His Room

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"No. I don't think I can."

"Why?" You roll your eyes.

"Because he's the whole reason I'm immortal. The whole reason I'm not DEAD." He responded. He must be very dedicated to this Jashin person.

"Maybe you can't ignore him, but don't ignore me either." You pleaded.

"Ok." He said and then started murmuring a bunch of spiritual things nobody would ever be able to understand.

"What was that?" You ask rudely.

"I prayed for his forgiveness." He responded.

"What does that mean? Do we have to pretend we don't know each other anymore?"

"No. I also prayed we could still do... this... without him cursing either of us."



"Wow. Ok. Are we safe from whoever this Jashin is?" You asked, sounding extremely stupid. You sounded like an eight year old talking about evil spirits that don't even exist. But you had your proof that Jashin did exist because of Hidan's and immortality. But you still secretly had your doubts.

"Yes. We both are. He thanked me for letting him know."

"You can communicate?!?" You asked.

"Yeah." He said like I was the dumbest person on the planet.

"Wow. Ok, then. So what do we do now?" You asked innocently.

"Whatever you want." He said.

"You start it, and I'll go along with whatever you do." You smiled.

"If you say so..." he said. "Just... go get your pajamas on."

"I don't have any. I didn't know you'd abducted me."

"Ha, ha. Very funny." He said sarcastically and then thought for a second. He looked in his drawer and pulled out a baggy tee-shirt and some short shorts. Then you realize. They were his underwear, and your face turned a light pink, then white with nervousness.

"They're clean." He said, trying to persuade me into wearing them.

"They won't fit." You assumed.

"Well, that's the best thing I have, so take it or leave it!" He said sourly.

"I'll take it." You said. He handed you the clothing, and you grabbed them and went into the bathroom to change. You looked at yourself, and traced your lips with your fingertips. It was absolutely amazing to you that he had kissed you. It was your first kiss, and looking at yourself, you didn't think you deserved it. You didn't deserve him, but you were still lucky enough to get him.

Ok. That last paragraph was meant to relate to many teen girls insecurities and have nothing to do with the readers. Everyone reading this is amazing, beautiful, and you mean a lot to me, getting this far. You should never thing you don't deserve an experience like that because you do. I only wrote that to enhance the surprise of the reader. It didn't mean anything about you, just making a story here, and I hope you continue reading❤️

Anyways, you looked at yourself and quickly stripped your close off and put his on. It was weird for you to have his underwear on. The tee-shirt was fine, and felt normal, but it was awkward to have your... female anatomy... in a place where his... male anatomy... had been in.

You looked at yourself once more, and smiled. You saw yourself in his cloths and it was even more comforting than just his jacket.

You walked back to his room, and he was sitting on the bed. He saw you, raised his eyebrows up for barely a second, and smiled.


"It's nothing."

You walked over to him and sat down. He looked at you and you looked at him. His eyes looked like a purple ocean when he felt this way. Genuinely happy.

He picked you up and sat you on his lap. It was surprising that he could pick you up from that position while sitting down himself. It must take lots of abdominal strength. It made sense because you could see he had a six pack. While you were gone, he'd taken off his shirt.

You felt a little awkward sitting there because you had taken your bra off in the bathroom, so you attempted to subtly cradle your breasts in your arms.

"What the f*** are you doing?" He laughed.

"Nothing." You let your arms fall to your side and your breasts fell with them.

"There is no need to be self conscious around me."

"Sorry. Can't help it." You say.

"Are you always like this?" He asks.

"Like what?"

"A nervous wreck."

"Oh. Yeah."

"I actually really like your body. I don't see why you'd want to hide it." He said as he eyed your butt.

"Uh..." you said awkwardly. "Thanks."

You gasped when you felt him caress your inner thigh. A boy was touching you for the first time. You flinched and held your breath.

"Wow, [y/n]. You really are a nervous wreck!" Hidan laughed as he grabbed your thigh and slapped it. You held your breath again and your face turned white.

"I... am... not." You stuttered.

"Your just proving my point every time you talk."

"Shut up." You roll your eyes, breathing unstable breaths.

"Can you say that to me again?" He asked as he slid his hand under where you were sitting on him and gripped your ass.

"Stop." You gasped and then moaned. You didn't even know why. You were nervous about this. Not enjoying it. Actually, a little, but not enough for that. When he heard you he burst out laughing, and your face heated up and turned scarlet.

"Wow. Looks like someone is enjoying this..." he snickered.

"SHUT UP." You demanded.

"Ok. Looks like I can't f*** you if you get this way about something say less..."

"Your right. I won't let you." You said. Honestly, you wanted to smash him harder than the spider you found on your sandwich the other day, but you didn't want to do anything you'd regret when you were older.

"Fine..." he said and reposition you on his lap and tilted your chin up slightly and kissed you softly. You kissed back and you could feel him smile through the kiss. He then grabbed your hair and pulled you closer. He started going faster, and his lips parted, as did yours. His tongue slid through your lips carefully and brushed against your tongue. You did the same, and closed your eyes. You got lost in and kiss and totally forgot where you were. He leaned back and you came with him. You both laid on the bed and kept making out. You wrapped your leg around his and pulled away and started kissing your neck. You could feel the purple and blue bruises forming as he did so.

He gasped and then flinched away from you.

"I'm sorry." You say sadly.

"For what?" He asks.

"I have no idea. Whatever made you pull away from me I guess."

"So your sorry I was about to do something to you that would be against what you told me?"

"Depends. What were you going to you." You looked suspiciously at him.

"Uh... that's irrelevant." He said and you laughed. "What?"

"Nothing. Just tell me."

"Will you be mad at me?"



"JUST TELL ME YOU DUMBASS!" You demanded, slightly impatient.

"I wanted to... put it inside of you." He said and winced at his own words. He stood up and walked several feet from you.

"Don't go!"

"It's ok." I'll be right back."

HIDAN x READER (high school version)Where stories live. Discover now