Chapter 8:Let's go for a thresome!

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Kotori and Kumagawa stared at each other, the little sister trying to take in her brother's...rather disturbing past relationship. Now so many things may sense. At least he stopped spacing out from when they began to seal spirits.

Kumagawa:[So, you like Camael?]

Kotori:Why do you think I like bring a walking tourch?

Kumagawa:[Don't say that, you'll hurt Camael's feelings.]

Kotori:Angels don't really have a consciouness.

Kumagawa:[It'd be cool if they were like the ones in the bible.]

Kotori:You mean winged people?

Kumagawa:[No, the other ones.]

Kotori thought about other description of angels. She remembered they were also ilustrated as a amalgamation of twisted body parts with many...many eyes.

Kotori:...Alright, that'd be pretty cool.


Kotori:Anyway, we need to plan how to...

She has not been succesful in speaking as Kumagawa's mouth made a short collision with her's. She backed away in embarassment as her powers were sealed.

Kotori:Wha...What was that!? We haven't even gone to a date!

Kumagawa:[Eh? Why would we? Kotori already loves me.]

Kotori:H...How did you know?

Kumagawa:[It was plently obvious. Especially at that discussion with Mana-chan when you said a real sister can't marry the brother.]

Kumagawa giggled in his hand, further increasing Kotori's embarassment. She sometimes really hated how observant he can be.

Kotori:Erase that from your mind!

Kumagawa:[Nah, it's a pretty good blackmail material.]


Kumagawa:[Anyway, I should be going. We need to prepare fir tge school expedition and the girls are already back.]

Kotori:Hurry up. I hope the house is still in one piece.

Kumagawa left the room and walked around the corridors, having a high-five with Reine on the way. He waved his hand at a windiw, making Kurumi who was on top of a building and spying with her shadows wavve back.

As Kumagawa expected, the house was very much not alright . He decided to head to the bathroom first, seeing that was tge place from were the ice was coming from. He got Yoshinon out of the bathtub, making Yoshino to finnaly stop freezing the house.

He heard a boom from the living room and headed there. The minus was greeted by the sight of Tohka growling at a shattered TV.

Tohka:Misogi! The TV is evil! It tried to convince me you're cheating on me with the witch!


Tohka:It was called, uh...telenovels. But I know you'd ask me if I was alright with having her join us.

Kumagawa:[Don't watch those, please. It gives woman over their thirties all sorts of crazy ideas.]

They have finished the prepararations and went to the airport with the rest of the class. The class was notified of the fact that a photographer was coming with then.

Said photographer was a serious looking woman in a bussiness suit with blonde hair and purple eyes. Her name was Ellen Mirra Mathers.

 Her name was Ellen Mirra Mathers

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