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Jungkook arrived back home after a morning run.After having his second child he had been struggling with his weight.It has been eight months of snuggles,baby sounds and of course sleepless nights.

Taehee welcomed a little brother after her eight birthday and she was happy.What could be more beautiful than than sharing your birthday with your sibling.It was not like Jungkook had actually planned it.In fact he was reluctant about having another baby but fate had other plans.The omega had yet another  unplanned pregnancy and managed to shock his family as well as himself.

This time around he was more mature and didn't cry about it.He came to terms with his condition sooner than later.Everyone around him was overjoyed by the news especially Taehyung and Taehee.Their family was expanding.

However Jungkook had a tough pregnancy.He was always ill and that made him weak throughout the pregnancy.At some point Taehyung had asked Jungkook to consider terminating the pregnancy if he couldn't handle it.Jungkook couldn't believe it was his husband who was saying those things to him.Jungkook didn't want to feel guilty or regret anything so he went on ahead with the pregnancy against all odds.

There were also complications during the birth of the child which made the omega lose his womb.To be honest Jungkook wasn't broken hearted by losing his womb.He only wanted his baby to be okay.And today after eight months his son was strong and healthier.He had taken after his father as far as looks were concerned.Taehee always calls  her baby brother handsome and he reacts well to it.

When Jungkook got into the dining room he found Taehyung already dressed up for work and Taehee was also ready for school.Taehyung is the one who always drops her to school and Jungkook picks her up.

"Have I been gone for that long?"he asked out loud.When he left the house both his babies were asleep.

"Morning Momma"Taehee beamed as soon as he saw her mother.

"Morning princess"

"Daddy wants to take Joonie to work with him today"Taehee said while she was feeding her brother some solid food.

Taehyung had gotten replaced the moment Taehee set eyes on Taejoon.She was  so smitten by him that he had become her most favorite person replacing her father.Taejoon was Taehee's pride and joy.She was so possessive of him more than their parents.She wanted to protect him and do everything for him.She was eager to learn.That's why at her age she knew how to change his diapers.She was attentive and caring.At times Jungkook watched her as she paid attention and tried to figure out what her baby brother was blabbering about.The two siblings had identical smiles that made shivers run down Jungkook's spine.

"Really Tae.What do you want to do with him there.As far as I know your son isn't the nicest baby on earth"Jungkook said

"I don't have any meeting so I will watch him all day"Taehyung said

"You can take him.After all he is your son.But I will come and check up on him after my lessons"

"After picking up Junior you can come with her to the office so we can have some family time"Taehyung said

"Okay.Can't say no to that?"

"Momma daddy refused to tie my hair the way I like.He can't do it how yoii do "

"Come up to my room.I will help you when you are done eating.I will take a shower in the meanwhile"

Taehee was in Jungkook's room after just three minutes.The omega hadn't even gotten into the shower.

"Junior you sure are quick"

Taehee blinked at him and handed him her comb.Jungkook smiled and took the comb and on the other hand he took a silky long black hair.It was funny to think that just three years ago she used to have naturally curly hair.Back then she would never use a comb for her hair because nothing would change.

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