Chapter 7:The little sister just became hot!

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Kumagawa and Kurumi threw annoyed glances at the floating Mana. Tohka was looking on a little dissapointed and Origami, who just arrived, was just confused.

Kurumi:You sure are determined and annoying. Like a crocoach.

Mana:Say whatever you like. Thos is tge day I finnaly kill you.

Kurumi:Haven't you said that before?

Mana paid her no mind and pointed her riffle at her. However, this was stopped by Kumagawa who moved between them.

Kumagawa:[Wait, I have something important to ask Kurumi-chan!]

Kurumi:Yes, dear?

Kumagawa:[Are you wearing the underwear we bought last time?]

Kurumi:Why, yes! Do you want to see?

Kurumi gripped her skirt with her hands and brough it up with a lewd smile. However, before Kumagawa was able to attain his objective Mana flew down with gritted teeth and cut off Kurumi's hand.

Kumagawa:[So close.]

Kurumi leaped back from Mana and took out her gun. A giant golden clock appeared behind her, her angel Zafkiel, and indicated a certain hour from which a crimson energy skew into the flintlock. Kurumi shot herself in the head making no damage, but her severed hand flew back and rearached itself.

Mana:Your healing ability is incredible.

Kumagawa:[That's not healing.]

Kurumi:Ara ara, my dear Misogi-kun is right. I'm not healing at all.

Kurumi began shooting with her flintlock and musket together. Mana flew backwards to avoid the bullets, bht when she landed a shadow manifested under her and clones of Kurumi get out of it, restraining Mana.

Kurumi:Hihihi, now there's no escape.

Fire flew from the air down on her clones incinerating them. While the fire seems to not have damaged Mana as much, it did knock her out. Looking up they saw Kotori in a astral dress armed with a hallebard.

Kumagawa:[Well, now this is a little bit of a surprise. Now I know where those flames came from.]

Kotori:You're alright, Onii-chan.

Kurumi:My, my, is this my sister-in-law?

Kotori:Like hell!

Kotori made a slash in the air with her angel, the hallebard which was called Camael, resulting in a wave of fire being send to Kurumi. The time spirit quickly used her angel qnd shot herself again, this time resulting in a increase on speed to avoid the torrent of fire.

Kumagawa:[Reine-chan, can you hear me?]

Reine:Loud and clear, Shi.

Kumagawa:[Listen, I get that Kotori is a spirit. That much is irefutable. But...doesn't she seems to act strange for you?]

Reine:Unfortunately, it seems her angel affects her personality to the point she's, obssesed to combat other spirits.

Kumagawa:[Oh, I see.]

Kumagawa looked on qt the battle between the new addition to his harem and his adopted little sister undisturbed, although the comabt thing did get him a little worried. He just hopes he won't need to deal with a second Medaka. He doesn't care if her sister likes battle, but to deal with someone with the same thirst for it like the Beast Woman would be tiring.

Behind him Tohka let out a "Ohhhh", a clear sign she was impressed. But Origami looked at Kotori with terror in her eyes.


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