'd be keeping it close until the end of the night. Not like he was going to stay here for long, though.

It's only been fifteen minutes since he's been here and he already wants to leave. He shouldn't have given into Motoya's pursuit of getting him outside the hospital.

He could have worked overtime tonight, but no— he just had to come to this reunion party with people he barely even recognized.

The smell of booze was so pungent that even though he had three layers of surgery masks on, he couldn't get away from the god-awful stench. This really was a reunion for high school volleyball teams, the throwback scent of alcohol and the overwhelming amount of testosterone was a huge giveaway.

His nose scrunched up as he picked up on a scent he read against in medical books.

God forbid that someone was smoking non-medical marijuana right now.

Lo and behold as he glances at the corner of the room, a group of men were sprawled across couches that they managed to move there, smoking recreational marijuana.

His eye twitches as his fingers itched to pull out his phone and call on the cops, but his hopes for the government actually being of use in this situation went out the window immediately when he spots one happily sharing a tray of buttered chicken he brought from home.

Sawamura Daichi, the police officer from Miyagi, and the former captain of Karasuno had somehow found his way here.

Come to think of it this really was what Motoya had described for it to be.

He visibly cringes at the variety of people gathered in the same place. It was as though they didn't even pit against each other during games in the past.

His charcoal eyes once again landed from the strobe lights and partying adults to the bed headed former captain of Nekoma. He says something, but it was lost in the noise.

Sakusa only frowns as Kuroo tries to repeat what he said again, only for that to fall upon deaf ears.

The music was far too loud for anyone to hear anything in here.

Kuroo scooted a bit closer to him and then repeated his former statements. "I said, one of my players is really excited to meet you again."

Kiyoomi's brows knit together in confusion. He knows about Tetsurō Kuroo's profession, he was a sports promoter, one of an extremely high rank given his credentials and years of experience. So he wonders who on earth, out of all the probable hundreds of players he had, was Kuroo talking about?

"You were in the top heap together in high school." Kuroo reminded him when he asked who he was talking about. "Volleyball. You were the top ace, he was the top setter."

Bokuto excitedly yells something from across the room but he was quickly drowned out by the noise and the music.

Kiyoomi only looked at Kuroo cluelessly, before he decided it wasn't worth his time. "Frankly, I don't really care. Tell me where Motoya is— I just want to get out of here."

Kuroo let out a boisterous laugh. "Ah don't be like that, Doc."

"Komori's most likely taking shots with Shōyo and the others."

The doctor scoffed, scooting away from the sports promoter. "Then I'll just call a cab."

Without another word, Kiyoomi got up and stalked away from Kuroo who was just looking at his retreating figure in amusement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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