His Newcoming

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"Piers can you PLEASE take this stupid Eevee for me?" I heard my trainer say. He handed me to this guy, Piers? "It can't evolve and it won't stop shaking all the time! I can't deal with it anymore!" I could see anger on this guys face as my trainer left. "We're done, never come back," he said. He was so calm but earned a middle finger from his friend, or should I say 'ex-friend.' Piers looked at me and held me up. "You're just special," he told me. He faintly smiled and put me on his shoulder. He picked up the smashed pokeball on the ground and left to try and repair it. "I'll name you y/n, fitting for a Pokémon such as yourself!"

"Zigzagoon," he said, releasing his Zigzagoon. He set me on the ground and watched me wobble over to Zigzagoon. The Zigzagoon smiled at me. "I'm Zigzagoon!" I fell over from wobbling and just laid there. "Y/n!" I said to him. We shared smiles.

"All fixed y/n!" Piers said as he retrieved me and released me. I wobbled up to him and he put me on his shoulder. I continued to wobble until I almost fell off his shoulder. He took me in his arms as examined me. I was partially shiny. "You really are special."


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He held me to his chest under my arms, facing me so I could see the world. "Let's go Zigzagoon," he said to Zigzagoon. He walked out of the alleyway that he made his home and towards a town. We made it and Piers was being called by a group of people. I got scared at the group we were headed to and their Pokémon so I jumped from Piers's arms and quickly wobbled to Zigzagoon, lowering my ears and crouching. Piers looked at me with a small frown. He picked me up and hugged me. "They're safe, I promise." I hid my face in his arms. "I've known them for a long time, they would never hurt you." I looked at Piers and he was smiling at me softly. I looked at them and slightly raised my ears. Piers continued to the group and I would hide when somethin sudden would happen like someone moving suddenly.

We made it to the group and I found a tiny bit of courage to poke my head up. I earned some "awws" and "woahs" from Piers's friends. "How long have you had your Eevee?" This one guy asked. "I got him today Milo," he said. "Arlo dropped him off and left. He said he's wobbly and can't evolve. I can see he's wobbly, but he can't evolve?" I looked up at Piers and moved my shaky paw up to him to get his attention. He smiled at me and put me on the ground. I wobbled over to Zigzagoon who was over with all the other Pokémon. "Y/n, this is Trapinch, Goomy, Chewtle, Wooloo, Salandit, Vulpix and Charmeleon!" Zigzagoon told me. They all looked happy to meet me. Maybe Piers was right, they aren't that bad. We all decided to head to the fields to battle.

I was held by Piers as he battled Trapinch with Zigzagoon. He and Trapinch were both in the air hitting one another as they both were shrouded in blue light. Both Pokémon evolved at the same time. When they landed, Linoone and Vibrava appeared. "Yeah way to go Linoone!" I called to my newly evolved friend.

The battle ends and the two Pokémon are exhausted. They are recalled to rest and everyone heads to the Pokémon Center to heal all the Pokémon. We bid our friends farewell as we head back home. When we got there, there was a girl who looked about 10 there, she also looked similar to Piers. "Hey Marnie," Piers said to the girl. She looked at us. "Where'd you get the Eev-" she stopped when she saw my peculiar fur colors. "Well he's an interesting one. Looks like Arlo's." Piers clutched me tighter. "He was Arlo's. He didn't want him cause he wobbles and he can't evolve." 'Marnie' looked at me. Now that I could see her clearer, I knew who she was. "Here y/n, go play with Linoone and Morpeko." Piers sat me on the ground and I wobbled to the Pokémon, almost falling a few times.

I listened in on Piers's conversation. "I can't believe Raihan really took that kid in," he said. (READ "SHINING DARKNESS BRIGHTENED BY THE SUN" TO UNDERSTAND!) "Guys," I said, they both started listening in with me.

We listened about the kid and his Zorua, until Piers stormed off. Linoone followed while I stumbled really far behind. I ended up losing them before I even got 10 feet from where I was from. Marnie came up behind me with Morpeko. "I know where he's headed, I'll take you there," she said, holding her arms out. I turned to her and she picked me up. She left the alleyway and began back towards the town.

When we got to the place, I realized it was a cemetery. We went inside to a cliff where Linoone and Piers sat. Marnie sat me on Piers's lap, then he looked back at Marnie. They hugged one another, Piers picking me up and us heading back home.

Piers went and laid on a makeshift bed, Marnie did the same across the small 'room.' "I'm calling it," Piers said. "Night," Marnie said. "Night." That was day 1 with Piers, finished.

Chapter 1 - End

Piers and his Special Eevee [ Obstagoon x Pokémon Reader]Where stories live. Discover now