Chapter 1

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My eyes examined the many various hues of pink and red in the art and crafts store's paint area, recalling what colors I'd run out of, then selecting four different varieties and placing them in the shopping basket with other supplies like paintbrushes and pencils. I licked my bottom lip as I reviewed the shopping list, trying to see if there was anything more I needed to get before heading back home, eager to finish one of the many paintings I had started.

It was the beginning of summer, and despite the A/C that was already blowing from above, I could feel the heat coming from outside the store as I marched towards the cashier's desk. The impending heat did not surprise me. It was always like this in May, the month of ice-cold lemonades, denim shorts, and sweat. I didn't dislike summer; in fact, I enjoyed it. But only at night, for the days were like living in a roasting oven, and I sometimes considered moving to the North Pole, but I preferred my current location.

It was a tiny town, not too big, not too small, and the neighborhood I lived in was serene, allowing me to rest and focus on my creative and imaginative hobbies, such as writing books, painting, and sketching. I left college a year ago, and while most of my former friends dreaded entering adulthood to have a job and work for a livelihood, I looked forward to it; gaining a writer position at the local newspaper was fantastic. It didn't pay me a lot of money, but it was more than adequate, and I got to do what I love... write.

Aside from that primary profession, I also worked as a freelance editor, besides authoring my novels, which provided an additional source of money. Sure, I didn't have a vibrant social life like my employees or childhood friends who remained in my hometown, but I was content with my existence. I couldn't complain because I'm in my mid-20s, financially independent, and have a lot of aspirations to achieve. That I had my property and my house was the greatest blessing.

There is no rent or debt. It was my childhood home, and during my senior year of college, my parents went to the huge city of San Francisco, where my aunt lived, so they left the classic and homey two-story house to me, to start over, to be an adult and take care of everything. On the last day of college, I felt renewed, knowing that I was no longer a student, but an adult.

"Hello, honey! I see you emptied another series of paint cans." Mrs. Philip, the cashier, chatted as she scanned each item in my shopping basket. I nodded and chuckled softly.

"Mostly the reds and pink... Sunset scenarios are hard to paint if you want to make them realistic." I stated as I took my wallet from my pastel pink purse.

"You are such an artist. Thank you again for the paintings you made for me and Harold. It sure brightens up the living room." She grinned with delight, her wrinkles becoming more visible as she beamed at me.

"It was truly my pleasure, and you didn't have to pay for them. We are living in the same neighborhood." I spoke as I took 50 dollars from my wallet for the art supplies I had brought, handing them over to the cash woman who had also been my neighbor since I was a tiny child.

"Keep the change. I will come by probably next week for more." Mrs. Philips was putting everything into the paper bag when I told her this.

"Oh, honey... You are such a bright ray of sunshine. It beats me how you still aren't engaged. At your age, I was already having Thomas." I could feel my cheeks heat up at her words, always the old lady that spoke freely.

"Modern times I suppose. I wanted to be independent first before settling down, plus guys my age don't seem to look for serious relationships... Anyway... How's Thomas?" I tried to change the subject and her blue eyes sparkled at the mention of her son.

"Ohhh... He is in Washington, already married, and they are expecting a child. I am gonna be a grandmother." She spoke with so much joy and my eyes widened, a grin forming on my face at the great news.

"Really? Time sure flies by fast. How fast did the time go by? I could swear that last year we were still children and playing tag." I joked, and she laughed, full-heartedly and bright, much like the pure blue sky outside.

"Indeed, it does. That's why you should take advantage of your youth, my dear... We don't stay forever young." I nodded, getting ready to leave.

"I will surely do that. Have a peaceful day at work, Ma'am!" I waved farewell as she did, then turned towards the exit, opened the door, and the sun's beams embraced me. It wasn't particularly hot for May, but the lack of clouds made it appear considerably warmer. Summers in California were notoriously difficult, but I was used to them at this point. I discovered it, and that was one reason I wore light-colored clothing on sunny days and always checked the temperature before venturing out. I remember that summer day when wearing all black was the worst choice I'd ever made. That is not a good option.

When I arrived at my car, I opened the trunk, placed the bag containing the art materials beside the groceries and other shopping bags, closed the trunk, and walked to the driver's side to get in.

I frowned as I ran my fingers through my wavy golden locks and felt the start of tiny perspiration at the back of my neck. At the end of this day, a shower was in order. Putting the key in the ignition and twisting it a few times, I let out a few obscenities till the engine hummed to life and I sighed. Next on the list was a new car, because my 2000 Honda Civic wasn't exactly in the best of shape, as one of my coworkers pointed out one time when I spent nearly an hour turning it on, not to mention that with another scorching summer on the way, my A/C in the car didn't work, so I rolled down the streets with the windows down.

After a half-hour journey, I turned down my neighborhood's streets and parked my car in my driveway. I went outdoors, extending my arms above my head, and my eyes caught sight of the familiar moving trucks. Given that it was a boring and peaceful suburb, it was most likely an elderly couple looking to get away from the large city commotion, so I paid little attention as I unloaded my car from my shopping bags, carrying everything inside. As I unpacked, I took a glance around my house, which had changed dramatically since I had moved back into my old home. I decorated it to my liking, making it as comfortable and welcoming as possible.

The kitchen has changed little, still maintaining that 70s vintage look, but the living room has been drastically altered; from dark brown to light brown, with pastel accents. It made the room appear larger and more open. I grinned as I remembered the old dark green couch that had been subjected to years of my torment: paint splatters leaping on the cushions, and so much more. It was now a medium gray with pastel-colored cushions. The walls were white; the furniture was a light brown with white embellishments, and the several plants adorning the area filled a little hole.

I felt something was missing as I put the food cans into storage, and I questioned whether I should take in a dog or cat, a sense of loneliness deep in my spirit. College was done, and I no longer had three roommates who always made me laugh, talk, and go on excursions.

Now, I was on my own. A frazzled sigh passed between my rosy lips as I remembered the last year of university and how distasteful has been the break-up with a guy that I dated for two years in college. Jacob was a complete hypocrite, telling me we should go our separate ways because he was looking forward to leaving the United States. I was understanding of that prospect, but the nasty part was when I had to find out that he wasn't leaving the USA, but that he hooked up with another woman that he meet during his practice at the hospital, while he was studying medicine. He left me and ran off into the arms of a nurse, and I had to find out all this from my roommate that she was dating one of Jacobs' friends.

To put it mildly, I gave up on dating and attempted to comprehend people my age who didn't appear to take relationships seriously, as if it were some sort of hunting game of 'Who will score the most pussy?' It repulsed me, and I had too much pride to allow a person like him to treat me as if I were living on the side of the road. I could take care of myself; money wasn't an issue; I wasn't the best cook, but I could handle basic dishes and the rest of the housework? It's as simple as that.

Despite this, I still craved companionship, but I wasn't frantic about welcoming any man who knocked on my door. If there is one thing I learned in college about dating and relationships, especially with men, it is that I should never be easy prey, a piece of steak for them to feast on and then spit with pride.

The sound of my stomach grumbling signaled that it was time to cook lunch, so I gathered the ingredients for some pasta, filled a pot with water, and placed the noodles in the water, before placing the pot on the burner and turning it on. When the doorbell of the home range notified me that someone was at the front door, I set out tomatoes and garlic to chop for the sauce.

I was a little confused. I wasn't waiting for anyone, but then again, in this neighborhood, everyone knew everyone; so it wouldn't be a surprise if some of my neighbors came to ask for a cup of sugar or to borrow something. Leaving the knife on the wooden kitchen counter, I walked over to the front door, peeking through the eyehole. I sighed, then opened the door to see Noah, who had a goofy smile plastered on his face.

"A call would have been nice before appearing out of nowhere, you know?" I told him in the way a mother scolds her child when they have been doing shenanigans, only for Noah to make a fake hurt-look, pouting and putting a hand over his chest.

"Oh, Sophia... I think you just broke my heart." His melodramatic playfulness made my lips pull in a smile, and I giggled at my childhood friend. He was such a drama queen, and I adored him for it.

Noah has been my best friend since we were youngsters, both born and raised in this little town. We bonded quickly in kindergarten and have been apart ever since, but that was all we were. Just buddies with a profound affinity that may be compared to a brother and sister relationship. Our friendship has always been platonic, never breaching our bounds, and it was good to have such a close male buddy, from whom I could seek advice that my female friends couldn't.

If I were to characterize Noah, I would say he is the most sympathetic person a lady could ask for in a moment of need. Even on the bleakest of days, he could make a girl smile. Noah wasn't an Alpha male by any means, but that's probably why he was so close to the female groups in town. He wasn't the arrogant sort who flaunted his manhood; he had a delightful sense of humor that didn't make women feel awkward, and he was quite gregarious. You simply couldn't stay mad at him; he was an adorable goofball.

"Should I bring the glue, then?" My sassy reply made him grin and shake his head.

"You know I am a man of steel." He spoke, puffing his chest out, hands on his hips, and I laughed, stepping aside to welcome him inside.

"Alright, Superman. You just came in time for lunch. You can make the sauce." Noah nodded as he stepped inside and into the kitchen, putting on my pastel pink apron. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, yet the wide smile on my face never left his goofy antics. As he began cutting the tomatoes for the sauce, I took a seat at the kitchen island.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked him, leaning my forearms against the wooden counter.

"To see how my sister from another mother is doing, duh!" He replied, then continued. "I only see you at work, and when I ask what you're doing, you always say you're busy. You need to get out and do something fun, exciting!"

I sighed at his words, leaning my cheek against one of my hands, knowing that this conversation wouldn't end too soon. "I do go out and have fun," I muttered, then Noah gave me a look that spoke of him not buying what I was selling him.

"Mmm... When was the last time you went out? And I mean, having fun... not doing groceries or taking the trash out."

"Uhhh... I don't recall the exact date." I nervously answered, fiddling with the rings on my fingers, a giveaway to Noah that he had me cornered.

"See? You need to go out, have fun, meet new people... and forget a bit about work. I know you are an artist with a colorful heart, but even artists need time off."

I truly hated when Noah was right, but I couldn't deny that what he said was a piece of good advice, to live a little away from inside these walls, and enter reality, because I was living in my imaginary world here, that I created.

"I know, I know... but I don't feel like I can trust my social skills." I attempted to find an excuse, but my brown-haired friend wasn't being that easily fooled. He knew me all too well.

"Lies! At work, you talk to everyone with ease, like it's your primary skill. Try to fool someone who doesn't know you, Sophie."

When I realized I would not win this war, I let out an enormous sigh of irritation. I and Noah both worked at the town's newspaper. He was working as a photographer and web designer there, so we saw each other every day at the headquarters. It was hard to fool this goofball. I always told him he could become an investigator if he desired.

"Metting new people will put you out of your shell, girl. You might meet someone with whom you can verily share a romantic interest."

When I heard the word romantic, my mood plummeted, like a bird attempting to fly and collapsing on hard ground. The romance was far from what I imagined if I went out for a little social fun. Being socially engaged at work was one thing, but being open in the entertainment scene was a very different story.

"And I don't want to hear a word about Jacob. He is a chapter that you long ago finished, and going back to re-read it is no solution." Before I could give him an opinion, he chastised and finished slicing the tomatoes and garlic and placed them in a saucepan to cook the sauce.

"I am not thinking about him! Alright!? For all I care, he could marry that woman or whatever. I am fine being single and having all-time for myself, doing what I love." I spoke with confidence, arms crossed over my chest, although I could feel how my heart trembled at the little lie in the sentence, of being single, all alone, not having someone with whom I could romantically share my life. Noah saw through that little crack, and a faint silence fell upon us, his forest green eyes never breaking eye contact with my dark brown ones.

I was the first to give up, sighing. "Alright, fine. You're right... maybe I do need to go out." A smile curled on his lips, in victory at my defeat.

"Sweet! Just so you know, I talked with a few people that work at the Newspapers in our town, and we decided on a hangout night, tomorrow. At the local bar, the White Rabbit; drinking, dancing, and some karaoke. You need to come." I raised an eyebrow at the invitation, pondering if I should take this chance, and enjoy a night out, without overthinking, just having a good time. It seemed appealing.

"And you don't have to hook up with anyone," Noah added, swirling the wooden spoon in the pasta sauce so it wouldn't stick to the bottom.

"Fine! We have a deal." I made my decision, and I laughed as Noah fist-bumped the air in victory, excited to see me on a night out after months of me on an imaginary lockdown.

"Plus, I will probably give the romance a try, when you decide to come out of your shell too, telling Wendy about how you feel." Noah's confident grin had faded the minute I mentioned Wendy, his freckled cheeks being covered in a pink flush that made him endearing.

"Yeah. Let's not make that deal." There was no questioning that he was nervous about this topic.

Wendy is one of the servers at the White Rabbit bar, and Noah has been crushing on her for two years, ever since she moved here to town. She is a cheerful, energetic, and full of sunshine vibes type of girl that never once have I seen her without that gleaming smile.

"Why not?" I questioned, now curious about what was stopping Noah from making the first step and simply asking Wendy out on a date.

"She is out of my league. I don't want to make things awkward. We are on good terms, and the last thing I need is for her to turn in the other direction if she sees me." He explained as he poured the boiling water from the pot, setting the noodles on two plates.

I understood now what was impeding love life for Noah. He was anxious he wasn't enough for the ruby-haired waitress with a perfect pearly smile. Yes, Wendy could be described as a true beauty ever since she entered our town.

She had long wavy hair in an exquisite shade of ruby red, with warm beige skin and gray eyes that reminded her of the crystal water on a sunny day. She was quite tall, almost 5'8, with curves that could make any man's imagination turn wild. I felt for Noah how he was feeling, but I couldn't agree that she was out of his league. Sure, many guys tried to get a chance with the foxy waitress, but she always politely declined their offers, some more vulgar than others.

"Have a little more faith in yourself. She seems like the type of woman who has high standards." I encouraged, but I could see a dark cloud already forming over Noah's head, his shoulders slumping forward in a gloomy attitude.

"That doesn't help me at all." He muttered, running his fingers through his chestnut brown hair, some longer locks coming in front of his gemstone-green eyes.

Noah wasn't a ladies' guy, but he was attractive, sincere, and humble, with superb taste. He stood at 6'0 and had a slim-athletic physique; after all, he was the top track athlete in high school. Any lady would be happy to have Noah's crush on them; he was a gentleman with a nerdy attitude who made you giggle all the time. What more could a girl ask for? Plus, his hipster style made him stand out. It suited him like a glove.

"You think too little of yourself. She is a keeper. I say, tomorrow night you should at least talk more to her." I suggested, getting out of the drawer's cutlery and setting up the table for us to have lunch.

"Tell you what. If tomorrow night you hook up with someone, I will try my luck with Wendy." Noah declared, and I muttered a string of curses under my breath, knowing the chances of a potential someone to perk my interest to be very low.

We both took our seats at the table after lunch, talking about a variety of things, childhood recollections that made us laugh, and enjoying each other's company, and I realized how much I missed companionship. Noah was a great person, but as he mentioned, I required more than just platonic interactions. I needed someone to share my life with.

I spent the rest of the day with him. After lunch, we played Monopoly as we used to do on weekends in high school, and we watched a comedy, and I didn't realize how quickly the time flew by, seeing the sun already setting, the sky a warm canvas of blue, orange, and red colors.

Noah moved off the floor by the time the movie credits scrolled down, stretching his arms above his head with a groan. "I should be going. Tomorrow I need to wake up earlier." He said, rubbing his stiff shoulders and walking towards the front door with me following him.

"Always an earlier riser," I commented with a smirk, making him chuckle. "You know it."

"By the way. Thank you for coming in and spending the day with me. It's good to have company."

Noah smiled gingerly, ruffling my hair as a big brother would do. "Anytime, Soph. See ya tomorrow night! And don't you dare try to get away and make me drag your ass to the bar, alright?"

I laughed at his empty threat and shook my head. "I promise I won't lock myself."

"Good. Have a goodnight!" He waved as he walked down the front porch. Leaning against the doorway, I waved back, seeing him walk down the sidewalk, before closing the door.

I stepped into the kitchen and began cleaning up the mess from lunch, telling myself that if I don't, the last thing I want to do in the morning is wash the dishes. After I finished, I walked upstairs to shower, the perspiration from earlier in the day still clinging to my skin. Undressing and entering the shower stall, I think I stood there for about a half-hour. I loved the sensation of water cooling my hot skin, and the exotic scent of the shower gel and flowery shampoo made me relax, my eyes closed, and just stood there under the spray of water until I decided it was more than enough. Scandalous water bills are not something to look forward to.

After a long shower, the greatest part was applying body lotion to my skin; the feeling of silky smooth skin with mandarin and jasmine smells was so refreshing, and it just made me forget about the tiring heat of the summer day. I explored my drawers for something comfy to go to bed with after leaving the bathroom; a basic pair of pastel pink shorts and a white tank top. I opted to let my still-wet hair dry on its own, running my fingers over it.

I was about to head over to my desk to retrieve my notebook to jot down some fresh ideas for contemporary novels when I saw something out the window; the light was switched on in the house next door that someone had just moved into earlier today when I returned from shopping. I expected to see an old couple because that's what the majority of this neighborhood was made of. But it surprised me to discover a man in the upstairs bedroom wearing only a towel wrapped around his hips, his sun-kissed skin dripping with water. He most certainly emerged from the shower, and he was a sight to behold.

He was Adonis on two legs, long and strong. The towel he was wearing left nothing to the imagination with that tall and broad frame, a figure that most women would desire over; the ideal definition of a bulky soldier, judging by the dog tags dangling from his thick neck. He was most likely in the army or navy seals, which demanded extreme physical strength, endurance, and speed.

I found myself staring at his delicious-looking abdominal muscles. All the lines, and how his wet, glowing skin looked in the dim light of the bedroom, not to mention the V-line that stopped at the edge of the fluffy-white towel, and God! When he ruffled his golden-blonde hair into a spikey, wet mess. I licked my lips at the sensual gesture, mesmerized by this display of machismo; but then I realized what I was doing, like a bucket of ice-cold water had been dumped over my head.

Before he could see me, I moved away from the window, pressing my back against the wall, next to the window, away from the line of sight. The baby hairs on the nape of my neck were standing up in fear that he might have spotted me. I couldn't believe what I had just done. This was blatantly impolite! Swallowing the lump in the back of my throat, I peered out the window to see whether he saw me, but he went about his business as if nothing had occurred.

My lips parted in relief, and I let out a sigh. I was about to shut the drapes completely when he dropped the towel from around his hips, exposing himself as naked as the day he was born. I should have just left, and closed the curtains, but I was stuck to my feet, my eyes like hawks taking in the figure I had only imagined in steamy books. The biggest challenge was to take my gaze away from the round globes of flesh as he dried his hair with the towel that was around his hips.

If something I appreciated a lot, it was a man who had a package in the back trunk, and he had quite the juicy buttocks, very inviting to squeeze.

No! Stop yourself from doing this! This is ridiculous and rude!

Shaking my head, I was ready to step away, only for me to gasp when I turned around, taking a seat at the edge of the bed that was in the line of the window. The temptation was too much, and I looked south, only to clench my thighs together at the impressive package he was sporting.

Talk about junk in the back and front too.

He was well endowed, I would be a liar if I said he was not; undoubtedly above the average scale in length, very thick too, but maybe I was only interpreting it that way since the distance was considerable between us.

I felt my breath hitch when he wrapped his hand around the base of his semi-erect cock, starting to lazily stroke himself.

What the hell are you doing!? Don't look!

My inner voice was scolding me for being a literally peeping Tom, but I was too intrigued by the erotic show that was taking place in the neighbor's house.

As his hand went up and down the enticing cock, the man's lips parted and his eyes, which I couldn't determine what color they were, closed in ecstasy. Arousal began to collect between my knees as I stood there without shame watching what my new neighbor was doing. My fingers twitched as I bit my lower lip, and before I could stop myself, my hand slid in my shorts, cupping my mound, one finger pressing between the delicate folds.

I was soaking wet, the slickness leaving me as I began to stroke my clit in the same rhythm as the blonde Greek God, the heavy sack he was wearing below his length providing the perfect inspiration for a scorching scene; imagining him taking me from behind, his balls slapping against my clit with each thrust. That mental image caused my clitoris to throb, and I gasped as I squeezed the sensitive bud and pushed two fingers within me.

I could feel that exquisite tightness in the pit of my belly, a sensation I hadn't felt in a long time; talk about sexual bottled-up fury.

Continuing to push my fingers in and out of my pussy, I watched with fire surging through my system how his broad and muscular chest heaved up and down with each intake of breath, his nipples a beautiful dark color compared to his tanned skin. Oh, and these bulging biceps and veiny forearms as he speeds up the motions of his hand. I imagined my fingernails digging in his flesh as he would pound me missionary style. Classic, but never out of style.

The feeling I was experiencing could be described as a demon who was possessing my body, stroking my velvet walls faster as he pumped his cock with new vigor. I couldn't hear him, but judging by the expressions he was making, he was groaning and growling.

I wonder how he would growl in my ear as he mounds me from behind like a dog in a rut?

The tension grew more at that thought, trying to rub my clit in tandem with my fingers, which pushed knuckle-deep inside me, that need to reach the finish line, to come undone. Never once did I break eye contact with his hand and cock, my chocolate brown eyes getting darker as I watched how his big thumb rubbed over the rosy tip in fast circles. Then it came, or better said, he came.

My mouth was wide open as jolts of white splashed across his belly, only to make his skin appear even more desirable, a coating of perspiration developing over his chest. What he did next, though, caught me off guard as I saw him spread his sperm all over his cock and balls; then he put two of his thick fingers in his mouth, sucking them before sensually licking them. His eyes remained closed, relishing in the afterglow of the intense orgasm he had.

That pornographic part was all I needed for my fingers to curl inside me, pressing against that soft spot, and my inner muscles clamped around my digits, sending me over the edge as the knot snapped in my belly.

A long shudder ran down my spine as I felt the tension evaporate, my muscles relax, and my legs felt like they were made of jelly, about to give way beneath me. Slowly, my eyes fluttered open, only for reality to come like a tsunami. Pulling my hand away from inside my shorts, I quickly moved away from the window, taking a few napkins from the box on my nightstand, and cleaning up any evidence of my sexual activities.

Shame poured over me, and I took one final look out the window, only to find that he had drawn his curtains, and the lights were still on. But they shut out the instant I stepped away from the window.

Sighing, I rubbed my hands over my face, trying to make the heat on my cheeks vanish. This was by far the most scandalous thing I ever did. It was just straight-up wrong. I just invaded that stranger's privacy like some desperate nympho.

Did he see me!?

That question made me panic, but I assured myself that if he had indeed spotted me, he would have stopped and most likely given me a piece of his mind.

Still, I couldn't get over what I'd just done. Seeing the time on my digital clock on the nightstand, it was pretty late, so I crawled into bed, a little uncomfortable by my damp shorts. I wasn't in the mood for another shower, or to even change clothes. All I wanted was to sleep, trying to forget what had just been ensured.

Taking my pastel pink rose-pattern pillow in my arms, I gripped it closely, closed my eyes, and prayed that when I woke up, what had just happened was merely a wet dream.

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