Chapter 6:Alike hobbies are important in a relationship!

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Kumagawa looked at the manggled, full of holes bleeding corpse of his date. He wasn't at fault this time, however. The murderer was his biological sister.

Kumagawa:[Well now, this is a innovative way of cockblocking.]

Mana:Onii-chan, what were you doing with her?

Kumagawa:[Wasn't it obvious? I was on a date. It was quiet lovely, we even found a common hobby before you flied in all gung-ho.]

Mana:She's a dangerous spirit!

Kumagawa:[Yes, I've been in a undewear store with her. I know she's dangerously hot.]

Mana:I wasn't talking about that!

Kumagawa:[Still true.]

Mana:She won't stay dead. Nightmare is a special spirit who alwais come back to kill more people. It's like she is a killing machine. So I'll comtinue to kill her. Over and over and over and...

Kumagawa put his palm on his face and rolled his head back as he began to laugh. Mana made a shovked face at her brother who made not a laugh of insanity nor one of despair, but one you'd do when you heard a funny joke. He soon stopped and looked at her with his smile still on his face, but his eyes held nothing but dissapointment.

Kumagawa:[I do guess it's right to assume that intelligence has no relation to genes.]


Kyoji:What is he doing.

Kotori:Ah, ah, ah! Let the boy speak.

Kumagawa:[Killing machine? After so much experiences you think it's that simple? Haven't you realized? I've saw recordings and every version killed is slightly different. That goes to why exactly she's killing people. The fact that you and your hunting buddies haven't realized it yet is...hehehe, quiet pathethic. Is that the lie you decided to tell yourself to justify it? That it's your duty? You must've seen the signs that your employers aren't quiet such heroes. But that's your assured life, isn't it? You don't have any duty, Mana-chan. You just want to play house. That's...boring.]

Kumagawa walked off without saying another word. He didn't even acknowgled her presence as she stood there frozen.

Kumagawa:[Kotori, you just gained the lead in the little sister race.]


Reine:It's embarassing to say, but we're in confusion too. Why is that she kills people, Shi?

Kumagawa:[Ah, you can't guess either? Well, I like Reine-chan so I guess I don't mind explaining.]

Kotori:Misogi, I told you already. Flirt with the spirits, not my subordinates.

Kumagawa:[I did flirt with only two, though. Anyway, it's not that she wants to kill but rather she needs to.]


Kumagawa:[First, let's talk about her so called revival. I can tell it isn't that at all. She summoned those hands in those videos and a laugh was heard, right? Isn't that laugh suspiciously identical to hers? And let's not forget her most notable feature, aside from sexiness, the clock eye. What does a clock mean?]

Reine:...Time. You mean she summons versions of her from different points in time?

Kumagawa:[Exactly. Now why she kills people. I noticed a slight move of shadows going to Kurumi-chan when she killed that jerk. She took his life, and what is life if not the time remained until death. Going by this, we can assume her abilities actually drains her of time. She's drained of all her time...]

Reine:...She dies.

Kotori:Than she's our top priority. We need to seal her powers for other people as much as we need to do it for her.

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